Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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i I PAGE FORTY-FOUR 'FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM Thursday Evening January 11 1951 IP (Legal Notices Senator Will Fight Change In Parity-Price Laws ACTIVE BUYING PUTS'SOUTHWEST CROP OUTLOOK DIMMED 11 STOCKS HIGHER' Dr utTHILGT1941anan1d1 (ityl)c WASHINGTON Jan 11 (W) Drouth in Texas and the Southwest has dimmed crop 75 Men Leave For Induction Info Services i Vt an A Inpalt I SHRIMPERS ASK SUBSIDIES BROWNSVILLE Jan 11 (IP) Texas shrimpers hinted they would ask for subsidies like those "granted farmers" and demanded government protection against competition from foreign fisheries These were the highlights of the closing session Wednesday of the Texas Shrimp Association convention The shrimpers hit a proposed $1250000 Export-Import Bank loan to Mexico for the purchase of shrimp trawlers The group's president John Mehos of Galveston said "that loan would indirectly add to the flood of foreign strimp pouring into this countty" prospects the Agriculture Department says Other unfavora 1 factors listed in a report yesterday are prospects of less irrigation water from snow freeze damage to Southern grain crops loss of farm labor to the Army and prospective shortages of repair parts for machinery The department said topsoils are very dry Good stands of wheat are reported rooted poorly Some greenbugs were reported separate occasions during the first hour as buying demand mounted once by as much as two minutes The sudden forward surge was a carry-over from the final minutes of Wednesday's unusual session Selling tore through the market in the last hour and knocked prices down all around but demand appeared just before the close and wiped out a considerable portion of the losses Wall Street commentators said the demand stemmed from investment groups pension funds and others who wished to build their portfolios on the price dips at the expense of short term traders Higher Thursday were New York Central Southern Railway Chesapeake Ohio Sinclair Oil American Air Lines Gypsum Steel Bethlehem Steel Chrysler Goodyear International Harvester Hayes Manufacturing Pepsi-Cola Boeing Zenith Philip Morris Dow Chemical Mines Pacific Tin and International Telephone NEW YORK Jan 11 (iP) Strong buying demand entered the stock market Thursday and pushed prices higher Advances extended to around $1 a share or better and scattered losses among leaders were held to a few cents Steels motors and rails attracted the most attention of traders but radio-television and aircraft issues obtained a modest share of orders A feature of the market at one time was the higher swing of several tin mining stocks The ticker tape ran late on two BONDS NEW YORK Jan 11 corporate bond market settled down in a narrow price groove Thursday and scarcely budged from the levels of the previous session Gains and losses were small rarely ranging above $750 per $1000 bond In early stages of trading there were more issues clinging to Wednesday's last prices than the combined total of losers and gainers Long term LT Treasury A utal-A 11114U" bonds sliped 132 of a point all along the line in slow over the NEW YORK Jan 11 (IP) --Re-counter dealings tail storekeepers Thursday turned Demand was virtually non- to a study of their own buying existent since this was the day problems and the need for con- on which the reserve city banks servation of such items as the were required to post the first paper in which they wrap their 1 per cent of the 2 per cent boost customers' purchases in reserve requirements decreed Extensive campaigning was in recently by the Federal Reserve the cards to put across an appeal System The deadline for the coun- against waste and the conservatry banks to put up their first tion of wrapping and packaging 1 per cent is next Tuesday I materials Rails priced a little higher at I William Morphy corporate one time included Baltimore supply manager of Macy and Ohio 5s of '75International-Great Company New York brought the Northern adjustment 6s New subject up on the closing day of Haven 4s of 2007 and Pere Mar- the National Retail Dry Goods quette 3 Association's 40th annual conven- Corporates occasionallyleaning tion one time included Baltimore Ohio 5s of '75 International-Great Northern adjustment 6s New Haven 4s of 2007 and Pere Marquette 3 Corporates occasionally leaning non- LL a Luuy VI 1111J 1 LI ta-47 boost customers' purchases day problems and the need for con- Danks servation of such items as the first paper in which they wrap their creed Extensive campaigning was in serve the cards to put across an appeal coun- against waste and the conserva- first tion of wrapping and packagine ce I materials at I William Morphy corporate re supply manager of Macy and Great Company New York brought the New subject up on the closing day of Mar- the National Retail Dry Goods Association's 40th annual conven- a ning tion Li) 1111111 t-C-11-11i6 volL nox AIL tV111 modities below estimated fair prices The acting Senate agriculture chairman declared that existing law "does not prevent workable ceilings" The defense production act provides "and rightly so" El-lender said that ceilings may not be set on commodities at below parity or on processed foods at prices which would not allow a parity rate for the raw products There have been indications that the administration may ask that the law be changed so that it can clamp on ceilings at existing or previous prices Indicating his opposition to such a move Ellender said: "Parity prices are fair not high prices" TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PLASTIC FABRICATING FACTORY Fully completed best equipment gross $42000 1950 profit net ED-5491 COMPLETE CANDY FACTORY Complete operated 12 years salesmen brokers distributors averages $1000 month profit in fall year round $7000 Profit All $5000 some terms trade HOWARD FD-5491 POLY SANDWICH BERGER SHOP-- Something extra good man wife make $600 month clear above living Genuine bargain all $1700 HOWARD ED-5491 BEAUTY New equipment complete netting $475 month profit Lease rent $30 month price $4750 extra $50 month on sale of suPplies Located best largest in Denton confidential HOWARD ED-519I 34-ROOM HOTEL 3 furnished apartments first class beds NEW ORLEANS Jan 11 (INS) Senator Ellender Louisiana served notice Thurs day that he will fight any effort Mechanics Vital to Keep Autos Rolling MIAMI BEACH Fla Jan 11 The nation's automobile dealers believe it will take a vast stockpile of spare parts and a small army of skilled mechanics to keep America's cars rolling during the national emergency At the concluding session Wednesday of the National Automobile Dealers Association's annual convention the 11000 delegates adopted a resolution stating that "an adequate and constant supply of replacement parts and a sufficient number of skilled mechanics will be necessary for dealers to keep these motor vehicles in satisfactory operation" McKay of Wicnita Kan was elected president to succeed Fred Haller of Washington Cottonseed Products NEW YORK Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed 3 to 40 points lower Wednesday Sales 483 contracts High Low Close March 2536 2510 2510b May 2505 2478 2480 July 2481 2455 2460 Sept 2411 2405 24 07 Oct 2365 2340 23 lob Dec 2340 2340 2170b MEMPHIS meal future quotations: Wednesday Pr ey CI January 7950-8050 8100-8175 March 1900-7950 8000-8075 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts made by anyone other than myself as of this date Rudd 2700 Mission (Lost And found ISTRAYED from 3544 5th Ave small black co*cker about 3 months old Reward WI-7327 billfold Sunday night between Somewhere Cafe and Oakhurst VA-3863 LOST at the Casino Welnesday night Dec 27 aquamarine ring S50 reward offered Phone PE-1654 LOST at Leonard's black wallet contilirliriZ $154 and identification papers Call ED-1187 for reward STRAYED from 8 miles south of Mansfield one is-hite faced bull calf weight about 250 pounds tee in left ear No 356 Reward Curry Call collect 241 Mansfield LOST 5-skin Kolinsky fur scarf in Hollywood Theater Thursday night- Reward LO-3612 glasses plastic rims 4111 Main or 7th St used car lot Reward VA-8809 LOST-3 trand pearls either vicinitY of El Campo bus stop Clover Lane and Birchtran on hus or from downtown bus stop to fith and Throckmorton Reward Call PE-75IS English setters white with black tick females Call WE-2809 after 7 In STRAYED from 3725 Ave I male Chihuahua child's pet LA-5478 gold tie clasp with Initials in diamonds Liberal reward WA-0397 (Transportation CARS FURNISHED FREE DIRECT TO SAN --RANCISCO CAL FAULK MOTORS 113 HENDERSON FA -14gt TRAVEL FREE DRIVE LATE MODEL CARS TO CALIFORNIA 1010 TEXAS AND 9241 HENDERsON Free Transportation To Calfornia Automobile furnished to responsible party LLOYD WEAVER CO 1217 HENDERSON FA-4112 person to drive late model cars to Los Angeles California Pmninvment PA-2566 REM OAR Corbin Rent-a-Car fRENMA OAR rL! Seventy-five registrants from Boards 112 and 113 boarded two chartered buses at the Passenger Building at 8 a Thursday for induction into the Army at Love Field Forty-six more are scheduled to leave at the same time Friday for induction from Board 114 Each inductee was furnished a package of cigarets arid a "Texan's Map of the by members of the Fort Worth American War Dads Chapter Meanwhile arrangements were completed with Texas Wesleyan College for the services of six volunteers from the school's business students to assist with the registration of Tarrant County's medical men in Room 209 of the Medical Arts Building Monday Mrs Clara Morehead principal draft board clerk will supervise the operation beginning at 8 a and closing at 4:30 COTTON NEW YORK Jan 11 (Sp1)--- Cotton futures opened 53c to $1 a bale higher here Thursday March 4393c to 4394c May 4355c to 4359c July 4305c to to the downside included American Telephone 3s of '59 Florida East Coast 5s Phillips Petroleum convertible Vis and Texas Corporation 3s There was little activity in foreign dollar bonds and price changes were mixed Uruguay convertible 4 516s lost $10 at $910 at one time on transfer of two bonds Southern Natural Gas NEW YORK Jan 11 (Th--Directors of southern Natural Gas Company approved an offering of 155546 common shares of stock for pro rata subscription by stockholders of record Jan 30 One new share will be offered for each 10 held Proceeds from sale of the stock and a new $17500000 bond issue will be used to finance construction and repay existing bank loans 1 IT'S EASY to invest through )ugh Bache Z4? "04 I Because we've helped people with their investments for more than 70 years This experience has taught us the way to make it easy for you Ask for booklet AT-1 BACHE Founded 1879 At wavers New ork Stock Curb Exchanges wher Leawng Stock Conumwobsy Exchanges Fair Bldg Ft Worth 2 Tel: EDison-3491 Rugen Manager s- 61dY I I i tt 1: tk' 1-vi''' solk i 14t Iv 0 11E14T i 11 re --'114111 C' 'ST smq 644 otg imer- FJor- Pe- and in price guay 0 at of ors of moved res of stock- new held ind a sad to isting '1 I il 1 I I rnetds 'his the Oti )o 4es a i' le 'elel GRAIN CHICAGO Jan 11 (Sp1) Soybeans and lard opened strong and then quickly retreated on the Board of Trade Thursday Minor price changes were registered by major grains with corn easing Wheat started 18c higher to lower March $246 corn was lower to 14c higher March $178 and oats were '4c to 31c higher March 98c Soybeans were 11ic to 23a higher January $31312 Early buying in beans followed news the government contemplated no immediate price-wage freeze Beans have been selling only slightly under the level at which traders estimated ceilings could be Cattle Calves Steady Lambs Mostly $1 Up Cattle and calves sold generally steady at Fort Worth Thursday Good and choice slaughter steers yearlings and heifers cashed at $31 to $3350 with commercial grades at $26 to $30 Beef cows turned at $22 to $25 with odd head to $2550 Canners and cutters cleared at $16 to $22 Bulls ranged from $21 to $2750 with one individual at $28 Good slaughter calves sold at $30 to $32 Retailers Worry Over Twine and Paper Shortages He said he believed customer acceptance of re-used packing materials is satisfactory and suggested re-use for difficult-to-obtain or costly' items Concerning cost he referred to the cotton twine that clerks used to secure the housewife's packages It is now selling at its highest price since the Civil War he said and has advanced approximately 60 per cent above a year ago Carbon Black Plant Size to Be Doubled NEW YORK Jan 11 Huber Corporation reported it is doubling the size and capacity of the new furnace carbon black plant it has under construction near Baytown Texas on the Gulf of Mexico Huber president said the revised construction estimates call for an annual production capacity of 72000000 pounds The first unit will be ready for production May 1 and the second Nov 1 Insist On Wu NICHOLS EGGS IN CARTONS 719 North Main FO-rtune-4846 1 i Now its my turn to I'm proud! But 8 IM going to be mei- so certain that when I I 1 I return home my semice pay will go a king way 1 I in helping me -pick up where I left off- I L-- alimdlibaam01 I I 1 Funds insured sale by a Federal agency I 1 a Current annual dividend 2 I I 3 1 I I I a freo- I II InI i i 11C11 Wil lit 1 ft a EIGHTH EDison-1224 as sok dn OS an sta He said he believed customer acceptance of re-used packing ma terials is satisfactory and suggest- ed re-use for difficult-to-obtain or costly' items Concerning cost he referred to the cotton twine that clerks used to secure the housewife's pack- ages It is now selling at its highest price since the Civil War he said and has advanced approximately GO per cent above a year ago Carbon Black Plant Se ize to Be Doubled NEW YORK Jan 11 (JP)-J Huber Corporation reported it is doubling the size and capacity of the new furnace carbon black plant it has under construction near Baytown Texas on the Gulf of Mexico Huber presi- dent said the revised construe- tion estimates call for an annual pounds The first unit will be production capacity of 72000000 ready for production May 1 and the second Nov 1 Insist On lia 1111CHOLS I IN CARTONS 719 North Main FO-rtune-4846 est I I 1 I --4 1 a Now it my turn to go-and I'm proud! But I 1 I 1M going to be ever so certain that when I I 1 I return home my service nay will go a long way 1 li in helping me -pick uo where I left off- I a r--- --1 I 1 Funds insured sale by a Federal agency a Current annual dividend 21 3 1 1 I a tr' 1 I 1 ESoltlial EIGHTH EDisen-1224 11 4di gi111u aiioeig I imte heacroed ULU tie Istot-vi 4310e Oct 4017c to 4019c with-choice grades at $32 to $33 71555550-11Vt0 7777:0000 ffIlaatt 21f-ifre ti elnesasecotvheerns 830 MONROE PH FA-2808 changed to lower March 14-010111 INCITE-d--di Wheat near the end of the first Dec 3984c March 3965c July May and one truck lot of 560-pound October 6685-6725 6750-6825 months fans plenty pelexnectyuteofnel ai hour was unchanged to ''4c high- 3946e calves at $3350 Common and Total expenses 445 mo rent 14 PlaniteuR wars108e December 6550-6700 6750 flat Ever room rented income $900 to $1000 I $125 a l'fSINIFOI8-- er March $247 corn was un- 8 Cotton futures were firm in medium calves turned at $24 to nothine promised believe will be raised early dealings Covering orders $30 and culls brought $90 to $23 Chase Sanborn Plant some room rent also raised This is a To Place Classifieds FA-4131 $177 th il and oats were unchanged came into market following A cl er moneymaker dean no girls FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE ED-549f to 14e higher March 981i3v Soy- few medium an goo stock CHICAGO Jan 11 o'INSo -Standard confirmation by the economic steer yearlings went out at $27 to Brands Inc has announced' the start FAMOUS MEXICAN CANDY FACTORY emS ''7) beans were to lc higher Jan- of construction on a two-story addi- 301 ored local customers profits $150 week stabilizatio agency of reports S31 and stocker a a me ium an goo oc non to the five-story Chas Sanborn co girl makes cm I deliver now NIADAME DeLOIS psychic couraseL'or uary $312 an 1'2 and lard was 18e to that it does not 1 1 el any present calves sold at $27 to $33 coffee roasting plant in Chicago The sick sell all for 500 established 12 Daily Sundays MA 0124 for app 23c a hundred pounds hicter firm said the expansion program will Years ED-5491 PERSONAL development personal and 3a general freeze of prices Mill buy- Butcher hogs sold 25c higher cost an estimated $700000 POLY-Nice 2-room garace apt Ern marital relations solved bY scientific osier January $1930 ing also helped the advance and sows were 25e lower and pigs nloyed couple LA-3145 F0-7851 choanaysie Phone ED-0951 Trade rumors that the Army some demand was believed to be were unchanged Good and choice WANTED-Experienced waitress HmLA-9202 CARD and crystal ball readines Apart- ment 1 upstairs 1116 ephill cashed shortly would be in the market against export sales Hedge sell- 190 to 290-pound butchers GRAIN ON FARMS (Lodge Notices 1) MASSAGES Physiotherany and Reduc- ing Grey 412 Terrell ED-9817 for more cash lard stimulated ing and profit taking were readily at $2050 and $2075 Good and that commodity Easiness in corn absorbed choice 160 to 185-pound hogs izt 1951 4TH DAN contest diagram 50- MONSIGNOR Robert No- work sheets 200 diagrams A was based on reports of larger Midmorning prices were 10e to sold at $19 to $2025 Sows WASM NGTON Jan 11 (')-The Agri- lan Council No 759 Knights Bf OE 1319 Fent Worth Texas 411 of Columbus meets every 2- bale higher er than the pre- brought $1750 to $18 with a few corn on farms on Jan 1 were the Home 904 Collier a a a ig culture Department reports that stocks Thursday 8 in at assa a SPIRELLA corsets girdles and cash corn offerings by the coun- $1 Mary Huddle W1-7118 try and some disappointment over third largest on record for that date MADAME EICKERA-Readings SI Hours VIOUS close: March 4396e May to $1850 Feeder pigs went out disappearance of the yellow grain Nevertheless they were considerably DAVIS LAMBRIGHT Grand Knight 9 to 8 1109 Weatherford E0-1988 in the Oct 1-Dec 30 4358c and July 4315c at $16 to $18 smaller than those of the same date 3 FESPERMAN Financial Secv PSYCHIC Readings guar er of the past two years both from the REGULAR meeting of Whether the news that there PE-7781 About three hours before the Shorn slaughter lambs were $1 standpoint of total supplies and the Friday 1-30 "able for animals to be fed '33 I It ors "a PEP-SONS WISHING maternity care terit close active months were 13 higher Wooled fat lambs were amount available ai of wheat were smeller -ors stesome would be no immediate price pcI op MRS FRANK KINNEY or telephone Street ti-res 1 115eeP't i a trntr 1 'Zv points down to 17 up from Wed- scarce Medium and good shorn than average but slightly larger than Pi ta freeze was bullish or bearish on a year ago Soybean stocks were MRS DAVID VEIHL Rec Texas Teienhone Wilson-9258 major grains was open to ques- prices nesday's final ces ith March slaughter lambs with No 1 pelts larger than on any other Jan 1 be- PA TEN1 LAW YER-Ceon 1 s'icood Flat- cause Of the record crop-and despite iron Bice Fort Worth F0-2222 tion traders said There has been at 4389 an May at 4351e turned tu at $29 to $30 Odd me- far larger movement from farms than STATED meeting of Morn- -v tea st some buying th theory that on eory a dium to good wooled slaughter in any other October-December market- ing quarter 4avs ingside Chapter No 756 OEs READING dais a Manuidab 44 Thursday 8 rn Official Armstrong 111- 2nd St FA-8367 lambs turned at $32 Wooled The Jan 1 stocks of corn were re- a' es visit of Thelma Lee Huffman Deputy Grand Matron Via- (Jeaching-training 10) once ceilings were announced 60548000 bushels compared th Id ey wou ac as magnets in at- with 2405778000 bushels a year ago illy Goal Eats feeder lambs went out at $33 ported at 21 itors welcome DORI'S PRICE FLORY TELEGRAPH SCHOOL tr acting mg prices to the maximum Estimated receipts here Thurs- and 2001078000 bushels for the 10-year PEARL LOWRY I Jan 1 average Secy and night classes VA-5 Day 0S4 levels Ts day pared with actual arriv- Wheat stocks totaled 335670000 bushels HEMPHILL HGTS DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES compared with 3'26942000 bushels a year i I als on the like day of last week ago and 367973000 for the 10-year LODGE 1164 GI Approved Employment Service About two hours before the nis Way Out of compared were: Cattle 1000 and 1080- average Commercial Art Salesmanship close wheat was 1c to 5'8c below Oat stocks were 907660000 bushels NY Conferring NI Degree 6 Ativertisong-Accounsing calves 400 and 736 hogs 1100 compared with R24510000 a year ago Wednesdays final prices with and 799113000 for the 10-eear average GEO PUCKETT Secretarial Science 'House and Home and 1129 and sheep 500 and 938 Barley stocks totaled 139338000 bushels compared with 1064g4000 a year aeo WALLACE McKENZIE Secs' Southern College of Commerce March at Corn was 1" CALLED convocation of Tar- 1(Mne Hreleam Piscine ED-emi4 to down March $176 Oats and 153096001 far the 10-year average Rye stocks were reoorted at 7279000 c' 41 rant Chapter No 416 Thurs- were 5 it to lower March "Trouble" a 3- ear-old bill Livestock Receipts bushels compared with 4801000 a year 45--iNA day 7 no Work in Chap- ter degrees Royal Arch Ma- ERANTLEY-DRAUGHON 97 welcome 4c goat is in trouble ago and 14765000 for the 10-year eanas sons He's lost his home at 904 SALABLE RECETPTS ON 12 MARKETS average itase A KEENER COLLEGE CattleCalvesHogsShecP stocks id to total nI REEDY Secy Soybean oc were said Bailey because he ate so much Fort Worth 1000 400 1100 500 97671000 bushels compared with 60- SPECIAL meeting Polytechnic Offers Chinese Red Executed that there is no more Kansas City 800 100 2000 1500 853000 a year and for Chapter No 404 Thursday 7 ls a Chicago 4000 400 16000 5000 the 10-year averaee CURTIVIED COURS'Es THAT WILL an ----t--N Stocks of hay totaled 71688000 tons al 14 tn Work in and tal'ArlEY YOU FOR THE BETTER PO- TAIPEI Formosa Jan 11 (iP) Mrs James A Jones Jr who 'Labia 123 1(0)(0) usg compered with 60134000 a year ago lee ae A Decrees Members urged SITIONS IN PRIVATE BUSIN-ESS Stkyds aesan to attend Visitors welcome CIVIL SERVIC'E AND WAR INDUSTRY handed him over to the city Sioux City 2500 50 13000 500 he 10-year average and 69533 000 for aa-aa I A HAYS Shen Chen-nan former general So St Joseph 500 100 4000 1500 -71 EDD TEIZRILL Secy pound Thursday said he had So St Paul 4000 2500 15000 1000 (Deaths And 'funerals 00 ATTENTION BENEFIT I UND MEMBERS An Endowed Institution Denver 1000 300 1200 3 000 manager of the Taiwan (Formosa) gobbled up two lots of grass and Indianapolis 1000 300 8000 1000 0-aon Annual meeting Moslah Ben- Reasonable Rates LANGEVER 85 2564 co*ckrell a eta Fund Arabian Room I Sugar Corporation and China had polished off vegetation all Cincinnati 500 100 2300 100 leading sugar expert was exe- la Oklahoma City 1100 300 850 230 Passed away Mondays Survivors wife Masonic Temple Thursday 6 1 along his side of the Trinity River son Jr Fort Worth: two sisters in Election of commission- CATALOG AND LITERATURE levee Totals Thurs 21000 5950 84950 18750 ii cuted Thursday on charges of I contact with Chinese Communist agents "We had to start buying him hay" Mrs Jones said "Maybe Totals wk ago 27270 5780 95979 17356 OTHER MARKETS Cat tleCalvesHoesSheen Mrs Imogene Cox Mrs LJeapes- other import erock ers reports of auditors and Fort Worth Rosary 7:30 m- 'A ant business day Robertson-Mueller-Harper Services WARD COLLIER SecY- Downtown Fort Worth 10 a Thursday St Marys Catholic Church Active pallbearers: Stroud John Stein Sully Montgomery Buster Hall SPECIAL meeting of River- AVAILABLE le MIIIN ED-1308 side Lodge No 1194 Thursday ED-I307 411 Wichita 1000 50 900 300 Work Johnny Bennett Bullington Cy 6 welcome ork in Maer someone else needs some i I grass removed" The housewife added San Antonio 600 400 300 x700 Carlson Honorary pallbearers: McKnott )(Including 400 goats se Dr Frank Halpin Dr John Kramer Dr Degree Visitors cordially SLAtill oy Neuson is tops GI ars- 13 yEsTERDAyis that the white-grey goat not only Ea Rumloh Ernest May Harper I PRAT Walter Scott Harry Moreland Amon ai cataproved Can earn room board Free og Neilson Beauty College Dallas 8 0 IN ILSON Seca eats like a horse but can act Chicago Livestock Carter Marvin Leonard Interment SPECIAL meeting of Greenwocd Arrangements Robertson- Peavy Lodge No 1162 Thurs- Learn a Trade in Six Months Approved cal la-airline School like one: He packed Mrs Jones' day 7 in Work in En- Schools In Dailas Houston Fort Worth Mueller-Harper MARKETS rides 2-year-old son around on frequent CHICAGO Jan 11 (INS'-Hogs-Sal- able 16000 active 25c higher: early top en 76 resident of FOR CON 03 Visitors welcome TEXAS BARBER COLLEGE tered Apprentice $2125 bulk $20'021 heavy S195002075 Smithville Texas passed away 3:40 A A RAINBOLT Veat herford E-0-3247 113 VS medium $207osi 212o light $20 75 5 edesay a local 21 2 Wnd i ll hospital Sur- I GREER Secy EARN HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOM A light lights $2025e 21 packing sows vivors: wife Mrs Horton Smith- ATTENTION NOBLES Through nome study Credits given for I $16e 18 Pigs $11er 1650 vine faxes daughter Mrs EvAnS Annual meeting Moslah Temple A A I work completed Boors furnished LOW I WEDNESDAY HIGHLIGHTS Sears Roebuck Wins sa brother 4000 steady: calves Jr Fort Worth sisters Mrs Edna Wat- Egyptian Room Masonic Tem- monthly payments For information salable 400 steady: good and choice son San Bernardino Cal il Mrs Eme ceae pie Thursday thRrn Malta write AmericanShool Dool 'i 1 54 1 i LIAreErSLIVESTOCK-Cattle laamngs caaoltenscesteady steers $35e40 common and medium Brady Los Angeles Cal: ports of officers a corn- a Fort Worth 10 Texas most prices sharply lower $271:35 yearlings $284140 heifers S2(let Horton Fort Worth Arrangements pend- mittees election and instal- wI-7544 GRAINS-Light selling flurry pushes 38 cows $17n 2450 bulls e20e 29 calves ing with Gause-Ware lation of officers and repre- JaN 15th DEADLINE COTTON-Futures unchanged to 80c Tobe Retail Award $290 35 feeder steers $25s)32 stocker a sentatives Visiting Nobles DATE FOR ENROLLMENT 1 higher Dallas spot middling at 4380c steers $221330 stocker cows and heifers $18429 02 I cordially invited Admission FOR COURSE in Beauty Culture toy-pe- BONDS-Closing prices show only nar- NEW YORK Jan 11 (4))-- Sheep-Salable 5000 'l FLOWERS steady: medium rsor i sts by 1951 card and fez SLARVIN MARRY Potentate tigate Isbell's Unversity Call or wriTe for information If FOU need nem ask row losses for day STOCKS-Wave of selling bits market Sears Roebuck and Company common S2844 32 and choice lambs $32034 25 cu ewes Florist 1013 8th Ave ED-3568 and FWERS FROM las (Bill) WRIGHT lambs $'22er 28 WARD COLLIER Recorder I alout our special finance plan Isbell' and averages sag more than point Nyanca Court No 34 Thurs- UniN ersity 509 '2nd FA-0160 which now does an annual mall $12tt18 Lots 03 LADIES ORIENTAL Shrine Cemetery 241tN day 7:30 Masonic STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT order business of $2500000000 C-------------) To Place Classifieds FA-4131 Sales Cl NCh Central 66900 22 Wednesday night received the Temple South Side Corn- 5a aa Penney Saes 6-GRAVE space lot 99 section 4 Rose volt Int Tel Tel 60400 141's Hill Cemetery PE-P187 is) mandery Room All mem- hers urged to be present ewe' Benguet Mng 39 WO Ila eighth annual Tobe Award best MRS CHESHIER (Potential Emplovment 11) CHICAGO Jan 11 eINS1-The Chi St Pao 33800 23l-2 1'4 known award in the retailing funeral Directors OLA) Bait Ohio 32900 213 12 Penney Company department store MRS WHTTE Rec OPENING for young lady to work in Radio Corp 31200 167a field chain reports its 1950 sales were 79 Greyhound STATED meeting ot Hand- maiing room in exchange for large Gen Motms 30600 12 Per cent higher than sales for the previa 30200 4814 3it The award was presented to Otis year Total sales were 5949729400 11-1h Pkittratr1 TRIBUTE RAY CROWDER FUNERAL HOME ley Lodge No 1140 Thurs- Ai' day 7:30 re no Members Part- of business cOttre Phone E-D-5770 1 Penn RR 26200 24 December sales alone totaled $147036674 700 5th Ave ED-1213 urged to attend Visitors LEISURE TIME PAYS OFF! Gen Robert Wood chairman representing a 109 per cent rise over OWENS BRUMLEY FUNERAL HOME 31r 4 welcome Am Cable Rad 2 Pepsi-Cola 1800 6'2 tii of the board of Sears Roebuck 1949 Everyone Can Afford Our Service 2 10 0 978 425 Henderson FA-1348 at ssii HOFFMAN St Attend i OTIS THOMAS Secy -ening College BRANTLEY-DRACGHON 1 Caned Pan 21000 2212 I at a dinner at the St Regis Hotel mmsomiet Hayes Mfg 20700 7 a Sunray Oil 20700 1738 2 attended by 300 business leaders 2 04 The Tobe Award given for PUBLIC RECORDS I Call the Firms or u4 0 to Place a Low Cost DAILY STOCK SALES RECORD distinguished contributions to Individuals Listed Below IBUSINESSVIKEC'r Nil Ad in This Directory Steel 25000 44 -1 (Compiled by the Associated Press) Previous day 3780000 in 1943 by Tobe and associates Flder di- Wednesday's total sales 3 270000 American retailing was set up Suits Fried in District Court for Specialized Services saasiir VIEWIMW Cali FA-4131 Week ago 3366552 Preston Felder vs Leverne i Year ago 2631150 merchandise consulting firm start- vorce mimosselewelwa Two years ago 709840 Rattan vs Pearle Rattan di- Jan 1 to Wednesday 24180847 ed by Mrs Tobe Coller Davis a vorce General House Repair 8A Paint Grace Styles vs A Styles divorce ing Paperhanging 8C Dirt-Gravel-Sand-Cement SF 1950 to date 16347960 one-time stylist for a Fifth Ave 1949 to date 7525452 Elmer Price Jr vs Thelma Price ol- CARPENTER WORK kitchen cabinets TAPE BED textone painting papering TRACTOR WORK loading leveling tiler store vorce Mildred Eller vs Sam Eller divorce FHA terms Free estimates WA-8875 Reasonable Free estimates E0-0221 holes dirt sand gravel Reed FA-0570 20 10 10 10 10 tierce siding and general repairs 10-year writ- rating 20 years experience NO-3653 A BOND AVERAGES Hughes vs Dollie Hughes di- FOUNDATIONS house leveling roofing TAPE AND BEDSi any type texture deco- TOP SOIL sandy loam bed dirt 4 I yds $4: sand gravel leveling MA-9335 RailsIndustUtilFgnLY Fannie RaYe Mills vs Narmel Mills ten guarantee Phone LO-8423 e'Olt RELIABLE painting ana papernang- SANDY LOAM fill black dirt all kinds Net change -1 -2 1 Walgreen Sales Up divorce GENERAL carpenter and repair work the call St Hall EA-3305 gravel $350 up Sti-4040 Wednesday 988 1016 1036 712 1106 Gaynell Nelson Vs Nelson di- No lob too small WA-5149 -PAPERHANGING and painting Bob PIER HOLE drilling and reaming tele- Previous day -989 1016 1036 714 1105 CHICAGO Jan 11 IINS)-December vorce Week ago 988 1019 1035 106 1104 sales of the Walgreen Company rose 33 Patricia Lynch Vs Joseph Lynch WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Evans Phone NO-1817 Phone and telegraph holes Rock drill- ing Month ago 978 1015 1032 715 1102 Per cent above levels of a year ago for divorce PAPERHANGING and canvasing a specialty VA-9449 NO-3350 Johnnie Bishop vs Teddy Bishop NO-6239 or MA-9508 DICK YARD LOAM-4 four-yard load Sand Jr Year ago 961 1026 1054 713 1110 a total of S18569773 Sales for the 12 Rooms garage foundation concrete gravel fertilizer Fe-8476 or PE-2781 1950-51 high -989 1028 1054 754 1131 months ended Dec 31 were 8164500933 divorce Geen Dobbs vs Dobbs divorce WOni asbestos siding roofing plumbing CALL LESTER'S painting and decorating 1950-51 low 925 1013 1031 689 1097 Patricia Krohn vs Paul Krohn Any type repair work Small monthly service for first-class work and free BULLDOZERS AND SCRAPERS 1949 high 943 1029 1053 707 1126 payments Brown At Swaim General estimates PE-9576 Lots leveled tanks general excavations divorce Freeman VA-1653 1949 low 884 1016 1008 629 1088 vorce FOR LEAKING Silmon vs McKinley Silmon di- Contractors WA-0320 PAINTING textoning and general repair 4 PINCH COSTS KING ROOFS and termiting work Free estimates LA-0123 LO-8470 0 I lot leveling grading pier Key vs Johnny Louise Key di- ll me Rees prices MA-069 holes PE-3411 A STOCK AVERAGES ca 7 SU-5750 PAPER HANGING a5 years experiance 30 15 15 60 Indus vorce WI-2384 BULLDOZER work by the hour or con- tRailsratieStks CARPENTER concrete roof repair No Estelle Jefferies vs Tom Jefferiesn di- a tract Cal! LO-7036 FA-0662 Net change Wednesday -16 -9 -4 -12 1203 626 467 895 VOrCe job too small Days MA-0697 sU-5i50 PAPERHANGING and painting Small DRUGGIST $25 Hubert Earl Brown vs Edith Marie CEMENT WORK-All types also house Job specialty F0-1279 GOOD BLACK top soil Free for hauling- Approgirnatele 600 ds 512 Main Week ao 1199 627 466 894 Mary Garcia Pena vs Gonzalo Pena Previous day 1219 635 471 907 Brown divorce leveling Bonded Free estimates VA-3016 IsAINTING ahansial carpenter re BUILDING repair garages porches pair work guar Bailey MA-2483 Month ago 1143 592 446 850 DETROIT Jan 11 (IP) divorce Septic Tank Service Worth rooms Remodeling in general Small CALL US for reliable painters and pa- Year ago 1025 424 438 734 I I Bradshaw Jr vs Fort Wor Four-year-old Donald Bathy down payment up to 30 mos to Pay perhaneers P0-043b or F0-0437 1950-51 high 1219 635 477 907 Linen Service Company damages 1950-51 low 976 396 4'22 705 toddled over to a punchboard William Hamm Jr at at vs Her er is Fuller NO-3676 CONCRETE PIPE drain pipe gentle VE RENT floor sanders spray gun tar its grease traps and build b' ks 1949 high 1016 402 436 122 a Miss Lee Gameson et al vs Schmitz debt HOUSE LEVELING asbestos siding and hand sanders wallpaper steamers paste a 'Pe 1949 low 814 296 382 580 in a drug store and popped remodeling VA-8320 or VA-8693 tables extension boards extension lad- Throckmorten Phone EA-e055 Bali Joint Concrete Pipe 23 i Co 7 Hargrove at ux damages dro cloths cement mixers Free- CARPENTER building and repair roof- Gladys Bailey et at vs Nathan Ruben- Paint Co 504 Riverside Dr FA-2354 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED REPAIRED ing and siding my specialty Call MA- DOW-JONES AVERAGES out four punches 30 20 15 That'll be $4" the druggist stein eancelation Of note 1882 FOR EXPERT painting paperhanging Roue Hamer Sewer Service F0-2134 i Allen Green vs Herman McKinley Ind Rails Utils IA 1- BRICK and cement repair caulking and call Holley WI-0130 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED LOMA the boy's mother Mrs doing ousiness as Lake Worth Taxicab textone work ca I Wednesdives high 24461 8016 4212 waterproofing MA-9389 company damages WALLPAPER-Hundreds of beautiful new Quick thorough reas rate free inseee- Wednesdays low -23912 7804 4155 Betty Bathy 25 She called patterns to choose from From 4c to William Brim Thomason vs Clara LET- US convert your open porch or Con Licensed Bullard VA-1051 Wednesday's close -24040 7850 4163 Varnish Corn- roll Cook Paint June Thomason child custody breezeway into an attractive all-weather $127a as Previous close 24350 7975 4204 police Year ago 20160 5580 4148 Charles Rohmer vs American Mo- room Free estimates Easy terms Phone Ft-3305 CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS The druggist Allan Durie torists Insurance Company compensa- PARR CONSTRECTION Co PAINT papering textone tape beds lion Phone days LA-4434 nights F0-3028 Free estimates In or out of town Sewer pipe drain tile well curbing WHAT STOCKS DID 35 was fined $25 Wednesday Roberson vs Fort Worth Transit Warren Donaldson HOUSE LEVELING all types founda- Guaranteed A Bennett 610 RIT9 Tn Phone PA-5643 Wed Tues Company damages Advances 171 686 ior operating a lottery George Miller and Ed Miller foundation repairs asbestos siding PAPERHANGING painting Guaranteed fintP WiMiWWWWIEMin Declines 902 280 doing business as Royal Crown Bottling rooting FHA loans carter EA-6688 Free estimates Brown MA-8345 MA-7325 Bookkeeping Tax Service 31-1 Unchanged 180 237 Company vs Verne Watson and Paul GARAGES BUILT ANY SIZE PAPERHANGING painting textoning Total issues 1 253 1203 Watson doing business as Fort Worth guaranteed Davis LA-5077 New 1950-51 highs 63 192 House Moving Company damages EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS INCOME tax short $2 long $4 eyenings New 1950-51 lows 4 3 lcTitus FRUITS Harry Gantt vs Benton Hall doing REYNOLDS CONST (O VA-Slat Flo 8-' or Covering Finishing Sundays 1612 Lee NO-4667 hisiness as Benton Hall Used Cars and INCOME TAX-Quick service reason- TREND OF STAPLE PRICES Bennie Hall damages CONTINENTAL ROOFING CO able Bus LO-5471 home LO-5145 NEW YORK Jan 10-The Associated Willard Streetman jr et ux vs FLOOR FINISHING floor covering 35 Press weighted wholesale price index of Starke et ux debt and foreclosure Roofing 10 Year Guarantee Kemplire MA 3211 INCOME TAX SERVICE commodities Wednesday advanced to 20890 WASHINGTON Jan 11 lea)-The Agri- Marriage Licenses Roofing Repairine-Residential Additional Rooms and Carpenter Work Dirt-Gravel-Sand-Cement SF For Businesses and Individuals Federal Income and Tax Service Previous dire 20882 week ago 20746 culture Department forecast this season's James Elmer Wright 1015 Fogg and asbestos Siding Foundations FA-6331 WI-6467 909 Burk Burnett Bldg Low High tomers Best of materials and work- month ago 20022 year ago 15997 Production of major citrus fruits at Mary Alyne Cash 1015 Fogg Concrete Work LA-7537 WI-3792 1950-51 1949 1948 1947 170660000 boxes Calvin Lee Armstrong Jr 3624 Hemp- HOME REPAIRS AND REMODELING- GaFir sa 20890 17737 20814 20194 This compares with 172310000 fore- bill and Billie Faye Stafford 1613 Yale Up to 30 months to pay Reliable men to a erav black dirt concrete TAX service Waiter Allyn env loam INcOMI gravel Quick del WA-5670 MA-0443 ''b' 82 15930 15005 17670 16405 cast a month ago Production last Frank Ansell Downey 1801 Western do the work Free estimates call -Lock- pLOWING leveling grading yard loam Call E0-9103 for income tax information t1926 average equals 100) Yesterday's Grain market season was 156395000 boxes while the and Mrs Dorothyk Louise Brown 4459 vs( i Lumber Company FA-3181 10-year average was 161477000 Harley WE DO ROOFING foundation repairs GOOD dairy loam well rotted prompt In Wednesdays forecast the depart- Jimmy Lee Tingle Rt 12 and Jenne Apply Johns-Manville asbestos siding delivery 50-9316 or FA-4531 iscellaneoue Services 8M Wheat-16 cars 1 ment cu down th 6-2 Rie lower No 1 estimates it made Claire Peek 3110e Millet new porches hard $2581e2 63 a month ago of both orange and grape- Robert Carl Smith 2524 Weisenberger Hundreds of gatisfied cus- BARNYARD dairy loam all kinds grad- sand gravel quick serv Barnett ED-7937 14 years continuous income tax service lilwalaallam 4111118 Corn-1 car: lq11-ic lower: No 2 yet- fruit production and Mrs Minnie Louise Lancaster 1101 5 Mg plow loading Top soil SI yd MA-784 SCREEN DOOR aril! dove or doe de- men Easy terms Cali FA-5365 PE-9126 low $191144193 No 1 4 on Roofing 2 white $219t411) Production of oranges and tangerines Central Jacks Rfi Repair Co FOR DOZERS scrapers draglines power sign painted white $LI95 installed Call 22014 boxes was forecast at 110640000 es com- Roy Lawrence Thompson 934 Jet- shovels motor patrols grading street F0-1186 Oats- cars: rs: 'i forecast a month sesson an Nn t' le lower No 2 Pared With 111290000 fd Tylene Irma Smith COMPLETE repair and remodeling from work all kinds excavation JOHNSON'S Storage Van Co Inc white $11514V116L4 ago 108535000 produced last season and 316 Blevins foundation to roofs Inside or out 1 BURKHARDT VILLIAMS gives Green Saving Stamps an Barley-No receipts le higher: No 2 99700000 for the 10year average Harold Duane Miller Rt I and Billie Bayne- WE-0220 Ph Office VA-0685 LA-3883 LA-2262 local moving and storage Call FA-5201 $169nEr 175 Grapefruit production was indicated at Lou Gee Azle HOUSE leveling blocking foundation TRACTOR loader yards plowed and ley- METAL CLOTHES LINE posts installed: Sorghums-26 cars: 2e lower: No 2 47520000 compared with 48520000 a Melvin Lavine 2441 Winston Terrace repairs termite control Free est 40 mi eled dirt sand gravel Jones LA-1155 yellow milo 3358e-e263 per 100 lbs month ago 36500000 last season and West and -Mrs Jennie Elizabeth Woods Fort Worth Sherman Sanders F0-3704 $1195 Guarantee LA-5381 LA-8077 YARD DIRT fin chrta gravel of all 50722000 for the 10-year average- Laden 160e Lincoln ACE clothesline Posts neadquarters turn- CHICAGO GRAIN CONTRACTS Lemon production was forecast at 12- Johnnie Phillips 3712 Harding kinds fertilizer Quick delivery NO-5781 buckles added no extra cost 21's and CHICAGO Jan 11 iSpia-Grain 500000 boxes unchanged from a month and Joyce Maxine Owens Smithfield Plumbing Service 8E3 BEST CONCRETE AND ROAD GRAVEL 3-inch pipe In concrete guaranteed prices were depressed by midday selling ago compared with 11360000 last season Albert Monroe Hestilow Jr 2714 War Yard dirt fertilizer Harlan WA-2079 Quicker service LA-9468 LA-0043 and failed to rally Wheat closed lc to and 13055000 for the 10-year average field and Wanda Lee Hoover MI 'ed: lise below Tuesday's final prices with Texas production of oranges was esti- Melrose tsOIL water heaters bought sold To- CEMENT PORCHES walks and drive- BETTER clothes line Post instaL ays March at $24610 Corn closed lc to lose mated at 3000000 boxes arid that states Erred William McCoy 1105 Call at all times ED-9566 Guaranteed None MA-2752 ennsyl- Paired Bardin Heater Co NO-6684 lower March $178 oats closed oyee to oroduction Of grapefruit at IL000000 Yenta and Mrs Ruby Marie Wheeler UTILITY ditchet A la Ragan SII-6321 TRACTORS LOWING Yard leveling MET AL motnes tine post set in cemerst 7ic down March 98c boxes Kerrville MA-8486 gravel loam fertilizer Sam FA-6634 Light hauling F0-950-6 VA-9131 '4 a a i posted Wheat near the end of the first hour was unchanged to higher March $247 corn was unchanged to lower March $177ii and oats were unchanged to 14 higher March 981i3v Soybeans were to lc higher January $3121:2 and lard was 18c to 23c a hundred pounds higher January $1930 Trade rumors that the Army shortly would be in the market for more cash lard stimulated that commodity Easiness in corn was based on reports of larger cash corn offerings by the country and some disappointment over disappearance of the yellow grain in the Oct 1-Dec 30 quarter Whether the news that there would be no immediate price freeze was bullish or bearish on major grains was open to question traders said There has been some buying on the theory that once ceilings were announced they would act as magnets in attracting prices to the maximum levels About two hours before the close wheat was to 5c below Wednesday's final prices with March at Corn was 14c to 1c down March $176:1 Oats were 5i1C to 34 lower March 97c Chinese Red Executed TAIPEI Formosa Jan 11 (IV) Shen Chen-nan former general manager of the Taiwan (Formosa) Sugar Corporation and China's leading sugar expert was executed Thursday on charges of contact with Chinese Communist agents YESTERDAY'S MARKETS WEDNESDAY HIGHLIGHTS and calves steady here: hogs lower: lambs advance selling flurry pushes most prices sharply lower unchanged to 80c higher Dallas spot middling at 43 80c prices show only narrow losses for day of selling bits market and averages sag more than point STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT Sales CI NCh Central 66900 2253 36 Int Tel Tel 60400 141i Benguet Mng 39 500 I' Chi St Pile 35800 23'2 Bait S- Ohio 32900 2934 12 Radio Corp 31200 1674 Greyhound 39800 12 Gen Motrs 30200 4814 3it Penn RR 26200 24 8 Steel 25000 44' 4 -1 Am Cable Rad 22800 6'2 Pepsi-Cola 21300 978 Canad Pan 21000 2212 12 Hayes Mfg 20700 7'2 Sunray Oil 20700 17 38 12 DAILY STOCK SALES RECORD (Compiled by the Associated Press) Wednesday's total sales 3270000 Previous daY 3780000 Week ago 3366552 Year ago 2631150 Two years ago 709840 Jan 1 to Wednesday 24180847 1950 to date 16347960 1949 to date 7525452 A BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 10 Net change -1 -2 1 Wednesday 988 1016 1036 712 1106 Previous day 989 1016 1036 714 1105 Week ago 988 1019 1035 706 1104 Month ago 978 1015 1032 715 1102 Year ago 961 1026 1054 713 1130 1950-51 high 989 1028 1054 754 1131 1950-51 low 925 1013 1031 689 1097 1949 high 943 1029 1053 707 1126 1949 low 884 1016 1008 629 1088 A STOCK AVERAGES 30 15 15 60 IndustRailsUtilStks Net change -16 -9 -4 -12 Wednesday 1203 626 467 895 Previous day 1219 635 471 907 Week ago 1199 627 466 894 Month ago 1143 592 446 850 Year ago 1025 424 438 734 1950-51 high 1219 635 477 907 1950-51 low 976 396 422 705 1949 high 1016 402 436 722 1949 low 814 296 382 580 DOW-JONES AVERAGES 30 20 15 Ind Rails Uti ls Wednesdavs high 8016 4212 Wednesdays low 7804 4155 Wednesday's close 7850 4163 Previous close 24350 7975 4204 Year ago 20160 5580 4148 WHAT STOCKS DID Wed Tues Advances 171 686 Declines 902 280 Unchanged 180 237 Total issues 1 253 1203 NPW 1950-51 highs 63 192 New 1950-51 lows 4 3 TREND OF STAPLE PRICES NEW YORK Jan Associated Press weighted wholesale price index of 35 commodities Wednesday advanced to 208 90 Previous day 20882 week ago 20746 month ago 20022 year ago 15997 1950-51 1949 1948 1947 High 20890 17737 20814 20794 Low 15930 15005 17670 16405 (1926 average equals 100) Yesterday's Grain Market Wheat-16 cars 112 M2C lower No 1 hard $258ti 2 63 Corn-1 car: 101Lic lower: No 2 yellow $19114419314: No 2 white 521914111 22014 Oats-7 cars: lit lc lower No 2 white 511514V 11614 receipts lc higher No 2 $1600 175 Sorghums-26 cars: 2c lower: No 2 yellow mho 3358(5263 per 100 lbs CHICAGO GRAIN CONTRACTS CHICAGO Jan 11 ISpii--Grain prices were depressed by midday selling and failed to rally Wheat closed lc to 14c below TuesdaY's final prices with March at $24618 Corn closed 1c to llze lower March $178 Oats closed 311C to 78c down March 98c 4310c Oct 4017c to 4019c: Dec 3984c March 3965c May 3946c Cotton futures were firm in early dealings Covering orders came into the market following confirmation by the economic stabilization agency of reports that it does not plan any present general freeze of prices Mill buying also helped the advance and some demand was believed to be against export sales Hedge selling and profit taking were readily absorbed Midmorning prices were 10c to $125 a bale higher than the previous close: March 4396c May 4358c and July 4315c About three hours before the close active months were 13 points down to 17 up from Wednesday's final prices with March at 4389c and May at 4351c Billy Goal Eats His Way Out of 'House and Home' "Trouble" a 3-year-old billy goat is in trouble He's lost his home at 904 Bailey because he ate so much that there is no more Mrs James A Jones Jr who handed him over to the city pound Thursday said he had gobbled up two lots of grass and had polished off vegetation all along his side of the Trinity River levee "We had to start buying him hay" Mrs Jones said "Maybe someone else needs some grass removed" The housewife added that the white-grey goat not only eats like a horse but can act like one: He packed Mrs Jones' 2-year-old son around on frequent rides Sears Roebuck Wins Tobe Retail Award NEW YORK Jan 11 (Al-- Sears Roebuck and Company which now does an annual mail order business of $2500000000 Wednesday night received the eighth annual Tobe Award best known award in the retailing field The award was presented to Gen Robert Wood chairman of the board of Sears Roebuck at a dinner at the St Regis Hotel attended by 300 business leaders The Tobe Award given for distinguished contributions to American retailing was set up in 1943 by Tobe and associates merchandise consulting firm started by Mrs Tobe Co ller Davis a one-time stylist for a Fifth Ave store Walgreen Sales Up CHICAGO Jan 11 INSt--December sales of the Walgreen Company rose 33 per cent above levels of a year ago for a total of $18569773 Sales for the 13 months ended Dec 31 were $164500933 $4 PINCH COSTS DRUGGIST $25 DETROIT Jan 11 (IP) Four-year-old Donald Bathy toddled over to a punchboard in a drug store and popped out four punches That'll be $4" the druggist told the boy's mother Mrs Betty Bathy 25 She called police The druggist Allan Dune 35 was fined $25 Wednesday for operating a lottery CITRUS FRUITS WASHINGTON Jan 11 Agriculture Department forecast this season's production of major citrus fruits at 170660000 boxes This compares with 172310000 forecast a month ago Production last season was 156395000 boxes while the 10-year average was 163477000 In Wednesdays forecast the department cut down the estimates it made a month ago of both orange and grapefruit production Production of oranges and tangerines was forecast at 110640000 boxes compared with 111290000 forecast a month ago 109535000 produced last season and 99700000 for the 10-year average Grapefruit production was indicated at 47520000 compared with 48520000 a month ago 36500000 last season and 50722000 for the 10-year average Lemon production was forecast at 12- 500000 boxes unchanged from a month ago compared with 11360000 last season and 13055000 for the 10-year average Texas production of oranges was estimated at 3000000 boxes and that states nroduction of grapefruit at 11000000 boxes 1 with choice grades at $32 to $33 and one truck lot of 560-pound calves at $3350 Common and medium calves turned at $24 to $30 and culls brought $20 to $23 A few medium and good stocker steer yearlings went out at $27 to S31 and medium and good stocker calves sold at $27 to $33 Butcher hogs sold 25c higher sows were 25c lower and pigs were unchanged Good and choice 190 to 290-pound butchers cashed at $2050 and $2075 Good and choice 160 to 185-pound hogs sold at $19 to $2025 Sows brought $1750 to $18 with a few to $1850 Feeder pigs went out at $16 to $18 Shorn slaughter lambs were $1 higher Wooled fat lambs were scarce Medium and good shorn slaughter lambs with No 1 pelts turned at $29 to $30 Odd medium to good wooled slaughter lambs turned at $32 Wooled feeder lambs went out at $33 Estimated receipts here Thursday compared with actual arrivals on the like day of last week were: Cattle 1000 and 1080 calves 400 and 736 hogs 1100 and 1129 and sheep 500 and 938 Livestock Receipts SALABLE RECETPTS ON 12 MARKETS CattleCalvesHogsSheeP Fort Worth 1000 400 1100 500 Kansas City KM 100 2000 1500 Chicago 4000 400 16000 5000 Nat'l Stkyds 1800 600 10000 1400 Omaha 2800 100 9500 2000 Sioux City 2500 50 13000 500 So St Joseph 500 100 4000 1500 So St Paul 4000 2500 15000 2000 Denver 1000 300 1200 3000 Indianapolis 1000 300 8000 1000 Cincinnati 500 100 2300 100 Oklahoma City 1100 300 850 230 Totals Thurs 21ono 5250 84950 18750 Totals Alt ago 27270 5780 95979 17356 OTHER MARKETS Cat tleCalvesHoccsSheeo Wichita 1000 50 600 300 San Antonio 600 400 300 x700 xincluding 400 goats Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Jan II 16000: active 25c higher: early top $2125 bulk $20' 21 heavy S19504 2075 medium S2075ra 2125 light $20755 2125 light lights S20254 21 packing sows $164i 18 Pigs $111-1 1650 4000 steady: calves salable 400 steady good and choice steers $350 40 common and medium $TVO 35 yearlings $28ro 40 heifers S204t 38 cows St7f 2450 bulls S20 29 calves $290 35 feeder steers $254) 32 stocker steers $22 'it 30 stocker cows and heifers $18" 29 5000 steady: medium and choice lambs 532113425 cuAs and common 52gT 32 yearlings $2211128 ewes $12 18 Penney Sales CHICAGO Jan II (INS1--The Penney Company department store chain reports its 1950 sales were 79 per cent higher than sales for the previous year Total sales were $949729400 December sales alone totaled $147036674 representing a 109 per cent rise over 1949 PUBLIC RECORDS Suits Filed in District Court Preston Felder vs Leverne Felder divorce Rattan vs Pear le Rattan divorce Grace Styles vs A Styles divorce Elmer Price Jr vs Thelma Price divorce Mildred Eller vs Sam Eller divorce Hughes vs Dol lie Hughes divorce Fannie Ra Ye Mills vs Narmel Mills divorce Gaynell Nelson vs Nelson divorce Patricia Lynch vs Joseph Lynch divorce Johnnie Bishop vs Teddy Bishop Jr divorce Gwen Dobbs vs Dobbs divorce Patricia Krohn vs Paul Krohn divorce Dora Si 'mon vs McKinley Silmon divorce Key vs Johnny Louise Key divorce Estelle Jefferies vs Tom Jefferies divorce Hubert Earl Brown vs Edith Marie Brown divorce Mary Garcia Pena vs Gonzalo Pena divorce I I Bradshaw Jr vs Fort Worth Linen Service Company damages William Hamm Jr et al vs Herbert Schmitz debt Miss Lee Gameson et al vs Hargrove et ux damages Gladys Bailey et al vs Nathan Rubenstein fancelation of note Allen Green vs Herman McKinley doing ousiness as Lake Worth Taxicab Company damages William Brim Thomason vs Clara June Thomason child custody Charles- Rohmer vs American Motorists Insurance Company compensation Roberson vs Fort Worth Transit Company damages George Miller and Ed Miller doing business as Royal Crown Bottling Company vs Verne Watson and Paul Watson doing business as Fort Worth House Moving Company damages Harry Gantt vs Benton Hall doing trisiness as Benton Hall Used Cars and Bennie Hall damages Willard Streetman jr et or vs Starke et ux debt and foreclosure Marriage Licenses James Elmer Wright 1015 Fogg and Mary Alyne Cash 1015 Fogg Calvin Lee Armstrong Jr 3624 Hemphill and Billie Faye Stafford 1613 Yale Frank Ansel! Downey 1801 Western and Mrs Dorothyk Louise Brown 4459 Harley Jimmy Lee Tingle Pt 12 and Jenne Claire Peek 3605 Miller Robert Carl Smith 2524 Weisenberger and Mrs Minnie Louise Lancaster 1101 Central Roy Lawrence Thompson 934 Jefferson and Mrs Tylene Irma Smith 316 Blevins Harold Duane Miller Rt 1 and Billie Lou Gee Azle Melvin Lavine 2441 Winston Terrace West and Mrs Jennie Elizabeth Woods Laden 1609 Lincoln Johnnie Phillips 3712 Harding and Joyce Maxine Owens Smithfield Albert Monroe Hestilow Jr 2714 War-field and Wanda Lee Hoover 8501 Melrose Loyd William McCoy 1109 PennsYlvania and Mrs Ruby Marie Wheeler Kerrville May 7550-7600 7700 flat July 7555 flat 7700 flat October 6685-6725 67 50-6825 December 6550-6700 6750 flat Chase Sanborn Plant CHICAGO Jan 11 (INS Brands Inc has announced the start of construction on a two-story addition to the five-story Chase 1(: Sanborn coffee roasting plant in Chicago The firm said the expansion program will cost an estimated $700000 GRAIN ON FARMS wASHINGTON Jan 11 Agriculture Department reports that stocks of corn on farms on Jan 1 were the third largest on record for that date Nevertheless they were considerably smaller than those of the same date of the past two years both from the standpoint of total supplies and the amount available for animals to be fed Farm stocks of wheat were smyller than average but slightly larger than a year ago Soybean stocks were larger than on any other Jan 1 because of the record despite a far larger movement from farms than in any other October-December marketing quarter The Jan 1 stocks of corn were reported at 2160548000 bushels compared with 2405778000 bushels a year ago and 2001078000 bushels for the 10-year Jan 1 average Wheat stocks totaled 115670000 bushels compared with 326942000 bushels a year ago and 367973000 for the 10-year average Oat stocks were 907660000 bushels compared with 924510000 a year ago and 799113000 for the 10-Year average Barley stocks totaled 139338000 bushels compared with 106494000 a year ago and 153096001 fcr the 1-year average Rye stocks were reported at 7279000 bushels compared with 4803000 a year ago and 14765000 for the 10-year average Soybean stocks were said to tot al 97671000 bushels compared wtt 60- 853000 a year ago and 56373000 for the 10-year average Stocks of hay totaled 72688000 tons compared with 60134000 a year ago and 69533 000 for the 10-year average (Deaths And Itun'erals (st) LANGEVER 85 2564 co*ckrell Passed away Monday Survivors wile son Jr Fort Worth: two sisters Mrs Imogene Cox Mrs Jerock Fort Worth Rosary 7:30 Wednesday Robertson-Mueller-Harper Services 10 a Thursday St Marys Catholic Church Active pallbearers: Stroud John Stein Sully Montgomery Buster Hall Johnny Bennett Rullington Cy Carlson Honorary pallbearers: Mr Knott Dr Frank Halpin Dr John Kramer Dr Rumion Ernest May Harper Walter Scott Harry Moreland Amon Carter Marvin Leonard Interment Greenwoed Arrangements RobertsonMueller-Harper FOR FON 4BEN'i 76 resident of Smithville Texas passed away 340 Wednesday in a local hospital Survivors: wife Mrs Horton Smith-rifle Texas daughter Mrs Erns Jr Fort Worth sisters Mrs Edna Watson San Bernardino Cal: Mrs Emily Brady Los Angeles Cal: brother Horton Fort Worth Arrangements pending with Gause-Ware FLOWERS rnom 0 Bill) WRIGHT Florist 1013 8th Ave ED-3568 Cemetery Lots 03) 6-GRAVE space iot 99 section 4 Rose Hill Cemetery PE-9187 1 uneral Directors DID FEttrFL-1 FRIBUTE FLAY CRoWDER FUNERAL 1-10ME 700 5th Ave ED-I213 OWENS As BRUMLEY ETTNERAL HOME Everyone Can Afford Our Service 425 Henderson FA-134111 1: Indiv or Genera! Call the Firms or Individuals Listed Below for Specialized Services House Repair 8A CARPENTER WORK kitchen cabinets FHA terms Free estimates WA-8875 FOUNDATIONS house leveling roofing siding and general repairs 10-year written guarantee Phone LO-8423 GENERAL carpenter and repair work No lob too small WA-5149 WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Rooms garage foundation concrete wors asbestos siding roofing plumbing Any type repair work Small monthly payments Brown AL Swaim General Contractors WA-0320 FOR LEAKING ROOFS and termiting call me Rees prices MA-0697 SU-5750 CARPENTER concrete roof repair No job too small Days MA-0697 SU-5750 CEMENT types also house leveling Bonded Free estimates VA-3036 BUILDING repair garages porches rooms Remodeling in general Small down payment up to 30 mos to Pay Fuller NO-3676 HOUSE LEVELING asbestos siding and remodeling VA-8320 or VA-8693 CARPENTER building and repair roofing end siding my specialty Call MA1882 BRICK and cement repair caulking and waterproofing MA-9389 LET IIS convert your open porch or breezeway into an attractive all-weather room Free estimates Easy terms PARR CONSTRUCTION CO Phone days LA-4434 nights F0-3028 HOUSE LEVELING all types foundations foundation repairs asbestos siding rooting FHA loans Carter FA-6688 GARAGES BUILT ANY SIZE EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS REYNOLDS CONS''' CO VA-tt164 CONTINENTAL ROOFING CO Roofing 10 Year Guarantee Roofing Additional Rooms and Carpenter Work Isbestos Siding Foundations Concrete Work LA-7537 WI-3792 HOME REPAIRS AND Up to 30 months to pay Reliable men to dp the work Free estimates Call Lockwir i Lumber Company FA-3181 WE DO ROOFING foundation repairs Apply Johns-Manville asbestos siding new porches Hundreds of satisfied customers Best of materials and workmen Easy terms Call FA-5365 PE-9126 Jackson Roofing It Repair Co COMPLETE repair and remodeling from foundation to roofs Inside or out Payne WE-0226 HOUSE leveling blocking foundation repairs termite control Free est 40 mi Fort Worth Sherman Sanders F0-3704 Plumbing Servico SE3 COM water heaters brttiabt sold TO-paired Hardin Heater Co NO-8684 UTILITY ditcriet A Ragan 80-6321 MA-8486 months TsssE stoves vfi Total ycl sgi sufficient nog fotf Fauemenar nbsns srae i eett expenses pi tsrel ee Sex d4ne 4aCct5iyul 1 income et eeamoorn orom no eeel rent linens esaa: te elc2sS covers nothing promised believe will be raised some room rent also raised This is a moneymaker clean no girls EOR APPOINTMENT PHONE: ED-549t FAMOUS MEXICAN CANDY FACTORY 30 local customers profits $150 week colored girl makes cm I deliver now sick sell all for M500 established 12 years ED-5491 2-room garage apt Emnloyed couple LA-3145 F0-7851 walizess LA-9202 (Lodge Notices 1) MONSIGNOR Robert Nolan Council No 759 Knights i43) PfrhurCsTauymb8ustl mmeetast Er every Home 904 Collier St DAVIS LAMBRIGT Grand Knight Cc 3 FESPERMAN Financial Secv REGULAR meeting of Friday 1:30 Via- 111: NtNIIeneANK KINNT'Y MRS DAVID VEIHL Rec STATED meeting of Morn- ingside Chapter No 758 OES a Thursday 8 rn Official visit of Thelma Lee Huffman Deputy Grand Matron Visitors welcome DORIS PRICE PEARL LOWRY Secy HEMPHILL HGTS cLODGE 1164 :1 6 Conferring Degree 6 4 pm GEO PUCKETT WALLACE McKENZIE Secy convocation of Tar- 4 s0 CALLED 7 rant Chapter pti 4118 Thhuarps-- Work t(-) ter degrees Royal Arch Ma- tr'y' sons welcome ta A KEENER REEDY Secy SPECIAL meeting Polytechnic pChainnterwroi i4n04mTbsirasdnarlya7 ---1 A Decrees Members urged t- to attend Visitors welcome g-- 4 A HAYS EDD TEIZRILL Secy ATTENTION BENEFIT I UND MEMBERS 0--- Annual meeting Moslah Beng eta Fund Arabian Room of commission- In Election '21' el' Masonic sha stNe or reports Rmpe Cres 170'111 Temple ILte tab Rdshoii Thursday Sore rsesRiser-sdes yaay d6 SPECIAL CLAI Lodge Teotk'll fl4 TIpgde Degree Visitors cordially welcome I PRAT 0 IN ILSON SecY SPECIAL meeting of Peavy Lodge No 1162 Thurs- day 7 tn Work in En- tered Apprentice Degree 'PN't Visitors welcome A A RAINBOLT I GREER Secy ATTENTION NOBLES Annual meeting Moslah Temple A A EgYptian Room Masonic Tem- ple Thursday 7:30 Re- ports of officers and com- mittees election and instal- lation of officers and repre- sentatives Visiting Nobles I cordially invited Admission SA by 1931 earn and fez MARVIN MARRY Potentate WARD COLLIER Recorder Nyanca Court No 34 Thurs- LADIES ORIENTAL Shrine $11 6 q-aY L3(3oPtithmgidMe aclonmi! f4 kilk10411) 1cl eurryeit oom pAll Ts eri Tll- 'saw MRS CHESHIER MRS WHITE Rec STATED meeting of Hand- ley Lodge No 1140 Thurs- day 7:30 Members '41 Ge urged to attend Visitors welcome 7 A IBUSINESStilliECTORY IMMIIIIMEMM Painting Paperhanging 8C TAPE BED textone painting papering Reasonable Free estimates F0-0221 TAPE AND BEDSt any type texture decorating 20 years experience NO-3653 FOR RELIABLE painting aria paperhanging call Hall FA-3305 PAPERHANGING and painting Bob Evans Phone NO-1817 PAPERHANGING and eanvasing NO-6239 or MA-9508 DICK CALL LESTER'S painting and decorating service for first-class work and free estimates PE-9576 PAINTING textoning and general repair work Free estimates LA-0123 LO-8470 PAPER HANGING 25 years experiunce WI-2384 PAPERHANGING and painting Small Job speciaity P0-1279 PAINTING paperhanging carpenter repair work guar Bailey MA-2483 CALL EIS for reliable painters and paperhangers P0-0436 or F0-0437 WE RENT sorai guns floor sanders hand sanders wallpaper steamers paste tables extension boards extension ladders drop cloths cement mixers Freeman Paint Co 504 Riverside Dr FA-2354 FOR EXPERT painting paperhanging textone work call Holley WI-0130 of beautiful new patterns to choose from From 4c to $1275 roll Cook Paint As Varnish Company Phone FA-3305 PAINT papering textone tape beds Free estimates In or out of town Guaranteed A Bennett PAPERHANGING painting Guaranteed Free estimates Brown MA-8545 MA-7325 PAPERHANGING painting textnning guaranteed Davis LA-5077 Floor Covering Finishing 80 FLOOR FINISHING floor covering Kerno lin MA 3211 SF GOOD sandy loam black dirt concrete road gravel Quick del WA-5670 MA-0443 PLOWING leveling grading yard loam sand gravel ouick seri Barnett ED-7937 GOOD dairy loam ell rotted prompt deliver' F0-9316 or FA-4531 BARNYARD dairy loam all kinds grading plow loading To soil SI yd MA-7845 FOR DOZERS scrapers draglines power shovels motor patrols grading street work all kinds excavation BURKHARDT WILLIltMS Ph Office VA-0685 LA-3883 LA-2252 TRACTOR loader yards plowed and leveled dirt sand gravel Jones LA-1155 YARD DIRT fill dirt gravel of all kinds fertilizer Quick delivery NO-5781 BEST CONCRETE AND ROAD GRAVEL Yard dirt fertilizer Harlan WA-2079 CEMENT PORCHES walks and driveways Call at all times ED-9566 TRACTORS PLOWING yard leveling gravel loam fertilizer Sam FA-6634 830 MONROE PH FA-2808 Vara Tin To Place Classifieds FA-4131 (Personal Items MADAME DeLOIS psychic counsellor Daily Sundays MA-0124 for app't PERSONAL development personal and marital relations solved by scientific psychoanaysis Phone ED-0951 CARD and crystal ball readings Apartment 1 upstairs 1116 Hemphill MASSAGES PhYsiotherany and Reducing Grey 412 Terrell ED-9817 1951 4TH DAV contest diagram 511- work sheets 200 diagrams A BMOE 1319 Fott Worth Texas SPIRELLA corsets girdles and brassiers Mary Huddle W1-7118 MADAME FICKERA--Readings I 9 to 8 1109 Weatherford FO-1988 PSYCHIC Readings PE-7781 PERSONS WISHING maternity care scrite or telephone West -Petit* Maternity Ht-isPita' 2306 Hemphill Street Fort Worth Texas Telephone Wilson-9258 PArEN1 1 icooct Flatiron Sloe Fort Worth F0-2222 READING daily tea arter 5 Marin Armstrona 111S 2nd St FA-8367 training FLORY TELEGRAPH SCHOOL Day and night classes VA-5aC4 DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES GI Approved Employment Service Commercial Art Salesmanship Secretariat Science Southern College of Commerce ficelYon ERANTLEY-DRAUGHON COLLEGE Offers AC-CRUM1-ED COURSEs THAT WILL erM iFY YOU FOR THE BETTER POSITIONS IN PRIVATE BUSINESS CIVIL SERI ICE AND WAR INDUSTRY An Endowed Institution Reasonable Rates CATALOG AND LITERATURE AVAIL ABLE Downtown Fort Worth ED-I307 41112 MAIN ED-1308 BLAU I 03 Nenson is tops GI approved Can earn room board Free catalog Neilson Beaute College Dallas 8 Learn a Trade in Six Months Approved GI training School Schools In Dailas Houston Fort Worth TEXAS BARBER COLLEGE Ill 0 pat nerfnrd F0-3247 EARN HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA through nome study Credits given for work completed Books furnished Low monthly payments For information write American Scnont Dept 545 Malta Fort Worth 10 Texas or call WI-7544 I 1th DE A DLINE DATE FOR ENROLLMENT-FOR COURSE in Beauty Culture ilITPtiLzat Isbell's CnIversity Call er ICT1Te for informatinn If FOU need nen ask alout our special finance plan Isbell's UnierlTv 5ng 17 2nd FA-0160 To Place Classifieds FA-4131 (Potential Emplownent 11) OPENING for young lady to work in rnallIng room in exchange for large rart of busines coure Phone E3-57n0 LEISURE TIME PAYS OFF! Attenn evening Coneze egmemmagammemomenmiet 9 I Place a Low Cost Ad in This Directory Call FA-4131 SF TRACTOR WORK loading leveling Pier holes chrt sand gravel Reed FA-0570 TOP SOIL sandy loam bed dirt 4 yds $4: sand gravel leveling MA-9335 SANDY LOAM fill black dirt all kinds gravel $350 up Str-4040 PIER HOLE drilling and reaming telephone and telegraph holes Roca drilling a specialty VA-9449 NO-3350 YARD LOAM-4 four-yard load sancL gravel fertilizer FA-8476 er PE-278I BULLDOZERS AND SCRAPERS Lots leveled tanks general excavations I Erceman VA-1653r PLOWING lot leveling grading pier holes PE-3411 BULLDOZER work by the hour or contract Cal! LO-7036 FA-0662 GOOD BLACK t6ochp soil Free or or mhaalunlin a Septic Tan le Service CONCRETE PIPE drain pipe senile tanks grease traps and building blocks Ball Joint Concrete Pipe Co 72 5 Phone FA-6055 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED GEPAIRED: Rot() Rooter Sewer Service F0-2134 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Quick thorough reas rates free tion Licensed Bullard VA-10eit CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Se Wel' DIDP drain the well curbing Varren Donaldson Fle RirrsIde PT phone PA-5643 EISP 111MMEOMMIEMINI Bookkeeping Tax Service SH INCOME tax short S2 Ions $4 eyeninirs Sundays ISI2 Lee NO-4667 INCOME service reasonable Bus LO-5471 home LO-5145 INCOME TAX SERVICE For Businesses and Individuals Federal Income and Tax Service FA-6331 WI-0407 909 Burk Burnett INCOM1 TAX service Waiter Ali YEk LA-0602 Call ED-9I03 for income tax information 14 years continuous income tax service 41111111 iscellaneous Services SM SCREEN DOOR grill dove or ens design painted white 6895 tristalleci Call F0-1186 JOHNSON'S Storage Al Van Co Inc gives Green Saving Stennis on local moving and storage Call FA-5201 METAL CLOTHES LINE posts installed: S1195 Guarantee LA-5381 LA-8077 ACE clothesiine posts neadquarters turnbuckles added no extra cost 2s and 3-inch pipe In concrete guaranteed Quicker service LA-946a LA-0043 BETTER clothes Line post installed: Guaranteed None!" MA-2751 ME At clotnes tine post set in cement Light nauling F0-9506 VA-9131 AL qlk As Ak IL Uncle Sam is "Borrowing' me for awhile but my savings will go ont or 000 dlb Ma 010 1 Uncle Sam is "Bonowing" me for awhile but my savings will go on! Uacle Sam Is "Bortowitlge me for awhile but my savings Will 10 ont eeeeeeieeeeees 1s Ar I 4 ifits? --------11 'a-7' --x 011P-- 1 144- 7 a ijtz 1 1 A oSictii '-i--- A 145------ i -4 le' 13 tv 12--t--- a t- i I 'c :7 1 1) ---777-- I 7--11E tor-- 1 1 k'' 4' N2 4 10 'C' 7-74 4- 7)" I s- I -777ea17 a -111 1 145---- 4 wk 11rlistemseel 4 le' 47 ss ITs': 04 drj)etP '-4 s----4- es a a I 'V asa lass of I i I- '''Ipr 1A 1 I i I Ak' 1 1 1 1-''47-7 I 3 in-(--r- 1 k' 47 1--- i ---11 4 I 4 1 --3'- 'V- --N: 1:7 -7- 3- 1 -Ne L' 1 A47 1 1 1r a n't I i' aa s----- 1 a sees I '-''ae 'issfkt I Ae sas-' n's 3s 1-74 aN" 4 is aas -a I Vn- i' I (t 1 -0- 1 Ake- A- 'N 1 I 1 "11 1 Irv" a ia neenasse --7 -0: 2 ----A 7it --Sle -t-'----s 41 saa ''N 4 ens I a I I I 1 A 111'1 I 8 te tt a 1 Wnen the last war was over a lot of service I I I men had to begin civihan We from -scratch: I i I financially I remember thinking then that I 1 a would nmer It that happen to me! a-- a a I f40Noa '334 i P' es 1 3 e-13t 3 ''''-i ''---2-1 Iti 0 6 I ilLSAI ir I ----1---- 2 I 4 1 I 1 7 I 1 7s 1 etV 6 i'N A I I I Ilk itch- hat I MD a--SS a 1 LI I I I 11Vg I 1 atirrt rrn LAVing a regular monthly allotment sent LOAN ASSOCLAT directly to this Association Allen I get back THROCIEMORTON AT ETC my money will bo there plus accumulated I TELEPHONE i 1 dividends! With me savings come Pi Rs-n II I LACY BOGGESS Thvodal 4 1J1" lira bati had ANC anusuat savings experience wad it to us for this series LOAN rwsSOCIATIOM THROCIEMORTON AT TELEPHONE Sa fl I 1 9 i I LOAN ASSOCIATION sent I back THROCEMORTON AT I late(' I TELEPHONE 1 I LACY BOGGESS I -4 a sr leiesgs experinsee send it to sts for ibis series -4 a 6 fr a a fr jb 41 le lk -2 2 22 2 2 A 0 se.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.