Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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IP roc a- 4 WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2 1981 01981 FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM 'I 3D SEPTEMBER 2 1981 01981 FORT WORTH STAR TELEGRAM 113D 41 502 aterial aterials 506 Household APPI 506 Household IL AMA 506 Household Auld 506 Household Aool SOS Antiques Arts' Household IL APIA 503 Portal) Buildings HousesToll Moved For sale to be moved 1 story office building 1 duntx 32 bed- room homes Snow Housemoving inc call day or night 738-16511 10)(20 Transnortable Premium steel exterior with bakedonenamel finish Heavyduhe wood Boor Never been used Qualityworkmanshio 1-183-2662 SALE Hall damaged buildings only 6 let Various sizes most with minor damage at trernenous saying American 8344141 RENT storagefor youroymbadtyard Any size Purchase Wiwi Morgan nO0 rwy 293-4294 1 1 506 Household Am' I 506 Household APO Couches Spanish Red Kenmore Upright reezer1531 arlyArnericenEaritToneCon- emporary LetY Boy Chair esYrS anish Chair Ottoman Upright reezer Reasonable 2844167 old S275 8M-2751 tArling room suite Immaculate hardly used $1095 838-2751 PEED Tag Innerspring mattresnl Burlington House Bedroom turf box spring sets In ro ture great buy 5695 em-2751 plastic twin Mis set full 6 set Caroet gold shag 13ax 16 555 frames $15 set Maze's513 globe light fixture $5 283-2647 iverside 814-0012 Divan and each good Reft1120rNsTacR cndition elor 13 lont6Igth 5 ingtab46chalrsS50 32-2 00 OR ALIVII 281-5780 sett hunk bedwithbutit inclosetbookOR THOIsE DI C6 omen size mat- case 4 draws 834-5867 tress or foundallon 15 year war- White Maytag washer dryer ranty $9450 each piece Sold in $200 Table 4 chairs 60-744 setsonly PUBLICFURNITURE Avocedo green built-In double 8039 Beflutso 831-4652 la get stove 45-4105 Mcwsize inrekuh de-a-bedst setAracnovinsld bturo-ll woUGri-klYngocondild rettionriat $865rat9rei4-W iliebledffSgal ct A SearsMicrowevveoven I507- ft- new take S200h83 8-9778 5250 Call Washer Sears $83 Dishwasher Giris 3 Pleat bedroprn wtrolltOP portable $135 Refrigerator coUri- desk game table 297-2323 to for apt or office S110 Sears Kenmore Oatri ryer 4 yrs Ant size eas range S110 all work old good cond 457-W53 good 924-704 Ntahogany dining room buffet el and swlve rock- good condition MA 292-9382 solid frame Bassette e-- In 1--L- solid Ok frame Basset SURPLUS CAR PET bought the entire inventory of bankrupt Carnet mill Over 250 at super orlon kitchen den 99 mCortwnerini shagclal tweed 349 9 carpet 99 xony plush 99 shag 99 ylon zwrnts B99 you need Woe take advert of this super Seiaction and prices BR UMBAUGH'S Furniture Carpet Apollanarl Corner MI and Main 624-112S HIGH QUALITY mtiOW PRICES II riole dresser hutch mirfor chest atom or full 4leor Oar'r 95 Sofa loveseat chair Large post maces or pine bunkbedsynthmatiressesS20995 coil full or 1Mn mattress springs 112295XtngchiroracLil metress set 1V995 S23995 Full set $tar All chimpractic mattress sets carry 15 free exchange gJarantea Store of bargains Easy terms Free delivery North Rideand Furniture Rarnrionson Rd 216S44011 Banksvcsy Sale ch oura en ire stock left local furniture bankruocy Creditors loss your gain Most going for Yr price or less truck or trailer ell orlon you haul Listed belitare a examples: Lovrwat den 0150 pit sections 1385 room tables $10 ea bedroom suites $45 odd chest dinettes 5T1 ail lamps VI lots of odds andends some SavingS up to 2596 Public Furniture 4039 Beikbar) 831-4652 CONnER telb42214 Roofing telt MSS roil 440x30 plywood APA $539 axexti plyvvood APA S6311 plywood APA $859 telx3 4 plywood APA S109S Skiing i exax7161extureS1095 METAL telly 10 side walls all colored Iwo 10 ft sikeng doors one steeipersormel door on your slab S5000 Any size bulidingupta20000so ft Office I 523-71111 or Denny Bell 415-4490 Doors Door Units Building Melerla t' Payless Salvage 2500 Lancaster 5364E13 inventory Reduction CertaInteed ndeoenctence as Mail shingles 340 lb S3300per sq Cash and Orr( only EO WoodCo7112NBeeth80441111 SpOSSTIES EIN OR USED or 5000 'Troller Warehouse Sale new end used exterior interior doors hardwood floors Olgerk Euless Rd rartw one only vinyl carpet 428 BeMor PAINT sal Interior house stains SI99 gal Salvage Sales 6200 Freeway 7913401 Beautiful solid oak cabinet doors drawers $6 each Oak commode seats $12 Cabinet hard ware261-0112 Lumber 2 MAIO inx12 ft No and No 2 Fir 10 bundles still banded 1650 per board or make offer an mantily 27741637 GE 40 gailm gas water heater bathtub commode never used still In cartons S2 00 for all 626-4214 Reoleat those leaky metal Windows with erwrgy efficient MARVIN WOOD WINDOWS Ali sizes stylesavallable735-1600 Pink ckmiurn blue or gold Eller bath fixtures at white prices Corona-South Burieson2P5-2253 Calcutta life an0 Hunter tali discount Corona-South Burleson 295-2253 Sears LAWN kW IthOht SOW-CWW11- ling oven with Coming ware cook- top nee sell for $1 AO will taAe Sk75 or best otter 236-7613 )IEW mattress sets In wrap As low as PLIIIIIttl FURNITURE 4039 Witness $31-4652 Curtis Mathes 6 ft stereo AM-FM turntable like new contemporary sofa Mediterranean and tables 2 lamps 9279971k Inovirtg03pper toneSpaedOuten washer dryer 6150 for set Frigidaire IS cu ft refrigerator 6150 Excellent cond 292-2336 ETHAN ALLEN Traditional sofa $695 Ethan Allen Criss-Cross ottomans $1613 each 12 mos Oitt 281-409 Gold velvet king bed writt matchIngsOread likenewS300 294-0377 ofe lovese531-11183 chairgoodconcil- hon 6100 Gas Range 30 Sears white excellent Hurst $175 264-8125 15ft frostfrgeuoright freezerexcellent cond $150 244-1277 'Twin beds couch chair tabies electric lan676-3463 Used Montgomery Ward 16 wit chestfreezerS100 Call 266-1579 Older electric range $40 Gas range SIO 626-7675 piece handcrafted redwood 04- Mg room suite 571-3107 door refrigerator with ice maker $200 294-1730 732-3351 Whirlpool refrigerator real nice 923-2535 Kenmore washer dryer exceilent condition $285 292-2150 Nearly new electric range $150 034-8044 4252 McComas Rd drawer Dresser S100 Desk 5603 drawer resserS75More 2924404 Deeps4r4emel S110 likleabecircel lent trandle bect Call 281-021a Sofa loveseat SIM recliner $45 coffee end tables S85 2814234 Refrigerator with Ice rnakeravocado green $125 8344600 Matching washer refrigerator like new $200 total 5344714 Custom built SS gal barbecue smokers delivered $60 731-2624 rostfree refrigerator ugright freezer for sale 626-7375 Handmade Quilts Iv 536-7955 ittis Month on $25 1a100 293-7102 after 5PM Oak dining room suite 8 piece S200 292-0759 Old desk in good shave brass AncbsS I 503137 Laytom834-4830 Nice sofa S95 full size bed S95 Hld-a-bed S120 738-2212 King size water bed $175 Ken- more electric dryer $75 838-9440 PHILCO uoright freezer 8125 281-5780 LATE 39mode283485 l8 frost tree refrigera- tor S2 Nice twin bed S75 457-9094 KENMORE washer and dryer guarantee S7S each 921-5571 rsranaS500-1isitt7tWri-21a-7S-OiCr AntiqueCherrywoodch na hutch S500 SolidOaktableS75 444-1930 beAutitul Pecan 42 In hexagonal table with leaf and 4 chairs $325 Large antique desk needs retinIshing $150 Slatetcpcoffeetable $95 265-5312 REDECORATING SALE ilke new rooms designer Tradi- tional otemporary furnishing Persian rug appliaricas baby furniture 429-7313 pc bedroom set-Mediterranean pecan veneer-tripiedressermirror chest double bed 3200 Freezer-upright 19 cu ft good working condition $100 292-6597 good buy 19 ft white Sears frostless refrigeratorhasbottom freezer bought December 1978 want to rearrange kitchen and Is too large same as new 282-6324 All Morassme Ovens Reduced Litton DE Toshiba Save nowt Lowestprims Easy terms Sarin Appliances 536-1904 or 838-6991 SAMS laves you moneyonGE freetersTerma Sams Aaptiances 536-1101 0364991 VO-CMIRGAIN MAR KgY 20 to off new forigtirmt reworked guaranteed was re dryers4108 Belknap834- Irreinsdol $50010 lekssetrhamean freesaserssort kritliveCherrywoodch na hutch 500 SolidOaktableS75 4441930 3eutiful Pecan 42 In hexagonal able wIth leaf and 4 chairs $325 ergo antic desk needs retin- shing 9150 Slatetcpcoffeetable 265-5312 REDECORATING SALE Ike new rooms designer rata- tonal temporary furnish- no Persian rug appliartras ba- sy furniture 429-7313 loc bedroom set-Mediterranean can veneer-trioie dressermir- rot' chest double bed 3200 Freezer-upright 19 Cu ft good erorking condition 5100 792-6597 good buy 19 ff white Sears fros11653 frIVorktorhasbottri Freezer mJunt December want to rearrange kitchen and Is Ion large same as new 262-6324 Rodua4 Ali Miorowart Litton GE nowt Lowestorim Easy terms Serra Aoollances 536-1904 or 1338-6991 KAMSsavesvoumonevonGE4 freetacsTerms Agra41orices 536-190M 991 VOGT BARGAIN MARKEY 20 to 50 off new furn: reworked guaranteed washers dryers4109 Belkna0934- fair cus11)63nro3lott4530t lookS -rww Portable Whirl Pool dishwasher S140 5 4799216 or 2914297 after 7 fluorescent lights a ft ions 525 8341861 PR lpiDAIRE excellent condil95 hon 11 CUM 927-7978 bEDROOM SET loveseet end kitchentabiealiforS1254430V6 KEHMORegasdryermodsid asking $275 232-9393 2 MATCHI NG Chandellersbiacit with amber globes 451-2085 kcomore Washing Machine 7 yrs old very good 292-4603 porteblechhwashr lyroidsus Baby crib 135 498-4352 MAYTAG automatic washer- Perfect crmciltion1 Call 624-2017 Spanish formica lwxagon table 4 chairs $90 467-7 WASHER dryer for sale 457-1955 ketrigerator-Freeser 14 co ft ree S125 444-5217 after 6 kelivinator sideside retrigeraSom's tortf reeler no frost 297-2032 Washer Sear's Kenmore heavy duty antiouggoldS1009D4311 Moving must sell deluxe KENMORE WHIRLPOOL Washers All dryers 1- I wisher perfect cond 473-06132 yrguarantee7244ELancaster 1 tinkly bunk bed replica of Over- UNCLE ED'S 534-49W I lane Stage Coach 295-5411 SI 0 DI vl a hi 1 nr A On 3 SOFA with built-In end table green gold and black floor buff -5869 er large exercise belt 2 lamps 536 Old Country manor style water bed completewithheatr custom sheetki yrold Paid Sell S350 731-3915 Bonk beds with mattresses 1100 Twin bed with mattress box Sorinck S75 Sears gas Ortter $103 44022 anchobunk beds with2drawers andbotiombunkforS2M571-2148 07E frost free refrikerator for 09 erlie415Doroor 261-oi)6a -siiMMIPIIIIIIIIMIEMEllemilmmoor' 1 vomailOmmiondlimalr 41446 gown: i i 1163 It 4 I 3 idra: low menrobl' am I al a 4 A i Apil--- 7 0000plif ri -010001111r k-- 731Gir Vitire' 1 '40111111A :7 i 1 0 o'II aLli riL: OMOMIII1111111111 IA1117 A i 1 1 412::: Tdoir 11 -1 tt 11 usielliiiimathountoayima I r---3 A er-ipr for- "-fp II il 't 11 I kk --1 i I 0 i 1 illy 1 wit -A d''' '-'111' '3 'L LIP-Ai RA 10 am-71 isolf i'-4111 i ---iimMWah A --A tr" -40 r----- 41------ s1 1 44 s- i 410101111 1 4 ett a 11)416 laud loll Iliminbonwmism IMINI0111110" oppli010111011MIilNIPWIIMPfilll 11116 11 ORION all 2aL' 4 I 41: I 1 I II mU11111111111111111111NOMEMPPlottlf I I lti'll- 11 1 1 1 I 1 1104IVI tk ate venxirt tq ScrravspEit-d I 503 Patabk Buildings HousesToBeMoved SALE houses to be moved prices re- ducted 1500 to S1500 off of rewlar price Wi II deliveronfoundatMnof your choice We are located at the corner of Loop 020 and Clifford on westsideof Fort Worth For MOM information call 246-9191 or 246-4324 Ware's Nousmows TO BE MOVED bedroom frame with 5o11 room and utility room har floors $12500 delivered o'" and beam foundation 4617 Washburn Jim Hawkins Housemoving 4414459 END OF SUMMER SALE Save 15 to 25 nercenton all in stock models Simillarsavingson factory Order or 01 storn buildings Free deliver Terms available American 2924671 400 Pets Livestock 412 Farmers MArket Delicious moles andpers S600 Per bushel and um WW Sadber FM Fresh picked Green $10 bushel 731-1313 et Okra PearsS500oer 1i bus ful Dot plants 50 uo Honey Wildflower Collo Bloom $9 Der gallon 24211 Cotton -2311 415 Farm and Its Help Wanted Wanted: Sober couoletowerk and Itve on ranch House utilities and meat furnished Call atter 6 am ell) 969-201 430 Livestock and Related Items 0 Et 1 I 0 1- 400 Pets Livestock eats oer 1i bus beau ful Dot plants 50 UO Honey I idflower otton S9 oer gallon 2 -2311 415 Farm and Re Help Wanted 1 1 1 1 440 Horses atid 440 Hales and 455 Dogs Cats a Pets 4SS DOOS Cats 8 Pets 455 Dogs Cats It Pets 455 Drys Cats Pets 475 Farm Equipment Related Items Related Items For sale registered Pointer Bird! Reelstered ourole ribbon A ri- lkrr2' 6 wks both tTCtOR A 440 Horses and Related Items 440 Horses and Related Items 455 Dogs Cats Pats For sale registered Pointer 455 Daas Cats Pets Registered purple ribbon 455 Dogs Cats 8 Pats Italian Greyhound-AKC 3 me bitch champion stock ail shots 455 Degs Cats Pets 6 wks otd Blue Heeler mos both 475 Farm Equiament ----Ku Bum titActoRs 506 5 PIECE butcher block dinette Sturdy like new $150 8384182 Long $ota toveseet recliner 2 taWes S200 379-5453 Bassett bedroom suite 3 pieces sorings575451-2938 GE refrigerator I vr old $175 924-3258 Stmt box sorirms end mattress must sell S60 292-5842 atter 5 Gas dryer 525 409 DOWN'S Burleson ----lit555 HEADBOARD twin size $60 244-7M Formica table I chairs $40 246m Mattress and box springs end frame like new $125 838-8045 'TRACTORS WITH A FUTURE Kubota compact diesel tractors to full sized75hom*oclels in 2or 4W0 offer you thefinest ate reasonable price Kubota Is the 4th largest manufacturer of tractors In the world they manufacture and market their tractor only BackIng the Kubota tractor is corn-pie line of fleld tested implements and ZIMMERER KUB0- TA A FULL SERVICE por EALERSHIP See Len or Jim zimmerer before YOU buy YOull be glad you cild 377 NE Loco 820 2814143 Metro 490-4021 1 Bush Hog 29 ft6 in FlexA113 tandem disc 1 John Deere 20 ft Inmodel Flex-Wing tandem disc Excellent conditIon must see to appreciate each Plea cell or it by Arnerkan Truck Tarr 820 1 fsltiftS5DrIctilm SEPT SPECtAL Buy L185 Kubota tractor at special price and get a new Hico cutter for $350 with the tractor purchase limlt 3 ZIMMER ER KUBOTA 377 NE LOOO 020 1 281-6143 Metro 498-402 1970 David Brown 990 diesel 53 drawbar HP 1979 original hours excellent rubber new battery Dower steering spinout rear wheel and external hydraulics tractor Is in perfect conditien ready to work S5550 1477-2699 Springtown FULL 25 OFF Manufacturer's suggested list Fce on all new 1981 25HP Allis aimers tractors In stock below 5150 No dealers please Clements Farm Store 2959041 New 2940 4440 1640 4840 John Deere tra0ors priced to sell New John De IA lag list 817-664-2466 After 6orn 817-325-6252 PRE-ENGINEEREO STEEL SLOGS 40x60x12 $3163 FOB Factory 504100104 $15100 F011 Factory MI colors Metro 214-115-0990 1975 ALLIS CHALMERS 1 row cotton stripper with broad cast header one bale basket butane good condition 112000 211-354- 6727 or 214-3544740 iinomoto E230 2WD 2Shp trac tor with froltend loader 110 hours $6 Cali evenings weekends (al metro 4984885 SPECIAL PRICING 3 point backhoe fitting compact diesel tractors to 30hp Dig 6 ft 198-4021 281-6113 'Duality Yammer diesel tractors mipmentTom's Trading Past Burleson 295-1351 Bathtub water troughs S2495 eonard's Ranch Stores 37-6041 332-2283 90U lament haulingcall Bud 293-2729 or 551-1623 ON IlitACTORIohn Deere 5 ft mower $2175 9261013 TROYBELIGARDENTILLER FOR SALE 737-9786 WANTED 7 ft drag tn tandem disc 275-4362 after 5 pm Corrugated Roofing 116 to 7 in aloe hwy guard rail 295-5094 25 ft flatbed gooseneck triple axleextra heavy metal 297-9764 WINDMILLS UsedWindmill Repair 471-6295 TO 30 ON recently rebuilt 645-6166 international Cub with 5 ft bell mower 8174A5-6166 25 ft extra heavy duty flat bed goose neck trailer 237-6944 480 Rural Services Need? Acresof reps for firewood Prefer Wise or Parker Lowey imS272289 483 Farm and Ranch Needs Round bale movers 3 point hooK up 145 panel pates all sizes 3 ax I in 1-boits 1-566-2179 rrOCK YOUR FARM PONDS Fingerling Catfish eau Illue9111 1417-281-M16 Firm 23 Ranc21695 Fencing Parm rand) fencing free esti mates 712-6160 924-1567 490 Farm and Ranch Acres' Rent 130 ac tillable sandy bottom farmland mar Grabvire 81500Casho*r yr 267-0414263-184 Oitt RENT 13 acres 9 ml NAV of Weatherford cabin barn wall toncodt13t)3 ma 834-0705 SPACE IS AVAILABLE Call Ms RICHARDS 335-7180 we a roils Nylon Qefl If toga tow $21 $2e295 $12 yr full 6608 We from Items Bring ore few suites living price sale sold du 6:30 at to Reirlgerator sore I Maar bedrcom dining room sulte 244-3781 For Sale Maple triple dresser mirror excellent cond $150 244-3852 after 6 pm FOR sale Frigidaire refrigerator 7 months old S400 call 271-2320 tOFA Hsvoredon tuxedo style orthtone stripe excellent cot $1200 newsell for 1500 4674736 bAR 7 ft longcustorn Oak -black Naugahyde padded tufted 6 stools S1600 249-4123 TWO matching brown chgnr 8 S100 r83 ocker 650 evenings 2924 Fully bound 9x12 carrot bright red perfect for childrens room 294-0270 king sire mattress set $150 triple dresser end night stand with lamp S150 498-7N4 Modem rust and beiger seat $100 Rust velvet chair 5 Both excellent condition 249 93 Matching nine foot couch rocker and table good condition $150 to- tat Call 134-1448 after 5 PM refrIrators 2 Mild's games color gold velvet muM bicy- cies 53 4159 N4fumiture sot a love seatotto m46-5917 an end table $350 Call after I 2 Moving Must sell lovely 9 piece dining suite all household furnishing must go 735-1218 ketvinator side by side refrigera tor Avocadogreen 731-105t WANT to buy good used working ref rigerators Alsosell 332-2562 18 lb heavy duty washer 2 speed $125 1800 West Berry 926-1160 Like new contemporary loveseat earthtone $200 738-o535 WATER BED $3501 Moncriel DiscAuM 924-220 WRACI1VE gas SiOVmveaorks good $75 ask for PM NEW WATERBED $095 4514121 Gold sectional sofa Call before I lam or after limn 2933794 Large king sizebedroorn suit like new cookIng range 534-6669 flideebedexoellent cond 831-2636 SEAR'9 deeg freeze 31l cu ft 6175 83441W or CONTEMPORARY sofa love seat 6350 460-3249 Baby Cradle for sale 794-4234 kenmore washer dryer excellent cond 6285 292-2150 'twin size mattress set with legs clean extra firm $60 923-9153 king size mattress set with le96 clean extra firm 6150 923-9153 LICALSAHOLD furniture 8380594 never menet Call 268-0051 Henredon sofa and 511ecrer ex- cellent condition SU a Hideabed couch black aNtliOrtable 281-0646 Refrigerator freexer washer dryer SRN SELL Washen Doors Refrigerators 921-5571 Bird-dogs Championship bloodline 2 litters '13 choose from Call Mr Hill 817-629-1568 603 Cannel ite Eastland TX 75448 AKC Black Labrador bred for intelligence excellent show field or pet Champion sire Has110 title 3 females 8 wks gory shots S115 439-3239 Schnoodies for sale! Schnauzer poodle Doodles 2 males (Thaw thorized romehoz but delightful results! Playful Intelligent reasonable price 27-0828 after 5 Free to Cvood Home Malamute Husky spaded all shots good family dog BlueChow full blood ad no papers needs to be inside allergic to fleas S25 267-7066 AKC Colitopuppiestorult Sable Tri-S150-5200 Sire Dam on Premise TO see puppies please call 62441976 for appointment For sale cattle dogs ARI registered Blue Heelers Work or pet Contact Henry Bounds BORZOI (Russian Wolfhounds) 1 adult male 1 adult female 249-5558 DOG RUNS 6portablelikenew41at6ltA1011 (2) at 8ftx 12ft 6 ft high 2934008 ROTTIATILER male 14 mo AK all shots cut rent S900 488-012 MINIATURE SCHNAUZER PUPPIES Sire and dame both AKC SIM 451-8294 AKC Labrador Retrievers 1 Mowlate female spayed Ivan-ow female reasonable to approved pet home 444-4844 AKC Labrador Retriever puppies field champion sired bred for Intelligence ready to 90 817-458-7154 2co*ckATIELSI talking I ready to talk with cages also 2 Parakeets with cage a for $175 Will sell separately -641-9164 Beautiful AKC Chow pups creams blacks and 'blue Sire and Dam on property Shots and wormed $150 S200 485-3908 Puppies 12 Alita-abrador AKC Brittany niel look like Labs 7 weeksol 150eachCall I783-36I38 Good home du to illness 9 month black Labrador spayed all shots pay ad all to 5pm 451-0W After 6prn 589-2471 Convenience Is having your dog groomed at your own home Reasonable 478-4770 after 6 PM AKC registered large healthy Great Dane oupoielagebloo lines 1-5944824 or SHELTIE Pupal male tri-color shots wormed champion bloodline SISO 429-130 PUPP IES! AK or mixed shots wormed vet checked S50 up Perfect family pets! 08-6681 Registered Pointer Pups whelped June 6 4 males 2 females 924-6552 GERMAN Shepherd 6 months Papers exoellentbloodline best offer 281-0423 or 281-U80 AKC loottlsh Terrier and Wire Fox Terrier pot opalitY $150 each 237-1679 Fox Terriers AK I needs good home I for $751pickof litterS150 Hurry! 738-8219 AKC registered red miniature Dachshund puIs 1 male 2 females $150 485- AKC GREAT DANE PUPPIES Excellent watchgogs wonderful with children 817491-1704 AKC Lhasa Apso white 1 yr show twenty 244-1909738-7311 at-ter 5 ask for Kinny ro beautiful adult German epherds one white one AKC 5 and S125 cash 231-7033 AKC sliveror blue INelmaraner puppies The Beautiful Gray Ghost 295-ie91 295-4118 WHITE GeRMAN SHEPHERD' PUPS AKC $103-up 281-2418 AKC registered Chow male female 10 mos SI00 ea 430-3240 Dopers tree to 430-3240 rOcCdKATIELS $29 Caneries $19 Large cages $106244087 AKC COLLIE PUPS Sable white (117) MI-9757 AKSkihasa Apso puppies 7 wks old Hillyiew In Hurst 2602788 77 Doberman pups block tan 550 08-48 32 4494 to good horn fluffy kittens 7 bobermon 2 yr crooped $75 240032 AK Minieture Schnauzer malt guppy $125 2445848 AKC Cormon Shepherd puppies pet or protedicro 237-4402 AKC LHASA APS!) PUPPIES QUALITY 572-1295 AKC Old English Sheepdog Female 2 yr $75 CASH 237-7033 PERSIAN kItt9 ens It cats CFA S50 to S175 732396 AKC D295-7025 OREItmAN PUPS S45 AND UP White CtOVOS for sale 277-611 AK Black toy Peoclie pug female wormed $135 25J-8134 AKC Toy 7960 Poodle apricot malit" $200 275- HEALTHY Irish Setter 00001IS 575 246-4756 Want white Chtheahua Call 2944143 after 3:30 am (5) $45 2 For sale-honiture bedroom living room rec9rd cabinet dishwasher 4 to 9 pm 445-4926 Arlington ONOMAT1C roasters 2 section Toastmaster fryer quality contemporary chairs (lt tableS 274-4888 evenings 7-8838 Solid dark wood bar Finished on both sides Great room divicter $2004matchin9swivel bar stoolS ea 485-3781 atter 60m excellent Waterbed kingsists 1603 sets kingsize sheets SO set nestle blanket $20 Wrought Iron plant oots293-7032 Side by side ref reerer with Ice maker heavy duty washer der all In excellent Condition 923751 China cabinet sliding glass In Frulheood with matching but4t byArnerican of MartinsyliktW5 call any time 4574996 Girls I yr old white cancoy bedroom sultecombletewIth Dread drapes desk hutch Cost 8650 will sell S425 293-1584 Almost new 40 In electric stand-Mg range gold corelnuous clean- ing double ovengriddie storage drawer S700 495-7232 OVERSTOCKED- CFOS Ranges Sayings plus terms Sam's APPII" antes $344904 851148t1 WATERBED Trade-Ins any size 47995 Piet 457-7475 W96CE toed mattress sets kings 95 902 Used Cart 016ap 1204 Ja sboro Hwy 6 11 SPEED heavy duty washer works perfect $95 1800 West Berry 920160 ELECTR IC DRYER heavy duty large tub $75 lebe veMst Berry 926-1160 Quality Bedroom Dining Groupsorderedforyou at savings up to 40 461-7248 River Oaks Used Furniture CM River Oaks Blvd 616-1051 BUY SELL New Mattressa Twin or Full $35 Wien sets 9995 King sets 312995 Mcncr 's 924-2861 SALE refrigerator stove washer dryer and air condlticmet call after 6 pm 540-2141 PUP ITUR factory di root all brands below advertised MUSS 626-3329 Furniture 2 sofas 2 wingback chairs other furniture 451-1301 09 Blue Ridge Dr Livingroom suite diningroom suite and 2 bedroom suites $2500 571-9159 4 corrolete place setting of Lorenzo de Medici Cobalt Cigna never been used 293-3946 Like new Stratolounger base rocker 2 rock Maple step end labels lamps 921-2909 Refrigerator with ice maker like new carpet all sizes baby clothes toy chest 232-2997 Light green shag carpet with pad 11 ft 5Y2 In 15 ft 6 In Sliding glass doors601n wide589-7069 liencirflgtedreedry wilt3tottreelceserliesf cond After 334-0751 en American Eskimopoissshotswormed havebothparents5100551-5224 AKC GERMAN Shepher0 Pups excellent disposition color have parents498-3076 AKC Shih Tzu 7ities Males 10 wks oicL Black shots wormed 292-47 Part Chow movies blacks reds had 1st shots worming very good disposItion $25 ea 430-3240 UKC purple ribbon bred registered training Wa iker coon hound pups550ea4mosold 1-677-2727 Young blue gold Macaws co*ckatoos 282-3292 AKC Brittany Spaniel pur31es priced right Excellent pe and hunters 461-7298 AKC registered German Shepherd puppies excellent blood- lines 5150 4M-1332 after 6 pm AKC Dobermen pups Warlock breed blacks reds 993-8610 AKC German Shorthalred Pointer DUDS $125 478-6038 American Pit Bull terrier puCis purple ribbon bred 625-5425 AdorableAKC male York le Puios 8 wks old shots 275-7856 End-of-summer sale registered Siamese kittens shots 244-5038 REGISTERED Himalayan Persian kittens 282-0356 282-2721 UKC PIT BULL PUPPIES $100 each 283-4273 AK Lhasa Females 4 mos $175 Stud service 249-4066 2 FR EE Male ittens 8 weeks old call 274-7905 After 6PM Greedyour temaiewith my registered male Shepherd-536-4589 Border Collie puppies ranch raised $100 1-594-5572 AKC Dobeioups5 mos old ears cropped 834-9877 AKC Toy Poodles chocolate 6 weeks old $125 1-573-9930 Keeshond stud service Call 838-7625 Schnauzer pups AKC 3 mos Shots groomed 2 left 460-5123 AKC black Dobermans 10 wks Males $75 females $60 444-2203 Ake POODLE PUPPIES BLACK males $100249-1005 BLOODHOUND AK female needs home with kids 738-6808 AKC Welmaraner Puppies Championship line I-645-8322 ar3R-ADOR DUD AK0 reels- tared 295-4755 or 795-8 FREE KITTENS Call 732-1095 CHOCOLATE Labrador stud 589-0248 INC purple ribbon pit buil pups shots wormed $150 1-594-7617 FREE to good home spade de-clawed long-haired cat 2822207 2 AKC Doberman moles $75 each 292-1803 Would like to buy AKeferna4 German Shepherd 835-7583 CUSTOM BUILT DOG HOMES FOR DOGS will deliver838-7583 Black Labs ACK 6 wks old 572-2573 ittens rel sedwith TLC needgood family Free 294-8795 STUD SERVICE AKC English Bulldogs 444-3763 1 Double Yellowhead Parrot with cage 737-3623 PROFESSIONAL DOG Grooming All Breeds 834-8960 FULLbloodblack Labrador male PuPPY $35 737-7033 American Eskimo Puppies wks $50 478-5815 AKC Basset puppies Champion Sired 444-2362 Azle Registered AKC Boxer pups 6 weeks 817-442-3042 AKC Lemon White I Yr old female Bassett $125 293-4277 AKCYELOWLABS 7 wks old 261-2506 LABRADOR puppies for sale 3 males left 559-1613 WenteermenSheohercitemalod mos or older 457-0114 English Setter puppies out of gun stock 5125 249-1254 beautiful Slarrrase kittens $40 each 626-3443 tirkgreaRourpgimi3vres ks Free puppies Call after 7 626-0)82 AK6-6261 registered Boxer puppies 62 Tiny Toy Poodle Stud Serylci AKC 4 lbs of quality 477-3497 bog house for lerge Insulated529 732-1813 'toy 6 MInaturt Poodles beige or white males 5100 firm 444-3733 AK Yorkies 6 wks Males $100 Females $150 6264483 FREE KITTENS7 wks old 62S-4246 IA German Shepherd Pit Bulldog puppies $25 each 265-7483 cony AkC 3-years female good pet $45 467-7688 BIG BIRO coge kr sale 5100 237-998 kegistered White male Poodle 575 WhiteCochatel I 575 275-2090 AK Samoyeds 1 ma le1 female3 mos papers shots 294-2946 AKC Westies Schnauzer' Cairns Boston" 498-6681 Alar-Airrailes Chows co*ckers Chihuahuas Shelties 498-6681 AKC Rol1V4EILBots litters champion lines 498-6681 I not urn $75 2 2 buy Kenmore Or Whirlpool washers and dryers working or 24441749 or 441439 WE BUY SELL TRADE REFRIGERATORS STOVES 838-7741 2814189 WASHER ANDORYERDEEP FREEZE REFRIGERATOR ELECIR IC RANGE 498-1746 beautiful all wood formica too dinette4chairs perfectcond465 336-8039 WASHER-Dryer large Dearborn heater roll away bedV 601- cleaner bicycle 927-7778 White refrigerator harvest ran 470734 or vIctort ge For sale sofa $75Queen size bed $100 25 In color TV S50 Etagere Call before 11 am 738-16 Washerdryer freezer refrigerator good condition will sepa- rate can deliver 838-5937 DELUXE Winnle the Poo crib with 2 drawers matching accessories 297-4139 297-9786 '150 LAMPS in stock now Ail th off marked price Public Furniture 4039 Belknap 831-4652 SEAR portable apt washer $150 Friedrich 10000 BTU 110 S235 Clean excellent cond 8384344 living room chairs good condiVon $25 ea stereo record player $25 244-0196 Patio table glass coed with 11 cushioned chairs suoerb after5om 732-3916 Quality built sofa chair beige naugahvde very good condition $85 625-4046 WASHER and dryer 30 in gas ramie 18 cu upright freezer 534-7059 rooms of modern furniture much accessories All like new (214)339-6648 WASHER dryer good condition will separate Can deliver 5351089 Lady Kenmore mt size washer excellent cond $150 332-7431 467-5284 jC Penney frostfree refrigerator with icemaker almond color $450 232-1674 Kelvinator refrigerator17 cu ft $375 Champion water cooler 5175 Call 5322013 Gold velvet high back chairs 2 beige bar stools bench 485-0780 buncan Phyte dining room suite buffet table4chairs bar $500 737-4135 Queen Bedroom Suite triple dresser mirrors night standAr- moire $650 534-0534 Sear's Coldsoot refrigerator with icernaker good condition $375 551-1927 hide-a-bed couch 5175 swivel ofialr 550 corner couch table $150 lamp S25 838-2549 Gitlin Corner bed set corner table with AM-FM 8 track Call 737-3206 Professional moving boxeS slegoer sofa 2 chairs 293-5057 after WARD'S 18 cuft refserator 30 $175 hot water gal 626-48a state sale sofa bed washer- dmr refrigerator water bed 4651646 call after 20m 817-594-1724 AKC Registered Doberman Female good with kids needs goodhome3yrsoldS175295-7036 PARROTS Macaws Amazons and others Weatherford 1-599-7230 Dalmatian AKC 20 months male Blackpool bloodlines show-home Only 237-1848 AKC Great standard Poodle pup! Plesblack ready Sept 20Ih S2W up Terms available 283-5793 Boa Constrictor for sale5ft long male custom cage end accessories t200 283-5993 REGISTERED Brittany Spaniel puppies born May 12th SQ 295-6207 Golden Retriever pupa AKC light colors Sire Dam on premises S150 921-6829 AKC Dobermans Dachsunds Yorkles Chltwahuas all ages colors CASH 1-829-1456 AKC Rertered Basset Hound female' mos Dog house Includ- Ed $200 65-5798 after 60m AKC Boston Terrier puppies female 5100 mate $125 2824304 after 5 pm kegIstered large Doberman pups 0 ears 838- cropped reds blacks S125-5158419 AKC Boston Terrier puppies N-7 grown 340 dogs some bred $100 up 5 co*ckateels (colors white and gray) and6x12c9gefor sale Cage and birds 1400 Call 451-7924 Registered Birddegs for saleAll ages untrained trained dogs Contact Mr Tucker 478-2941 Beautiful black Labrador Re- trieverpups shots wormed 7050 589-7340 AKC BEAGLES 3 Males fat playful healthy 7 wks old 496-8847 AKC TOY Poodle puppies black champagne malesS125 Also stud service Too Duality 292-1813 AKC Siberian Husky Pups blue eyed 654-4109 champion bloodline $250 S300 AK Toy poodles 7 wks Also female 2 yr old 575732-5206 AKC miniature Schnauzers excellentchanspiongedieree11whiL DOG Houses SIO AND UP Well constructed 534-3772 For sale Registered Plt Bull PUP' pies call 738-2680 AKC Doberman Dopoles reds and blacks $80 924-3753 Stud service AKC Harlepuiri Great Dane too blood 477-5197 1 SIAMESEkittens for sale 281-4833 AKC Norwegian Elkhound pup pies 7 weeks old Si 25 465-4049 Staffordshire Bull Terrier PUP! plescall Dennis 92776969214612 AKC blue eyed Siberian HuskeY Duos 267-7475 or 2840712 Special on precious AKC SH1HTUZ puppies 834-3384 Australian Blue Heelers0week registered wormed575 834-4135 AKC Norwegian Elkhound 281-1589 after 5 pm AKC LhasaApsopupplesfor sale 267-9584 For sale AKC tricolor Beagle Dups 473-0104 AKC YORKSHIRE PUPPIES Males $200 2934647 Red Miniature Dachshund female SIOD 246-6774 Canaries selling all breeders young also cages 249-1866 Inches 237-5284 OBEDIENCE classes-nights 292-2464 498-6353 MA registered Himalayan kit tensSeal Point females831-3285 AKC co*cker Spaniel female buff 2 VI yrs $125 460-3249 AKC Boston Terriers $150 1 Year old proven stud 531663 Tea cup Poodle $250 626-1789 AKC co*cker pup 1 silver-blond male $125 17832789 297-9608 FREE 3 month old female Labra dor1738-9281 AKC grown 6 lb tiny ShihTzu ffr males 18 mos 3150 838-8419 Parakeets 2 male and female with cage 325 3352017 Doberman Pincher pups pure bred $60 each 536-6762 2 Border Collies 1 yrold Freeto good home Call 244-2503 'Pre Tiger kittens 2weeks old orphans Call 5710043 rerret with cage Mutt leave this week $30 Call 460-4133 eleAUTIFUL AKC Collie Puppies 4 males left 267-6950 TrainedAKClemalearindle English bull dog 8950 4299643 tiegistered English bull clog $1200 261-8414 Buff male co*cker Spanlel yrs shots no papers S55 498-5760 Adult mate female AKC Groat anes tree to good home732-1379 Free Kittens to good home 7382674 FREE KITTENS with shots' 441-9514 or 246-1349 AKC Thy Poodle P000les 626-8924 aYORfEpOS 589-2769 FEMALE ARAN S89-2269 to and bed le II ter er er 3 A TWO FABULOUS ANTIQUE SHOWS D15I RICHARDSONC1ccataisit 1 NOV 20 21 um Otrisilmig ft triewileMRIN TEICAS 6 ME Revers Warnarial Geiger i Limited dealer Contact Lloyd Ward at $40-00e1 (metro) CENTRAL ANTIQUES 10000 sett of furniture dishes dolls toys orientals primitives military much more Look no more It's here! Old ritstorird ho 1e1 dealerswe4come401S Pray (1-35 Nattieestil near downtown) Brass cash register (stripPed) model 303 S65 1 Oid wrntsemakers disk WS parts 125 Silver upright vIctroiskt8E8 ion condit with 30 records 498-0137 EURASIA IMPORTS INC American Euroceen AntigueS Wholesale and Retell to 4 Mon thru MB White Settlement (2 biks of University 332-7680 Child's roil top desk9ood cond are leather trunk lined exam- lent cond wooden planes records decression green kero' sane 7 lamps a-627-2500 nd dishes large sel Bt lection 81 antique auction every Fri' end hon 1 pm Joe Small Auc- tioneers Inc114 Garden Brookr Dr Dallas Texas 214-241-N124 Charles Eastlake desk end chair $1500 Swing cradle $750 3 stick 84 ball chairs $500 each Slant top desk $250Alloak Circa l850-1 910 81 -641-5494 Estate Salt 4 different estates dishes to diamonds antioues pocket watches Wed-Sun m4pm70113 Jecksbore Hwy 237-1136 BUYING OLD GLASSWARIL such as Depression Cutglass Hisey figurtnesplates etc Also buy estatel 534-1671 SEPTEMBER SALE S1! CENTRAL ANTIQUES 20 PERCENT OFF 481 FRWY I-35) E'er can collection large tion approx 500 cone togs pop SODS misc Metro 430-1063 or 817-627-2500 otter 6 pm Old White sewing machine Straight stitch desk type antique The Air-Way Dresshopper) vacuum cleaner 2444014 Antique pine drop leaf tableJ lad 2 chairs $115 Duncan Phyla mahogany coffee tabiltenze leather inlayS75 Estate Sole 10-6 Thurs- Fri Sat-Sun Antiout glass chine furniture dealers weicorne Cain Only 2944 Hemphill Due to restoring antique house antiqueturniture Den 625-2871 atte 5PM 626-0037 ANTIQUES tor sale rends Pro vincial chair bureau and sowin machine cabinet 921-2834 Beautiful red mahogany Queen ne 788 lmp table-glass lois S100 834-9a RIfinished antique bethirlthipsl Old Brass Chandelier 575 Cream separator $50 Wrought iron chandelier sas 292-3324 Antique Wardrobe 2 doors good condition original finish Shown BY Amt Only 9264032 Stain glass doors windows etril hove custom made 2654604 From Golden Colorado- Coors chairs 860-2392 Steuben RS Prussigicut glass bedroom lamps 737-2907 510 Sewing Machines Singer industrial Se Wing ma- chine Model no 1 164155 926-3164 94ew commercial sewing mo- chine stand 3 Ouse motor $150! 831-2834 Sewing machine console ixod cond 732-7968 Zig Zag with large custom' cabinets $200 294-1730 732-3351 Signature sewintu8natifirdirte net model S50 511 CB-Amateur Communications Johnson 2 way radio 6 mobile units 1 base 3 desk phones sell 1 unit or all Will trade 461-7931 Cobral9GTLpeokedout 10S6Oor best otter 293-3374 Tektronix $tS scope $250 311 sc000 S100 other items 73B-6797 Need tower and accessories 281-5141 '1Berry base mobile CB antennaS100 624-3615 President Zachary like new ground plane antenna 293-7060 Regency pocket scanner filth case charger 5110 534-21 14 Keny000d R1000 receiver and eg! ternal speaker Call 732-7829 512 TV Radio Hi-FI BIG MAMA 260 watts of power Sanyo fully with LED readout AM-FM stereo repaiver much more 2 huge monitor style Omega 37 speakers with 12 in woofers tweeter 2 mid range Sanyo red drive fully automatic turf able with straight tone arm Regular $1995 Now only $949 Or $30 monthly SIR RECI WORLD 5029 COAP BOWIE 7384539 SANSU I HO wadi ot power AM-FM sterto with 12programmable radio stations tully digital with LED much more with sneakers with 12 In woofers Tedlnics low profile profession series turntable Regular $1249 Now only $599 Or $20 mcothly STEREO WORLD SOP) CAMP BOWIE 738-6539 COLOR TVS Preovoted speciejs In Peck- Pack ardBell 59923in Penncrest 512925 in Sears $139 19 In Quasar $149 25 In GE' 5179251n Zenith 5225 25 In Phil-co new picture tube $250 Cash and Carry I Meadowbrook TV Order 4728 Lancaster 4555 Kenwood amp Kenwood tuner Sharp cassette deck Pioneer equalizer Technics turntable JensennsAakers O'Seilln stereo might consider trade For sale 3 piece custom made eel Id oak Barzilay stereo cabinets complete with 2 Aitec 151n 3 way theater type speakersexcelleM condition $550 485-4377 A ALL RCA Color TV's drastically reduced! Huge selection Easy terms! $am's Appliances 5361904 838-6991 COLOR TV stereo combinatIon AMFM and tape deck and record player S37 1West Berry 926-1160 Sears AMFM Stereo system 4 track recorder speakers stand excellent condition very reasonable 4604563 Walnut console stereo turntable good condition 850 New Auctiovox Agk-FMcassette4 speakers S300 2-7919 Toshiba video tape recorder has gly tea color 6 mos toth tv Antenna $6999 Installed con plete RCA Channel Master Advanced Antenna Systems Metro 265-WO2 25 IN color TV $135 Delivered guaranteed 6153 Hemphill 927-5201 Quasar 11 23 in color console 6A0Iterranean style 268- 0937 Kellwood KR 770 receiver two Cerwin Vega CH 203 speakers prloed to sell 265-2159 Hitachi Video recorder almosf new Includes 41)movies and COM plete accessories 292-5262 rIAR I HOME VIDEOCernputer th 5 pame programs very little use $210 927-2673 Need 12used VHS vldeo recorders 1 51-1079 co camera any brand Cap 4lor )buy non working TVs sell and rade 60 days warranty 535-6918 or 536-8420 Magnavox color TV stereo AAA FM radio handsome cabinet moving take best offer 732-4665 tMER SON portable radio track player cassette player a recorder 5110 plus tax 292-9068 p)n PANASONIC color consol with remote control MO plue tax 292-9068 SPOT CASH for non-working color TV' 2464ISI TOP cash for non-working color TVs buy and sell 9275201 I1e2141 315 up We buy dead set TV Canter 1530 Allen 926-1869 WATCHTV FROMSATELLITE 60 channels 295-3282eveninge to) it yourse0 New TV Mot 50 off Sams 15 6264530 Roler consols good color 25 246-6151 )2 IN portable TV excel lent cotdition $50 ask for Pat 1138-666 Sears color TV less than 1 yreici sell for $250 246-8265 Color portable 5125 Black 9allte portable $35 738-5797 Nice color TV475 uo 626-78 RCA Olio Screw' tytsso (A11281-9495 COLOR TV REPAIR Guarantee Call Sokol' 927-7069 Wireel to tell 3 head lound sound $150 732-2047 457-3626 'MO Utah IS In mounted Party speakers S60 202-0106 PORTABLE buildings moved reasonable Young 034-2156 2 HOUSES for sale to be moved 2446764 244-4050 Must UM Mused portable build-Mils call bhveen 9-S 68-2959 Portable buildings ex 16 1540 8x12 $460 626-1216 or 237-3Th Portablebidg moved estimates 3350123 921-3774 Bill 'Portable buildings moved best prices 431-1309 379-5288 1040 masonite wired win- dows 01800 delivered 47-1446 Portable buildings moved wrecker service I2J-7154 CUSTOM BUILT storage Win- 16 per ft Cali 921-6300 Bill 504 Furniture Wanted SPOT OtkSH 24 Hrt PAIDFOR USED FUR NITUR AND APPLIANCES IhWEDIATE SERVICE TO ANY PART TOWN 38-0381 INSTANTASH For Need Furnthwe AIMAIOnall Call Clyde Now I 8341-3531 831-3627 Cash Fast Service or anything of value Joss 4146 Be 431-1622 Tao dollar cash money furniture agollances baby Roma other household goods Phone 434-7281 day or night WANTED Refrigerators furniture 295-0573 Attention Cash Hunters! Furniture wanted 451-0511 S06 Household Apo! Refrigerator stove 110aircond4tioner dinette 6244850 DOUBLE door rost free refrigerator late model 281-5780 110E by side frost free refrigerator $249 281-5780 Recliner chair recovered in new herculto fabric $85 534-6780 Like new baby bed 160 335-3190 ing 47 siz8-e 27b ox wrings mattresS $100 73 411 in Round Oak table 2 leaves 8350 921-4889 EXPERT saddle tack repair good selection of new used saddles for sale or trade We pay too dollar for used saddles tack Cowtown Western Store 4015 Mansfield Hwy Ft Worth Tx 817-536-3759 VTUR ITT prospects 3 yr old MONA sorrel gelding out of SPanish Boss War Leo Roped off started on barrels $3000 3yr old AOHA black mare out of Polo Meyers ge295-0349 ntle enough for any 2 HORSES for sale 1 Palomino registered on Palomino la Arabian side 212 year old colt must sell immediately call after 6PM Tennessee Walker 16 hands $800 Good playday mare 14 hands S700 Sorrel 15 hands S600 Good Playday child's Welsh Pony $500 281-640 16 YR thoroughbred mare Proe ducer of winners VI sister to stakes winner and stakes proclucer In foal to well bred horse due 4-22412 52250 214-775-2471 RED BARN SADDLE SHOP Custom saddles belts chaps Order now for Christmas Repair work of all kinds Supplies for all horseneeds2819151Colleyville yrold Paint Gelding Small but flashy Excellenthorseforexperienced child Also '69 Miley thoroughbred trailer $1600 for both or will sell separate 273-565days Registered 2 yr old Chestnut Geld ing winner at Halter excellent ti3eggsprospect S1500 Registered 11 yr old Red Roan Mare excellent riding horse 3 bars Wagner breeding $1250 1-365-2965 Up for sale Bubba's Little Cowboy foaled 2i1381 blanket Appaloosa stud colt should lecoard out asking Si 237350 OPEN HORSE SHOW RICH-LAND HILLS RIDING CLUB SAT SE PT5 AT SPM JACKPOT BARRELS POLES 4PM Beautiful Quarter Horse ThoroughbredMare 10yrso Id Shown Hunter Dressage 460-8610 atter 5 pm 1977 WW 2 horse trailer tandem axle gg'W Firestone 721 radial tires white with blue pin stripes $1350 531-8281 or 485-0437 1978 AQHA Palomino gelding grandson of "The Ole tiMn" 15-2 trained Western Pleasure but has speed S2000 648-9690 APPALOOSA GE LD I NG roan 4 yrs 141 goodplayclayhorseS900 2 HORSE trailer good floor new tires mats S850t 485-6567 NEW" USED -4 W-W Stedham Necticrf Hale Linville trailers Lone Trailer Sales 214-223- 121 WW 2 horse trailer fully 'Quipped extra height 19711mo el excellent cond $1500 817-464-3291 German made Pony I English saddle 15 in with leathers and Irons pad and saddle cover good cond 5250 Call 817-4M-3291 RUN AROUNDS and new stalls with shavings lighted arena and full care boardingwestside 246-4326 Sorrel Mare 7 yrs llhands pleasure some English 1un ingtraining $8 926-91 5 735" 2590 Ann AQHA 2yr gelding saddle broke excellent conformation son of Cadillac Jack trophy winner 261-8655 Jackpot barrels poles Sunday Aug 30 2 pm Meadowbrook Wrangler Arena 283-5070 Almost new 1980 Turnbow execufive deluxe 2 horse trailer Red white al 1 ext ras $2400 4964377 Hale 2 horse trailer for sale dark melon( blue-white OM strives 2657163 or 457-5314 after 5 pm 5 Yr Appaloosa gelding by Tog Quest loud color SI firm 531-8281 or 284- 176 Registered sorrel mos $1008 9 yr W1 old Welsh bred wins registered lack -433-51325 8 yr old Appaloosa gelding some barrel experience U50 Days 473-9961 nights 473-1724 Welsh Marc excellent with chi' Also saddles tack 485-485 after 6 Breeding stock Nines colts by A HA National champion Raw sonable 431-2873 MUST SELL NOW1 13-year-old Adt HA mare In foal priced right g5-8658 FOR sele2year oldAPHAOvero stallion by tegticesal Changlialt "My Painted Robin" 29547114 JACK le BLACKMON New number location Buy Sell trade 237-7159 Si Arab 26 mos old Filly Dunn ral I broke and Old established firm LOOKING FOR NEW dealers in cat tie trailer business 214-223-2121 Barrel or English prosiest- TB registered gelding 4 yr oil un- raced sound SHOO 444435 HORS or trade E543440490u II SAWDUST FOR SALE Call 536-5625 Professional Hone Shoeing Call McDanksis 281-2724 New used 2 horse stock trailers goosenecks 478-2345 Large stalls good care 6548 VIckery 731-6239 bay a mil old stud colt S200 534- 6587293-0555 1 1 4 5 6 1 1 WAREHOUSE SALE Were over stocked must WI namebrandWashers-dryers re- Igerators air conditioners svideo recorders bullt-in ovens dishwashers ventahoods ranges and microwaves Builipricestothepubliclor this credit terms DYER APPLIANCE 1111 Davis Blvd NRH SetEment DOS While Rd 3114 Furniture for sale townhouse all furniture and aopliances must gO 5 piece sofa Alt valour cordoroy sacrafice 1550 Wicker trunk wicker lounger king-size bedroom suite 165O Full mattress set 3 months old 1135 Re- fri7rator like new 1500 Heavy washer and dryer remote control rot television large screen 56inches I yearoldS15OAlsocolor television with intertainment slier like new 1600Call after or weekends 647-'2156 50000 SALE Bedroom' din ng room living room Inventory Must be sold to make way for new fall merchandise Reasonable prices Must sell fast BRUMBAUGH'S Furniture Carnet Appliances Corner 715th and hUin 624-4125 Rental Furniture Returns Household end office nice selection low low prices Finger Furniture Rental 2500 Mansfield Hwy 531-2741 NUACCe02en tr LI tijr2FALL NEW MERCHAnDIS isc: Dinettes Trundle bed Mattress set kV thii Bunk beds complete 1131- Wall shelf units 16117B Glassbrass dInettes Low Living Room Market 1amples C2 LING FANS Over narnebrandcellingfans close out prices Big selection Ali roust be sold BRUMBAUGH'S Furniture Carpet Appliances Comer 28th and Main 624-4125 Solid oak bedroom suite head- board kolboard Mole dresser mirror 2 night stands with Inlaid slate framoexoands from double queen size Excellentconditim Carver teakwood bar expands to storage Pair of brass lame bases New Queen size box Springs I mattress 292-6989 Rent GAppliano9 Washer ryers Ref rigeratorS freezers MICrOWaVe0VOnS TV STEREOS RENTAL 1021 Mato 336-2076 Birdseye Memle Antique dresser $150 Will Rogers Silverware sots $60 large dollhouse $25 Fisher stereo 6100 10 oleco antique dining room suite 61150 misc items 836-1160 HARVEST gold double door GI im free refrigerator 147 cu ft l2 apt size gas ranget50 roc- liner chair beige vinyl looks new 675 RCA Victor 26 in color TV beaotiful word cabinet W75 293- 7198 or 535-0658 Marriage Sale Gas Stove used 2 mos white Less than 14 price 6100 Almost new ant silt washer-dryer used aborox 6 mos 110 volt Mite Both 6250 Also have used washer-dryer 220 volt 650 each 2867442 589-1918 6500 BTU refrigerated window unit tik5 18 000 BTU refrigerated unit veil 26000 BTU unit 220 volt efrigerators 685 and taa Large cornmercialgas range $75 apt gas range Small upright freezer 732-0684 or 738-3951 WANTED REFRIGERATORS Working or not 283-8885 soli RENT A COIN OPERATED WASHING MACHINE For your home Option to buy Nosteconomical service intoym Trans -America Appliance Corp 5354341 NEW BUNK BEDS complete with mattresses mattresses starting at 12750 Capt beds complete 95 Trundle beds with mattresses $18995 Uncle Ed's 2244 Lancaster 534419 SPR ING Mattress Sets ell newnot red tag rebuilts Twin S6995 Full SU95 Queen $12495 King S13495 Frames S15 up Vpckfd's 224 4 Lancaster MOVING MUST SELL All household furnit'ings end goods much Gass too dining room table and hutch sole end assorted chairs Lot more 4005 Cartist Beribrook Wed th ru Sun MATTRESSES $45 mattress set $till Other famous brands 50 percent off Y1 price on ail sizes King set SI68 Al's Furniture 4400 9Mnsfield Hwy 5314661 Nict washers dryers from $799 eackwith mo guarantee 7701 JACK SBORO HWY 625-2251 Trade-ins acted 76118 Custom drapes decorative rods 2 matched Early American light fixtures Hotpoint electric range to oven Traditional gold colored love seat 3624JonetteDr Call first 286-7375 poly red long shag rug with pad COO 2 Bieck vinyl occasional chairs 150 each Red ginger lir lap S25 Coffee table $75 Fr dal re deep freeze $250 Room I- vider and draperies 732-6347 5pleoe butcher block dinetteswith Vinyl opveredchairsc in the carton pro speco Warehouse G-1 Division Arlington265 3prn to9pm Like new Whirlpool Kenmore a GE washerstirrs1 electric or pfcu a ilvteAraerdsftrira Hwy aen 6 dayi per week REBUILT APPLIANCES GUARANTEED All 7zi and models MASTER 420 RY LH 244341 STORE WIDE ARANCE SALM 10 to off Entire Stock Robert Kent's 4838WhIte Settlement d732-0091 508 AMIques A Arts Anniversary model Speed Graphlos Odcarnera strobe $35-0120 Beautiful handpainted credeniN parchment finish 6750 479-7923 13t5ecaacsVIVig-c9trtseter 3 Columbian artifacts from South America for sale 496-7365 PLAYER MAN Beautiful cond 3 795 4442811 Olo olanoSIOS 195tukelsoeS156 needs repair 451- 263 WANT OLD DOLLS 331-5911 Furniture misc goodies Ind! vidual collector 921-4960 Mah000ny dinine buffet good condition S850 792-9382 )9200ak sideboa rd excel lent con hom Cali 2816248 tlf lo13 pe fixtures show CANS -19 xduisite Sheraton mahogany la dy's desk $1250 firm 461-6058 ESTATE SALE beginning fuTs: 9AM 6413 Donnelly 1 araleatiD27-Irsrd di nH SUN BULLS Registered Charo leis Bulls reedy to go the Commeri dal Cattlemen modern with good muscle 6 of these Bulls recently returned with high Indexes rom Gain test from Cook County Beef Evaluation Center 336-7232 443-0606 Rands I registered Polled Hereford bull le mos 1-5 yr old covi calve 60 days 1-2 lA yr oldcow will calve In April 2-4 yr old Brahman cross cows to calf January 379-5453 NICE REGISTERED ANGUS Cows calves heifers Call Aledo 441-8156 Registered Suffolk buck sheets 2 Yrs5200 Senor tradefor Neubian nanny goat 1-594-7617 STOCK YOUR FARM PONDS Fingerling Catfish Boss Biuegill 1-817-261-5416 2 Moufflon Rams 650 each will trade for Ewes 292-150 1-6454205 I Horne raised stocker calves from $125 UP 3-8294 all healthy teen 1-78 1 HEREFORD BUItit breeding Age Cottonwood Ranch Godley Tx 817-389-3671 Registered Hereford Disoersal Sale Butts cows and calves 1-817-682-7152 Parents registered 379-543 Australian Shepherd 1 VAT Dingo Ya blue healer 379-5453 re2ie4Vt9rs Baby double yellow head parrots very tame $ZO 293-2209 Irish Setters puppies AKC oar enis all shots 282-6212 9 Mo AK48C 5-9059 male Chow i100 AKC Afghan 4mo oldblack male Must sell 624-9666 FREE Female Dobermantogooci country home 246-3222 AKC registered Toy Poodle Purr pies $75 up 485-0987 TiiiVWRKSI-IiirETTERRIER AKC male $200 429-2403 6 EK olcipupey Maltese A ShihTzu250244-0444after 4PM HEALTHY black male kItten needs home 268-0555 Darling Brindle kiften to give away to cat lover only 293-7045 Registered Collie pups shots ex- cel lent quality $125 up 589-7340 AK Scottish Terrier puPS shots $150 8388419 AKC co*cker Soantel puppies small type shots $125 589-7340 Tiny perfect Persian kittens $75 281-6345 FREE 2 rnate dogs 1 Boston Terrier I Half Shepherd 232-5034 AKC English 1-0 Bulldog for stud 55723 34 Bloodhound female PuPOW 265-2557 Art AKC Sheltie female ask for Peg- gy 281-3833 282-2573 Extra large male Doberman ex- cellent watchdog VS 246-6250 boning male Chihuahua 1 yr housebroken Jodi's Obedience Protection training 282-6529 GREAT Dane female 3years housebroken shots 246-6780 AKC Red Chow female 5 mos $150 1-523-7137 55BE MA puppies ARC Warlock 8125 834-2334 AKC Springer Spaniel puppies Shots wormed 444-2058 6 ma old black and silver male German ShepherdS175536-5437 AKC Labrador Pup Black Female 8 wks $50 292-4069 Registered Border Collie pup pies SI00 443-3719 or 249-1652 4-2847 A Precious Chow puppies $10 53 OreatDanelyroldfemaleS100 485-8335 or 281-2856 Adorable kittens Free Call 244-0364 460 Feed Pasture ZRTIN RANCH CLEBURNE Tx soso bales in barn weed free 4 orotlen test S200 Der bale cutting roundbalesS20008to m831-0381 atter 8 omt 1-645- Q52 Day Ranch 1-611-5876 1 PHILLIPS SON I County Rd 04 SE of Burleson Nutrena feeds Spacial price on breeder cubes horse coif feeds Open 8am-6om -Ism Sat 795- 1774 COASTAL 2000 round bales 1000 116120ercentorbetterS60oer ton or S30 Der bale delivered 1-968-8263 Coastal 3F cutting cleanheavi L225 In barn Sudan 5175 Rolls 25-SA in field Clark McKelvey wv 114 817-648-2440 Paymester Horse Mule $99g cwt Pens Feed Store 5104 Broadway 400 5)(6 rolls fine stem Sudan hey priced to sell Can deliver 1817) 1-753-8155 tudan hay $160 in field 523-7468 1-523-4611 NO IALFALFAHAY HEAVY BALES 1-677-2130 Coastal 2nd cutting fertilized $225 In barn Joshua 1-645-2132 ALFALFA green loefy horse hay too Quality 627502 Faroe hay ba rn for rent near Den- on 1-458-7700 after 6 om Hey haulin1-1088 reliable service 55 barn yard fertiliser nodellver- truck load $15 2519337 FERTILIZED toArtAL NAY Round bales delivered 473-4758 Coastal Hay 3325972 Allsia 5 he723097 especially grown for horse Fertlitzed Coastal Nay in the barn 443-0241 Johnson grass farmed fort) hied SI bale witiciellver735-2823 ighly Fertilized Ceastel round bales delivered 1523-4795 -858 WANT TO RENT GRASSLAND 2952 475 Farm Equipment rsi1 'ootiVACcasetroctorgre Iv mower Stt250 535-8566 rFiir 500 5 uwed extra nice 2950 1-594-1 me Massey Pergoson 50 ctotedeni condition 83150 I-5941860 9 ft 6 In offset disc 1-6S3-5242 heavy duty Jubl Forog new 5 ftMOW4FILET-C cessoriesL $2550 471-2540 tractor000dcon- Olt Ion 6257221 or 728-1262 21 ft John Doer Tendert-11517E S7000 232-1722 chestnut coil 1201111t $175 293-0555 Npurnoln9Aaddle IrLexcellent con- SM0 268-55 Uorseback riding and hay rides call 256-1144 '81 2 horse deluxe with dressing room $2895 478-1729 HORSESHOEING-RELIABLE WHITEY TAPLEY 2444171 Appaloosa filly and new saddle 00 cash Cali 444-S902 Gooseneck horse stock trailer 6x16x7 83250 1-987-3370 Stidman 2 horse trailer 293-7772 Hareestweing 4 trimming Billy Merrifield 572-0044 540-8069 2 horse Milne '78 StIctham new tires extra nice 1-627-2574 GOOD 2 horse tandem trailer for sale 274-6629 Paint Female Donkey 1 Yr very gentle $135 738-1801 FLASHY AOHA 2 yr oldGelding gentle ridesquletS1350293-7817 Extremely colorful gentle grey mare colt 81450 pair 293-7817 4 yr old Top 9 hic-3143 on Gelding 816M 43 MCOVJERRY 4 horse trailer good shape $1600 297-2444 Beautiful 3 yr old Palomino filly green broke 3650 201-7565 1 BUY-SELL HORSE trailers Hayden 461-7017 Sell-trade new Mt new 16' stodttraller444-1359 Good big gelding English saddle Western saddle 4617017 4 stall aval lable now 1c7--are 2954054 Beautiful white Welsh irr35utigt saddle will work $250 6 Gentle 2 year sorrel gelding $450 4414924 3yr old Paint tack gentle 232-9530 Jackpot Barrels poles PM Alvarado 866-2245 645-8457 Leaving for Okla Ken Sept 5th have room to hau I horses 444- 1359 Bay gelding sell or trade for tali 2 horse trailer 249-3280 Arabian horses all ages Terms 817-295-1450 Arabians for sale Also stud ser- vice 295-7034 or 295-2959 3yr ol Geld! noWeich horse reel gentle $275 273-1907 )7 mo old bay illy halter broken WO 430-3214 Stables for rent runs 121 ac grazing 430-3214 ARABIANS for 5ale $700 817-645-3876 8 YEAR old gentle Paint mares hands high 5375 246-9310 Mcrae trailer-4150 Call 246-30)6 yr old registered warier ilorser gelding-5703 246-3016 445 Poultry Rabbits QUAIL SAL! Pharaoh 71 D-I Wisconsin umbo Bobwhite Tennessee ed Quail 11 Georgia Giant Bobwhite 11 We buy all breeds of rabbits MARSHALL GRAINSI 2224 Lancaster QUAIL HEADQUARTERS Straight RUTI Heavy Chicks COLOR QUAIL Pigeons Rabbits 13 36 MARSHALL CSRAINCO 2224 Lancaster 53625136 CHINESE Geese Turkeys Pheasants for sale 838-3051 or 834-3685 evenings Rabbits Does Bucks Fryers Bunnies Feeders water bowls In cages 138-5766 rDEN Pheasonts slivers and mt-o re breeds Quitter and wild turkey 511-1725 White Leghorn Bantams 926-3192 bantams assorted hens 2 roosters 111)0 each 249-1866 New Zeeland WhItes626-2366 Equipment bought Wanted several peir of Indian Fantail pldgeons 2114404 abbits Chickens for sale 625- 2520 or 490-1011 Vstill4 fryer size rabbits I does 624-28 Ducks1230ead1 Cheaper by the dozen 2372359 Turkeys Turkeys Turkeys Cheap you pick ern 295-5562 Nevi Zeeill Whites for sal NRH 415- Selling entire stock of rabbits 430-3240 New Hamshlre Red Wyandotte Pullets 5J4-0076 abbits for sett does SS each 1-389-2295 Onepair 1011mi racing Pigeons 626-17S4 450 Chinchillas Wide Watson ChInchltla Ranch Visitors Welcome 211-0633 455 Doss Cats Pets iauteoPsiliiicale MIn11 a tuari 4 450 6 wks old shots 0)(01411 pedigree No checks 1117-599-621 atter 4 WIDEN RETRIEVER AKC (26 Chmpionst 5 Canadian American champions) show field pet 5 re Dam available for Inspection 737-7157 5 Hereford 6 black Ba Idle extra nice heifers vaccinated 5195 1-523-7268 or 1-523-4166 LIVE rrock HAULING 9V-7980 Stocker calves all sins feeds Glynn Shleids 471-6213or 478-5521 Registered soiled Hereford bulls Priced to sell Call 737-3920 WEEK old Pigs 125 each 1-413-5092 Registered Angus bulls 10 to 20 mos old Ando 441-9100 5 BLACK bulls 5 heifers 865 each 1-523-7268 Want tobuy 1gal of goats mlikper wk 535-2151 624-0946 3 light weight black bull calves 5P5 834-0879 2 purebred Limousin bulls for sale $750 each 267-5490 18BLACKANGUSSPRINGERS 295-2414 PIGS for sale 624-9358 Calves 200 lbs-300 lbs also stock trailer 1-783-8631 BARBADOS SHEEP 478-2348 Stocker calves all sizes all kinds 1-783-3527 Alvarado Calves 150 and up Call 478-3418 Ilse Cow Catchers Pen-rope-etc Your cattle 1 or more 461-7017 14 FT metal stock trailer 9650 1-5237268 3217 Pregn33 ancy tested cows palrs 2 10 bred black ball fated COWS vrs old 439-3378 3 good cross bred heifers aoprox 40 lbs 1275 each 535-8566 Hereford cross bull black white- face bulls at bulls 292-2099 5Angus cows calves9 Hereford Angus wringers 431-1351 Registered Angus bulls service age call after 5om017-440-0652 Yearling red MOUS heifers for Sakl 441-5072 RegisteredRedArigusbull2yrS gentle $1000 lbs 267-1486 4 bred sootted Poland China sows 017-6774757 114 vr old red white faced Brangus Bull $550 246-2170 Volga lyota3t4s8f906ro sale 440 Horses and Related Items REGISTERED Appaloosa IS month old studimit bay with blan kets 152 handsgentle grandson of Running Champion )kgpaloos Throughbred also 3 year ol Palomino Alp filly broke well bui not finished also her 14 sister 6 month old Palomino Alp filly also II year old grade mere finished barrel horse we lust weaned her baby she needs pyt back In corY (Anon Cresson 1-3964438 two YEARLING fillies one by Bunny Bid AAAT producing mare one by Bold Jup men AAA out of MOM Tom Cat AAA mare One 2 year old filly by 3 3525 gaysrtilf 4-3355 nights i--MNIMJ nommontrommaammummuni.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.