The Nokhud Offensive Mythic+ Guide & Route - Method (2025)


Hey everyone, and welcome to the Nokhud Offensive M+ guide for season 4 of Dragonflight! In this guide I’ll be covering the abilities of all the trash mobs and bosses throughout the dungeon, as well as how I recommend you deal with them. I will also be including a recommended, PUG friendly route via the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon for anyone interested.

A bit about me, my name is Tactyks and I am an avid M+ player, achieving every 0.1% M+ title that has existed as well as competing in The Great Push in season 4 of Shadowlands. I also create M+ and Raid guide content on my YouTube and Twitch channels, so be sure to stop by and say hi!

If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import the recommended route using the following link:

Granyth Trash

In this area you’ll need to defeat 3 of the Nokhud Lancemasters, located near the Dragonkiller Lances, in order to summon the boss.

Nokhud Lancemaster

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Tanks point this mob away from your group to avoid hitting players with the Cleaving Strikes
  • Be sure to interrupt every cast of Disruptive Shout
  • Avoid the War Stomp swirly around the mob

Nokhud Warspear

  • Pierce targets the tank, use defensives or bleed cleanses at higher stack counts
  • Swift Stab targets the furthest player, use CC to prevent the mob from getting to its target or position such that a player with defensives available is hit

Nokhud Longbow

  • Shoot targets a random player but isn’t too scary on its own
  • Avoid the random target swirlies from Rain of Arrows or use a CC to stop the channel

Nokhud Hornsounder

  • Use a CC to prevent Rally the Clan from going off and soothe any dangerous mobs if the cast goes through
  • Shoot targets a random player but isn’t too scary on its own

Nokhud Beastmaster

  • Use an interrupt or CC to prevent the Hunt Prey cast, if the cast goes through use a soothe or CC on the buffed Ohuna mob
  • Hunter’s Mark targets a random player and forces nearby Nokhud Longbow to Shoot them, use a CC to stop the cast or a defensive if you are the marked player

Nokhud Plainstomper

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Be sure to interrupt every cast of Disruptive Shout
  • Avoid the War Stomp swirly around the mob

Granyth Boss Fight

Throughout the fight, 1 of the 3 Dragonkiller Lance weapons will begin to reload, becoming usable by players when complete to deal 5% of the bosses health in damage, stun the boss for 5s, and reset his phase timers. I recommend having the healer run over to these and use them when ready.

Nokhud Saboteurs will spawn across from the reloading lance and attempt to Dismantle them, use stuns, slows, and knockbacks to prevent them from reaching the lance and allow you to cleave them down with the boss, or use a long term CC like polymorph and imprison to keep mobs CC’d indefinitely.

On higher tyrannical keys use a defensive for each Shards of Stone cast to survive, but usually being full health is enough. Also be sure to run out of the Tectonic Stomp AoE.

Every ~30s the boss will begin to cast Eruption, dealing lethal damage to the group if successful. Hitting the boss with a Dragonkiller Lance will stop this cast, but as mentioned above you don’t actually need to wait for this cast to start, as just stunning the boss with the lance will reset his entire phase timer, so just use those on CD as that will also reduce your damage intake by interrupting some Shards of Stone casts.

The Raging Tempest Trash

To activate this boss you’ll need to kill all 4 Stormsurge Totems spread throughout this area.

Stormsurge Totem

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Avoid the random target swirlies this totem randomly shoots out while alive
  • Avoid the Stormsurge swirly around the totem which it casts on death

Stormcaller Mini Bosses

  • These mobs are immune to CC
  • Stormbolt targets a random player, use an interrupt to prevent this cast
  • Totemic Overload does big party damage if there is a nearby Stormsurge Totem, focus the totem down to eliminate this ability and pickup the Surge of Power orbs that spawn from the totem when this cast does happen

Primalist Arcblade

  • Arcing Strike targets the tank, use a spare CC to stop the cast or backup out of range to put it on CD while avoiding the hit entirely

Unstable Squall

  • Surge targets the tank, use a spare interrupt to prevent this cast

Primalist Stormspeaker

  • Use an interrupt or CC to stop the Tempest cast
  • Summon Squall adds one of these mobs to the fight, you can use a spare interrupt or CC to prevent this cast

Nokhud Neophyte

  • Stormbolt targets a random player, use an interrupt to prevent this cast

Primalist Stormshield

  • Tanks be aware of the additional damage intake from Lightning Cudgel
  • When Stormshield is active focus the mob or use a purge to remove the shield

Primal Gust

  • Purge the the Swirling Gusts shield off these mobs if possible to instantly kill them

Primalist Thunderbeast

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Thunderstrike targets a random player, use an interrupt to prevent this cast
  • Chain Lightning targets a random player, move away from your group to avoid chaining the damage
  • Avoid the Thunder Clap swirly around the mob

The Raging Tempest Boss Fight

This boss is stationary, dealing heavy nature damage to anyone who steps beneath it and casting Wind Burst on the tank if they step out of melee range, so try your best to stay close and avoid this extra damage intake. Occasionally the boss will gain the Energy Surge buff, use a purge to remove this effect, or if you don’t have one just make sure the tank has some sort of defensive running.

At 100 energy the boss will begin to channel Electrical Storm, dealing heavy party damage for the duration. Be sure to stagger your defensives and healing CDs to allow you to survive this phase.

Throughout the fight several orbs of Uncontrollable Energy will spawn around the room. Soaking them deals a small nature hit and provides a 5% damage and healing increase for 20s, which stacks up to 10. At the same time, if any orb reaches the boss it’ll do a hit of raid damage and give the boss a 5% damage increase for 1min, so you want to avoid this. Ideally you want to get to max stacks and then maintain your stacks for the duration of the fight. Note that none of these will spawn while the boss is channeling Electrical Storm, so you want to soak an orb as late as possible in this phase to allow you to maintain your buff.

Lightning Strike forms a 15yd circle around every player, dealing a big hit and causing any orbs hit to be destroyed via Electrical Overload. Spread out around the boss to avoid cleaving these circles, and if possible try to soak orbs instead of destroying them, though don’t risk overlapping an ally in the process.

Teera and Maruuk Trash

For this portion of the dungeon, you’ll need to defeat the 4 Soulharvester mini bosses in order to activate Teera and Maruuk.

Soulharvester Mini Bosses

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Use an interrupt on the Death Bolt Volley cast
  • Shatter soul targets 3 random players, find and collect your soul orb before it reaches the mini boss

Ukhel Deathspeaker

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Avoid the Chant of the Dead swirly around the mob and soothe any priority mobs that gained an enrage by being hit

Ukhel Corruptor

  • Death Bolt targets the tank, use spare interrupts to prevent this cast
  • Avoid the orbs created by Necrotic Eruption or use a CC to stop the channel

Desecrated Ohuna

  • Be sure to use an interrupt or CC to stop every cast of Rotting Wind, and if a cast is missed use a dispel on the Disease DoT

Risen Warrior

  • Mortal Strike targets the tank, use a spare CC to stop the cast and be aware of the healing reduction this applies

Risen Mystic

  • Use an interrupt or CC to stop the Swift Wind cast and purge any dangerous mobs if a cast goes through

In addition to these mobs, there is one other Lieutenant in the area you will want to avoid.

Ukhel Beastcaller

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Sundering Slash targets the tank, rotate through defensives to survive the damage amp it applies to you
  • Desecrating Roar summons 5 Desecrated Bakars that just melee their target, tanks be sure to pick these mobs up

Teera and Maruuk Boss Fight

Teera can’t be tanked and will intermittently use Spirit Leap to jump to a different spot. Tanks pick up Maruuk, be sure to have a defensive up for the Brutalize cast, and then just drag him around with Teera to maximize cleave damage.

Teera’s Quick Shot deals damage to a random player, on it’s own this isn’t too scary but it can be extremely dangerous if it overlaps with any other source of damage, or if it picks you multiple times in a row, so watch your health and use potions or defensives as needed.

Occasionally she will use Repel, knock players away from Maruuk, then channel Guardian Wind to constantly push them back, so interrupt this spell as quick as you can.

When Teera reaches 100 energy she will shoot a Gale Arrow at everyone but the tank, use a defensive for this and try to stack as a group so that the tornados are easier to dodge. You can also opt to have 2 stacks, 1 for ranged and 1 for melee, if that's easier. Also keep in mind these tornados will also return to their original location, so watch out for that too.

Avoid the Maruuk’s Frightful Roar AoE, and use a magic dispel to remove the fear if someone gets hit.

When Maruuk reaches 100 energy he will channel Earthsplitter, aiming 3 waves of lethal swirlies at 2 players at a time, leaving behind Aftershock puddles for a short duration, so be sure to avoid these hits. This again can be easier to dodge if your group is stacked, or at least lined up, then rotates in the same direction as swirlies are fired.

Balakar Khan Trash


  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Avoid the random target swirly from Ravaging Spear
  • Vehement Charge targets the closest player, melee stand at max range so this will always target the tank, and position the mob such that this always charges into a wall
  • If Batak dies this mob will gain the Enraging Kin enrage, so soothe this effect if you can


  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Be sure to interrupt every cast of Bloodcurdling Shout
  • Tanks point the Broad Stomp frontal away from the group and use a defensive if needed
  • If Balara dies this mob will gain the Enraging Kin enrage, so soothe this effect if you can

On top of these mini bosses, there are several other mobs in this area that you will not encounter in my recommended route.

Nokhud Defender

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Tanks point this mob away from your group to avoid hitting players with the Cleaving Strikes
  • Be sure to interrupt every cast of Bloodcurdling Shout
  • Avoid the War Stomp swirly around the mob

Nokhud Thunderfist

  • Deadly Thunder targets the tank, use an interrupt or CC to stop this massive hit and stun from going off

Balakar Khan Boss Fight

From 100% to 60% health the boss is unempowered, dealing physical damage with his attacks.

Iron Spear targets a random player, dealing splash damage to them, followed by the boss charging at their location with Iron Stampede. Use a defensive if needed and avoid the charge attack. This is quite easy if you play near the large rock on the south side of the boss arena, as this counts as terrain and will stop the charge attack if you run behind it with the spear.

Upheaval frontals at a random player, also applying Quake to each party member. Loosely spread to avoid cleaving each other and avoid the frontal.

Rending Strike targets the tank, applying a 10s bleed that also increases the damage taken by Savage Strike by 500%, which follows shortly after. Make sure you have a defensive up for this 2nd hit.

At 60% health the boss runs to the centre of the room, summons 4 Nokhud Stormcaster, and goes immune to damage until they are defeated. Keep their random target Storm Bolt cast interrupted, avoid the Lightning swirls, and heal through the Stormwinds ticking damage.

From 60% until dead the boss is now empowered by lightning, gaining additional effects on his abilities. Lightning swirls also continue for the remainder of the fight.

His new spear attack is Static Spear, which now grips all players to the location upon contact, so everyone will now need to avoid the Iron Stampede charge, or again just play on the south side of the room near the large rock and have the spear target run behind it.

Crackling Upheaval now also causes Quake to leave behind a Crackling Cloud puddle, so try and move this away from the rock you are using to avoid Iron Stampede and use a defensive here as you’ll always eat at least 1 tick in addition to the Quake damage.

The new tank combo consists of Conductive Strike followed by Thunder Strike. Healers make sure to dispel the magic DoT before the 2nd hit happens to avoid the damage amp. Tanks you’ll want to now defensive the 1st hit instead of the 2nd because of this.

The Nokhud Offensive Mythic+ Dungeon Route

If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import this route using the following string:

Import MDT Route

To start you’ll want to head towards Granyth, where I recommend starting on the south side of trash with pack G4, and making your way around the Dragonkiller Lances clockwise until you’ve spawned the boss. Be aware of the spiked pillars near the lances, as you can now easily have a ranged player use a standard flying mount to get on top of them, allowing you to prevent Nokhud Warspears from using their dangerous Swift Stab ability.

After Granyth is defeated fly over to the Raging Tempest area, where again I recommend you start on the southernmost totem and rotate around clockwise until you can engage the boss. From there you head towards Teera and Maruuk, where this time you’ll want to start on the North-East burial mound and work your way counter-clockwise. Once you defeat the final Soulharvester you can have your healer run to the boss arena to trigger the RP while you do pull 20.

After defeating the 3rd boss, fly straight north, where you’ll be able to land on a cliff just west of the southern gate to Nokhudon Hold, skipping many of the guards along the way. This allows you to just head into the final boss room, take on Balara and Batak, followed by Balakar Khan himself.

The Nokhud Offensive Mythic+ Guide & Route - Method (2025)
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