The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (2025)

Updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago for patch 10.1 by Preston. View the change log.

This page covers healer-focused strategies for The Nokhud Offensive dungeon in Dragonflight. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.

This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences as well as Dungeon Journal and combat log information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (1)Bosses

Below are guides for the bosses in The Nokhud Offensive, including their abilities, healer notes, and addon settings.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (2)Granyth

  • Stay more than 23-yards away to avoid Tectonic Stomp.
  • At 100% Energy, about everyt 30-seconds, deals heavy damage over time to all players with Eruption.
    • This must be interrupted by right-click a Dragonkiller Lance, which Stuns Granyth with Lanced!.
  • Deals moderate damage to all players with Shards of Stone.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (7)Mythic Differences

  • Nokhud Saboteurs frequently join the encounter.
    • Nokhud Saboteur
      • Attempt to Dismantle Dragonkiller Lances, permanently disabling them until killed.
      • Completely ignore players.
      • Susceptible to most forms of crowd control, snares, and knock backs.
Mythic+ Affix Notes
  • Nokhud Saboteurs can cause additional orbs to spawn.
  • High stacks are likely due to the persistent damage throughout the encouter.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (11)Healing Notes

  • Use cooldowns as-needed on Shards of Stone.
The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (13)Debuffs to Track
  • There are no particular debuffs to track.
The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (14)Addons

Dragonflight Dungeon DBM Import Code for Healers-+

To use this import code, install the Deadly Boss Mods addon, type /dbm in your chat, expand the Dragonflight header in the left-hand panel, click on the Dungeons (Dragonflight) heading, click on the Load AddOn button in the right-hand panel if necessary, click on the Import Profile button, paste the code into the box and click Import. Note that importing this code will replace all of your current settings for all Dragonflight Dungeons.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (15)The Raging Tempest

To begin the encounter, all Stormsurge Totems in the area must be killed.

  • Uncontrollable Energy frequently creates Orbs of Power.
    • Running into an Orb deals light damage and applies a stack of Surge of Power, increasing damage and healing done.
  • The tank will be dealing with heavy damage from Wind Burst if they are not in melee range.
  • Purge Energy Surge to remove the greatly increased Attack Speed and extra damage dealt to the tank effect.
  • Avoid the impact locations of Lightning Strike.
  • At 100% Energy, about every 80-seconds, deals heavy damage over time to all players with Electrical Storm.
  • Don't stand in the water/lightning pool directly underneath The Raging Tempest to avoid The Raging Tempest.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (23)Mythic Differences

  • Orbs of Power now move towards The Raging Tempest, granting it stacks of Surge of Power if they're not intercepted by players.
  • Avoid the locations of Electrical Overload left behind by Lightning Strike.
Mythic+ Affix Notes
  • High stacks are likely during Electrical Storm.
  • Several affixes can make moving for Lightning Strike more difficult.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (32)Healing Notes

  • Use cooldowns on Electrical Storm.
  • If no purge is available, be ready to use an external defensive cooldown on the tank while Energy Surge is active.
The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (35)Debuffs to Track
  • Buffs to Purge: Energy Surge
The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (37)Addons

Dragonflight Dungeon DBM Import Code for Healers-+

To use this import code, install the Deadly Boss Mods addon, type /dbm in your chat, expand the Dragonflight header in the left-hand panel, click on the Dungeons (Dragonflight) heading, click on the Load AddOn button in the right-hand panel if necessary, click on the Import Profile button, paste the code into the box and click Import. Note that importing this code will replace all of your current settings for all Dragonflight Dungeons.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (38)Teera and Maruuk

  • Teera
    • At 100% Energy, about every 60-seconds:
      • Stay more than 15-yards away from Maruuk to avoid Frightful Roar (dispel, magic).
      • Avoid the path of tornadoes that launch from players targeted by Gale Arrow.
    • Deals moderate damage to random players with Quick Shot.
    • Moves around with Spirit Leap.
  • Maruuk
    • The tank will be dealing with extra heavy damage from Brutalize.
    • At 100% Energy, about every 60-seconds:
      • Avoid the impact locations of Earthsplitter.
      • Repel pushes all players away from Maruuk.
        • Interrupt Guardian Wind from Teera to prevent further push backs.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (47)Mythic Differences

  • Teera
    • Gale Arrow tornadoes now travel out and back.
  • Maruuk
    • Avoid the locations of Aftershocks left behind by Earthsplitter
Mythic+ Affix Notes
  • Both bosses can spawn their own orbs.
  • Several affixes can make avoiding Gale Arrows and Earthsplitter more difficult.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (56)Healing Notes

  • Use cooldowns on Gale Arrow.
The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (58)Debuffs to Track
  • Major: Frightful Roar (dispel, magic), Gale Arrow
The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (61)Addons

Dragonflight Dungeon DBM Import Code for Healers-+

To use this import code, install the Deadly Boss Mods addon, type /dbm in your chat, expand the Dragonflight header in the left-hand panel, click on the Dungeons (Dragonflight) heading, click on the Load AddOn button in the right-hand panel if necessary, click on the Import Profile button, paste the code into the box and click Import. Note that importing this code will replace all of your current settings for all Dragonflight Dungeons.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (62)Balakar Khan

Stage One - Balakar's Might

This stage begins the encounter and ends when Balakar reaches 60% health.

  • The tank will be dealing with several abilities.
    • Extra moderate damage and then light damage over time from Rending Strike (bleed), and the increased damage taken from Savage Strike effect.
    • Extra moderate to heavy damage from Savage Strike.
  • When targeted by Iron Spear, stay nore than 10-yards away from other players to avoid chaining the damage dealt.
    • After the Iron Spear is thrown, don't stand between Balakar and the impact location to avoid Iron Stampede.
  • Avoid the impact locations of Upheaval. Players hit take light damage and are knocked back.

Intermission One - Stormwinds

This intermission begins when Balakar reaches 60% health and ends when all Nokhud Stormcasters are killed.

  • Balakar
    • Immune to damage due to Crackling Shield.
    • Deals light damage over time to all players and continually pushes them away with Stormwinds.
    • Avoid the impact locations of Lightning. Players hit take moderate damage.
  • Nokhud Stormcaster
    • Interrupt Storm Bolt to prevent the moderate damage dealt to random players.

Stage Two - The Storm Unleashed

This stage begins once all Nokhud Stormcasters are killed in intermission one and ends when Balakar is killed.

  • The tank will be dealing with several abilities.
    • Extra moderate damage and then light damage over time from Conductive Strike (dispel, magic), and the increased damage taken from Thunder Strike effect.
    • Extra moderate to heavy damage from Thunder Strike.
  • When targeted by Static Spear, move more than 10-yards away from other players to avoid chaining the damage dealt.
    • This deals light damage to all players and pulls them to the Static Spear.
    • After being pulled in, don't stand between Balakar and the Static Spear to avoid Iron Stampede.
  • Avoid the impact locations of Crackling Upheaval. Players hit take light damage and are knocked back.
  • Avoid the impact locations of Lightning. Players hit take moderate damage.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (83)Mythic Differences

Stage One - Balakar's Might
  • Avoid the Quakes left behind by Upheaval.
Stage Two - The Storm Unleashed
  • Acoid the Crackling Cloud left behind by Crackling Upheaval.
Mythic+ Affix Notes
  • Nokhud Stormcaster can cause additional orbs to spawn.
  • Several affixes can make avoiding Iron Stampede more difficult.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (92)Healing Notes

  • Use cooldowns during intermission one.
  • If Rending Strike (bleed) cannot be removed from the tank, be prepared to use external defensive cooldowns so they survive Savage Strike.
The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (95)Debuffs to Track
  • Major: Conductive Strike (dispel, magic)
  • Bleed Effects: Rending Strike (bleed)
  • Minor:Iron Spear, Static Spear
The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (100)Addons

Dragonflight Dungeon DBM Import Code for Healers-+

To use this import code, install the Deadly Boss Mods addon, type /dbm in your chat, expand the Dragonflight header in the left-hand panel, click on the Dungeons (Dragonflight) heading, click on the Load AddOn button in the right-hand panel if necessary, click on the Import Profile button, paste the code into the box and click Import. Note that importing this code will replace all of your current settings for all Dragonflight Dungeons.


The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (101)Trash Mobs

Below are notes for the trash mobs in The Nokhud Offensive. The Nokhud Offensive has an open layout, with players utilizing dragonriding to move around. Trash mobs are grouped by the boss they're near.

Granyth's Area

  • Nokhud Plainstomper
    • Stay more than 8-yards away to avoid War Stomp. Players hit take light damage and are Stunned.
  • Nokhud Warspear
    • The tank will be dealing with extra moderate damage and light damage over time from Pierce.
    • Deals moderate damage and then moderate damage over time to random players with Swift Stab (bleed).
  • Nokhud Longbow
    • Avoid the impact location of Rain of Arrows.
    • Deals moderate damage to swaths of players with Multi-Shot.
    • Deals light damage to random players with Shoot.
    • Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
    • Soothe immediately.
  • Nokhud Beastmaster
    • Marks players with Hunter's Mark or Hunt Prey, forcing War Ohuna's to attack them.
      • War Ohuna
        • Deals light melee damage.
        • Deals increased damage while Hunt Prey is active.
  • Nokhud Hornsounder
    • Interrupt or soothe Rally the Clan to prevent the greatly increased Physical damage dealt effect on all enemies.
    • Deals light damage to random players with Shoot.
  • Nokhud Lancemaster
    • Stay more than 8-yards away to avoid Cleaving Arc and War Stomp.
    • Interrupt Disruptive Shout to prevent the moderate damage dealt to all players and the cast interrupt effect.
    • Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
    • Soothe immediately.

The Raging Tempest's Area

  • Stormcaller Boroo
    • Interrupt Stormbolt to prevent the heavy damage dealt to a random player.
    • Can use Totemic Overload on Stormsurge Totems, noted below.
    • Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
  • Primalist Arcblade
    • Stay more than 6-yards away from the tank to avoid Arcing Strike.
  • Stormsurge Totem
    • Ejects Orbs of Power when affected by a Stormcaller's Totemic Overload.
      • Running into an Orb deals light damage and applies a stack of Surge of Power, increasing damage and healing done.
    • Avoid the impact locations of Lightning Strike.
    • Upon death, stay more than 6-yards away to avoid Stormsurge and the Stormsurge Cloud left behind.
  • Primalist Thunderblade
    • Stay more than 8-yards away to avoid Thunder Clap (dispel, magic).
    • Stay more than 10-yards away from other players to avoid chaining the damage from Chain Lightning.
    • Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
    • Soothe immediately.
  • Primal Stormshield
    • The tank will be dealing with extra light damage from Lightning Cudgel.
    • Purge Stormshield to remove the damage absorption effect.
  • Primal Gust
    • Purge Swirling Gusts to kill it instantly.
  • Stormcaller Arynga
    • Interrupt Stormbolt to prevent the heavy damage dealt to a random player.
    • Can use Totemic Overload on Stormsurge Totems, noted below.
    • Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
  • Primalist Stormspeaker
    • Interrupt Stormbolt to prevent the heavy damage dealt to a random player.
    • When possible, interrupt Summon Squall to prevent the Unstable Squall from being summoned.
      • Unstable Squall
        • Interrupt Surge(Need Spell ID) to prevent the damage dealt to the tank.
        • Disperses when the Primalist Stormspeaker is killed.
    • Deals light damage over time to all players with Tempest (dispel, magic).
    • Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
    • Soothe immediately.
  • Stormcaller Solongo
    • Interrupt Stormbolt to prevent the heavy damage dealt to a random player.
    • Can use Totemic Overload on Stormsurge Totems, noted below.
    • Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
  • Stormcaller Zarii
    • Interrupt Stormbolt to prevent the heavy damage dealt to a random player.
    • Can use Totemic Overload on Stormsurge Totems, noted below.
    • Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
    • Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
    • Soothe immediately.

Teera and Maruuk's Area

  • Soulharvester Galtmaa, Soulharvester Duuren, Soulharvester Mandakh, Soulharvester Tumen
    • Interrupt Death Bolt Volley to prevent the moderate damage dealt to all players.
    • When affected by Shatter Soul, run to your soul nearby to remove the reduced damage dealt effect.
    • Uses Harvest Soul on nearby enemy corpses, gaining stacks of Consumed Soul, greatly increasing Shadow damage dealt.
    • Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
    • Soothe immediately.
  • Desecrated Ohuna
    • Don't stand in front to avoid Rotting Wind (dispel, disease).
  • Desecrated Bakar
    • Uses Devour Spirit on other enemies, stunning the targeted enemy and gaining Soul-Infused Weapon, greatly increasing damage dealt.
  • Ukhel Corruptor
    • Interrupt Death Bolt to prevent the moderate damage dealt to the tank.
    • Avoid the impact locations of Necrotic Eruption.
    • Can be difficult to move due to their preference for casting spells.
  • Ukhel Beastcaller
    • The tank wil be dealing with extra moderate damage from Heavy Slash.
    • Interrupt Desecrating Roar to prevent additional Desecrated Bakar from being summoned.
  • Ukhel Deathspeaker
    • Interrupt or soothe Chant of the Dead to prevent the increased damage dealt and reduced damage taken effect.
    • Dispel Grasp of the Dead (curse) to remove the moderate damage over time and reduced movement speed effect.
      • If the effect expires before being dispelled, dispel Grasp of the Dead (curse) to remove the Root effect.
  • Risen Warrior
    • The tank will be dealing with Mortal Strike, reducing healing received.
  • Risen Mystic
    • Purge Swift Wind to remove the greatly increased Haste effect.

Balakar Khan's Area

  • This area includes Nokhud Warspears, Nokhud Longbows, Primalist Arcblades, detailed above.
  • Nokhud Defender
    • Stay more than 8-yards away to avoid Cleaving Arc and War Stomp.
    • Interrupt Bloodcurdling Shout (dispel, magic) to prevent the Fear effect on all players.
  • Nokhud Thunderfist
    • Interrupt Deadly Thunder to prevent the heavy damage and knock back effect on the tank.
    • Interrupt or dispel Storm Shock (magic) to prevent the moderate damage over time on a random player.
    • Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
    • Soothe immediately.
  • Balara
    • Avoid the path of Vehement Charge, targeted at a random player's location.
    • Avoid the impact location of Ravaging Spear.
    • When Batak is killed, gains Raging Kin, greatly increasing Attack Speed, casting speed, and Physical damage dealt.
    • Soothe immediately.
  • Batak
    • Don't stand in front when it turns to cast Broad Stomp.
    • Interrupt Bloodcurdling Shout (dispel, magic) to prevent the Fear effect on all players.
    • When Balara is killed, gains Raging Kin, greatly increasing Attack Speed, casting speed, and Physical damage dealt.
    • Soothe immediately.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (186)Trash Debuffs to Track

  • Major:
    • Magic Dispel: Bloodcurdling Shout (dispel, magic), Storm Shock (dispel, magic)
    • Curse Dispel: Grasp of the Dead (dispel, curse), Grasp of the Dead (dispel, curse)
    • Disease Dispel: Rotting Wind (dispel, disease)
    • Bleed Effects: Swift Stab (bleed)
    • Damaging: Hunt Prey, Hunter's Mark, Mortal Strike,
    • Incapacitating: War Stomp
  • Minor:
    • Magic Dispel: Thunder Clap (dispel, magic), Tempest (dispel, magic)
    • Damaging: Pierce
  • Enrages to Soothe: Rally the Clan, Chant of the Dead
  • Buffs to Purge: Swirling Gusts, Stormshield, Swift Wind
  • Root Effects: Thunder Clap

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (206)Trash Mythic+ Notes

Below are general Mythic+ notes for trash in Ruby Life Pools that don't necessarily pertain to specific enemies. Notes for specific enemies can be found in their sections above.

Granyth's Area

  • No general notes, check specific enemies above.

The Raging Tempest's Area

  • No general notes, check specific enemies above.

Teera and Maruuk's Area

  • No general notes, check specific enemies above.

Balakar Khan's Area

  • No general notes, check specific enemies above.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide - World of Warcraft | Dvorak Gaming (207)Trash Addons

Dragonflight Dungeon DBM Import Code for Healers-+

To use this import code, install the Deadly Boss Mods addon, type /dbm in your chat, expand the Dragonflight header in the left-hand panel, click on the Dungeons (Dragonflight) heading, click on the Load AddOn button in the right-hand panel if necessary, click on the Import Profile button, paste the code into the box and click Import. Note that importing this code will replace all of your current settings for all Dragonflight Dungeons.

The Nokhud Offensive, Healer Guide

    - World of Warcraft
 | Dvorak Gaming (2025)
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