The Jackson Sun from Jackson, Tennessee (2024)

nr9 20 20 The Jackson Sun, Jackson, Tennessee, Thursday, April 1 2, 1 984 7C Dressmakirtfj, Alteration 55 Dressmaking, Alterations 41 Htlp Wanted Full Tim 46 Farm Feeds, Seeds Homes 94 60 Pert Time Bartender. Apply in person after 5pm, Coach 4 Horses Pub, 2267 N. Highland. 75 88 Commercial Real Estate FirMrmt Warehouse Space hom*o Furnishings Jiffy-Crochet! Good II Leaeedeia seed (kobei. $1.00 per IB.

Also good $1 fine stem par lb. 665-6470 By Owner: 3 BR home. $1000 8, assume FHA Loan. Holly Ridge Cv. Will consider lease purchase.

Can 424-9558. Smith 4 Wesson 12 gauge pump. Sew, Wrap, Go! Printed Pattern S10O. Remington 22 rifle. $70.

Compound Bow. $100. 424-1581 Commercial Building Railroad siding. East Chester St. Also 10 room duplex.

427-0680 after S. Matching Plaid Couch and Chair, $100. Call 988-5106 Part Time co*cktail Waitress Wanted: Apply In person after 5pm. Old English Inn, 2267 N. Highland.

227 Campbell. 2500 sq. ft. 1 offices. $250 per month.

Lease negotiable. Call Bruce Haltom: 423-1142 office. 427-5414 home Good No. 1 Lespedeie Seed (Kobe). $1 lb.

Also Good No. I Serkea Seed. $1 lb. 665-6470. Turkey Hunter Special.

2 Bel By Owner: 853 Ashport Road. 3 BR, a BA brick, LR, DR, eat-In HA plus wood heater. Sun room 2 car garage setting on 2 acres with barn with lots of fruit trees. Pope-NS School. $69,500.

Call 668-7089 61 Resort Real Estate gium Browing mags. $550, (, a50. 2 Winchester mod 12 3" mags. $550 a $450 1 Rem 1100 3" mag, V. 427a750 after 5 ROYAL FURNITURE CO.

342 N. Royal 423-0371 Watei bed i We Sell 4 Rent Watertoeds. Appliances. TVs a. Furniture.

1 BR trailer with 16x20 porch. Loet Creek. Fully furnished. Call 668-8613 95 Mlscatlanoous For Sal PERMANENT COTTAGE PARENTS Mature, married couple to care for a cottage of 10 to 12 homeless toys. Work 11 days end off 4 days.

Mln. age 30. Salary, RfcB health Apply to Memphis Boys Town, 7410 Memphis-Arlington Rd Memphis, TN. 38134 or Call Wl -306-2040. EOE Madison County Lime Company is ready to serve your lime needs for the 194 Season.

Call us for prompt, efficient service. 909 Airways. 427-5533. Bill Shelton Owner 78 Lawn Mowers Tractors By Owner, Bellmeade Area Very nice 3 BR brick, 2 full ba, LR. DR.

tg eat In kitchen, den wFP, 400sq. ft. game room, carpeted, i acre lot. $72,500. Call for appointment.

668-8612 PLACE YOUR AO FOR A GARAGE SALE MERE AND RID YOUR HOME OF UNWANTED ITEMS! MAKE FOR YOU II Beautiful practically new home overlooking Tennessee River. Irs nice. Cherokee Heights. For details phone 668-8334. 200 AMP Miller Welder, big 40.

4 cylinder. 1 years old. 150 ft. lead, on a trailer. 665-7205.

4 riding mower 1 Snapper), power mowers garden tillers. Cell 427-2065. attar 5, 424-5560 20" cut mower, refrigerator, washer 6 dryer, chair lova 8 a mm Lawn Tractor 36 in. cut, Uh.p. FLORIDA VACATION Beech house between Destln 8.

Panama City Beach. 668-4915 Soybean seed, grown from certified Asgrown 5474. 82 Germination. 423-2583 after 6pm: BS.5 Elec. start, 5 spaed, A-l seat, screen door, storm door, Bllty Goat sweeper, dishwasher.

Christian couple has house for sale. Ideal for young couple. 3 BR, HA, good neighbors. Assumable loan. Call 668-9285 or 664-2785 Shape.

Asking $600. Cell 427-9158 89 Musical Instruments canning lar, Kirby Vacuum cleaner, humidifier, 5 gallon Trade in Your Old Lawn Mower on a new dependeble John Wanted: Lespedeza or Alfalfa Hay, square bales. Call 668-7615 buckets hangers. 424-0922 63 1956 Hammonds organ, M3 and Leslie. Perfect for band or church.

Call: 423-1607 Acreage PERMANENT PART TIME POSITION Merchandising Greeting Cards And Related Products For mature individuals who would enloy dealing directly with retail stores In the Jackson area, starting pay S4.20 per hour. Training program, no experience needed. Mall reply to: Rick Morford. 37 O'Hara. Jackson, TN.

38305 COOPER ANDERSON RO. fin. Country living wclty conveniences. 3 BR. 2 BA.

NS schools. Golden Key. Realtors 668-4848 23" Zenith color TV, $175. nice. Starduster CB antenna, 120' Deere, ask about our new John Deere Credit Card 90 days same as cash.

R.V. Sales of Jackson 3890 N. Highland 48 Coax. $75. I boys 4 1 girls bicycles.

$50 ea. Portable typewriter. A Wurlltter Organ, 1 yr old, excellent condition. 2 keyboards wmanv features. Call 427-7381 Livestock 10.3 acres of land for sale In city limits of Persons.

Approx. 5 miles from Tn. River. Has spring that never dries dry. Has mobile home on It.

Taxes paid up. City water gas. Not cheap. Call 847-7658 after 8 PM. manual, $30.

Chain sawm. Tractor radio, $75. Craftsman Radial Arm Saw. $225. 427-8351 Baldwin Piano in excellent con 11 Black Angus Cows, 1 black white face.

Springing young COWS. 422-2872 80 Air Conditioners Country Home: partially underground, 9.3 acres, trees, ponds, small barn with workshop. 3 BR, lVi baths, 11x23 ft. LR, kitchen with bullt-lns, 1200 sq. ft.

upstairs unfinished. On Hwy 152 West. 3 miles from Humboldt. $57,000. Call 74-5909.

dition, 1500. Call 424-3310 10 speed girls bicycle. $50. Meat saw 4 slker. $350.

Sculptured dolls, $75 to $125. Call 427-8351. Excellent condition. 17,900 BTU Air Conditioner. Call 988-5520 after 5 Pm.

Console Piano, Wurtllier, $1200. Hammond Organ, $1 ,000. Call 668-4985 4" Cut back Lane Fox Show Saddle wpigskln seat, fittings, felt pad leather girth, like new, $450. 668-7615 29 Acres, Medina, well, septic tenk, tractor shed, Northside School district, $26,500. 668-7252 2 Formats.

Size 8. Orlg. priced at $400.00 and $200 00. Will aall both tor $160.00. 423-0034.

Duplex, 12 Skyhaven Cove $49, 500. 2 BR, 1V bath, brick. 423-4868 or 668-7025 81 PHARMACIST 111 bed hospital Is seeking cllnlcelly oriented professionals Interested In I.V. admixture and unit dose systems. 1 chief end 2 staff Pharmacist required.

Excellent salary and benefits. Contact: Personnel Director Murray-Calloway County Hospital, 803 Poplar St. Murray, Ky 42071. Phone 501-753-5131. Breed your good quarter horse mares to a paint horse, the sport model.

Call 901-984-8093. 5 Acres W2 BR Mobile Homes, $16,500. 6 Acres Wlg workshop, $22,000. Located off Seavers Rd. Owner financing.

668-8001 Antiques Cravens Piano Organ Co. 105 Irby St. 427-0924. Charter member of the Pleno Technicians Guild. After 29 years, wa still appreciate your business.

2 long dresses, burgundy skirt sheer bodice sleeves, $15. Size 8. 423-3986 5 ,1 Quarter Horse Gelding. 10 years old. Suitable for any age.

$500. 423-2583 after 6pm. 5 Acres, 300 ft. road frontage. Hall Road, 4 miles from city limits.

$10,000. 427-2940 after 6. East Jackson Area. Completely remodeled 2 BR home. Move in for $700 down.

If you are tired of paying rent call: Ed Haltom 423-4579 Hamilton Hills Realty 668-1398 2 new student Union University uniforms for sale. Call Darius 5001 prof, vocal amplifier, 5 outputs with master gain, reverb-gain 8, foot switch. 2 speakers. 4 stands. Shure microphones.

$600. 668-3134. Antique African Mahogany Banquet dining table with extension leaves, table pads, 6 chairs buf-fett with brass accessories, mirrors I storage, Kiplinger design, possible open stock. Moving must sell for needed space. Valued at Si 200 will sell for less to most reasonable offer.

Call Bonnie Couch, 424-2926. Large black registered saddle mare (TWHBEA). Excellent bloodlines. $1000. Evenings: 427-0322 7 wooded acres, 300 ft.

road frontage, Southslde-Malesus area. S15.0O0. Call 668-3746. 3 Piece Luxurious Living Room suite, never been used, $650 firm. 423-1077 or after 423-4994.

For Sale By Owner: Duplex, 2 BR's each side. 354 North Cumberland, 1800 sq. ft. Owner financing, $14,500, $2500 down, excellent cash flow, needs some repairs. 423-4528 or 424-8778.

2 Quarter Horses gentle, gelding, 1 9yr 8, 1 llyr ok). 2 saddles, bridles 8, blankets. 784-3342 For Sale By Owner: beautiful wooded lots on Browns Church Cobb Road. 1-4 acres, close to Lake Graham. Call 424-1971.

40 chrome round display racks, adlustable. $30 eech. Retail $89.99. Factory Surplus Incorp. Phone 784-381 DON'S PIANO SALES Rant a Kohler Campbell or Kawai Piano up to one year.

Apply all rent to purchase price FOR PIANO TUNING Call 424-2482 205 West Main For Sate: Antique Staircase. Call 784-4299 ROUTE SALES Lance, inc. has an opening In the Brownsville, Covington area. 5 day week, paid vacation, pro-fltsiarlng, retirement plan, free hospitalization insurance for employees dependents including major medical. Benefits: free ttfe Insurance.

The person we select must be ambitious, willing to work hard and interested in building a good solid future in the Brownsville area. Phone 772-1483, Room 1 and ask for Brad Thetford after 6 PM for an interview appointment. Lance, Inc. Is en equal opportunity emptov- Registered Quarter horse gelding. Chestnut pleasure horse.

Registered Palomino gelding. Registered gray gelding. 968-6856 or 968-8077 after 5pm. 5 HP go-cart, $125. 4-15" L78 tires, $50.

19.000 BTU Carrier, $100. Baby stroller, $15. Call 423-2064 between 12 4. For Sale by Owner. 3 mi North of Interstate 40 on Hwy 70.

Spacious 3 BR, 2 BA. cypress stone, FP winsert. Ig shaded lot, fenced In backyard. Call 424-4185 after 5 Pm Kimball upright piano, good con Oak: 3 washstands, dresser, sewing rocker, serving cart, hat racks, table 4 chairs. Wicker: rocker, lamp tables, plant stands iron bed.

All very nice. Call 427-6260 Land for Sale. 50 acres In city limits. Fenced pasture, timber or building tots. Carroll County.

Call 586-7676. will finance. fwica dition. $350. 424-4981 4989 Registered Tennessee Walking Horse.

Black, 6 years. $1100 or best offer. Call 668-3406. 6 piece Morris Drum Set, best offer accepted. Call 427-9417 Kustom Base model K-200.

also several PA places. Reasonable. 427-3313 after 6. FOR SALE BY OWNER 1,960 sq. 3 BR, 2 baths, den a LR, double carport.

162 Fox Ridge. $50,000. Call 422-2817, 901-377-5334 or 901 -398-0660. I'M TWH gelding, AQHA gelding, saddle mare 8, quarter mere. Call 901-986-8093.

Laroe Theater Model Thomas 8-20 Oak line: beds, dressers, wash stands, side boards, wall telephone, kitchen cabinets, lamp tables. Mix wood, Jackson press Cherry wood lamp table. Several other items. Call: after 4:30 696-2787 excellent for church or noma, priced rignt. can 6ta saoi 65 Rooms Furnished Air Compressors, new used, elec, from Vi to 5 h.p.

Gas Compressors, 5-8-11 h.p. Large selection of flea market merchandise. Chicken Barn Sales Henderson, TN. 9(9-2424 For Sale: Well built older 7 room brick veneer home In nice neighborhood. Inquire 125 Walnut St Sp2 Peavey Speakers, XR BOO Salesperson Wanted Hlbbett't Sporting Goods, Old Hickory Mall, now taking applications for part time employees.

Applicants should be dependable, neat In appearance and responsible. Apply in Person At Stud: Registered AQHA Palomino Stallion. Sire: Gold Chip Bailey. Dam: Doty Jo Sock. Call 427-9569 or 424-4499.

Wanted to Buy: Reg. AQHA Mare mixing board, 8 channel tPea-vevl, $1000. Wurlltzer Piano $425. 82 Luxury Rooms, Color Cable TV, Free HBO, dial phones, maid service. $65 per week.

Airways Motel, 424-3030. Multi-Vox's string machine, By owner: 3 BR brick home, 2 BA, HA, on 1 acre, off 45 S. Call 989-3284 Appliances A Apple lie. 128K, 2 disk drives, monitor, printer, and more. $2450.

Call 424-6345. $250. 4 mike stands $40 ea. 3 Eltro-voice mikes $80ea. 696-4588 8 ft.

open top Hussmann ice 50 I Business Opportunity cream or frozen food freezer. Good condition. $400. 784-4752. 67 Apartments Furnished Sewing Machine Mechanic 4 years experience.

Apply In person at Chester County Sportswear, Hwy 100 East In Henderson, Tn. or call 989-7156. Baby Bed, $25. Playpen, like new, $45. Stroller, $10.

Call 422-1325 before 2 Pm. Upright Piano, player type, $250, Call 424-5199 GOOD NEWS Want to build a quality brick home with 2 baths, central HA, energy efficient for under $30 per square foot? Give me a call, you" be glad you did Bonnie, 668-7000; nights 668-8480. Town Country Inc. Realtors. V-120 Micro Jenla Portable Organ.

Used 2 weeks. Take over Bensen Gyrocopter Frame, $400. 2 wheel utility cart, stainless Steel Sides, $250. 424-0318 Newly remodeled 1 2 BR apartments. Furnished or unfurnished.

All utilities paid. Out-standing value. 424-9165. 8 APPLIANCES 301 N. Highland at Deader Ick Good Selection of Used Appliances.

Guaranteed ft Free Dell-very. Phone anytime 427-3244. We buy, sell or trade. ROUTE BUSINESS no selling involved. Just collect the profits from your protected retail locations.

Replace sold stock. Very easy to maintain. High profit potential. $8760.00 Minimum Investment. Call Mr.

Wilson 317-547-6463 payments of $70.61. 664-0020. Sitters Needed for South Jackson, Malesus Medon area. Need own reliable transportation. Futl time relief shifts available.

Apply at 2741 North Highland or call 668-7077. I buy old linens, lace, quilts, dolls. Civil War items, jewelry, Walt Disney. 427-6703 3 Room Apt. $150, water furnished.

1 Room efficiency, $135, Utll. turn. 424-1661 427-5984 WILLIAMS PIANO SERVICE New And Used Pianos. PIANO TUNING. 424-9140.

2414 Hwy 45 South, Jackson, Tn. APPLIANCE SALE The curved, ribbed neck and deep armholes are featured JIFFY-CROCHET of two strands synthetic worsted used together. The pattern stitch is very good-looking, very easy. Wonderfully warm, a real energy-saver. Pattern 7374: Sizes 36-46 included.

S2.7S for each pattern. Add 50 each pattern for postage and handling. Send to: Alice Brooks Crafts onn Reader Mail The) Jackson Sun Bar 1(3, OM Owtsa New York, NT 10113. Print Nam, Address, Zip, Pattern Number. YOUR NEXT CRAFT is in our NEW 1984 NEEDLECRAFT CATALOG.

Over 170 varied designs, 3 free patterns. Send $2.00 ALL CRAFT BOOKS. each AH Books and Catolof-add SM each for postage and handling. 135-Dotts Clothes On Parade 134-14 quick kbclHM Quilts 133 Fashion Home Quilting 132-Quilt Onfinah 130-Sweater FtshwRS-Sim 38 128-nvetope Patchwork Quilts 127-Affham 'n' Dakei 126-Thritty Crafty Flowers 125-Petal Quilt) 124-Etsy Gifts Omamenb 123-Strhk Patch Qnta 122-Stuff 'n' Puff Quilts 120-Crachet Your Wardrobe UHasy Art of flower Crochet llMirff Frrnj QwHi 115-Easv Art of tipple Crochet UKemWsfert3 109-SewKnH (Basic nana tad) 105-lnstMt erachet 101-Quhi hat Collection 1 Refrlg. frost free, $150.

Freezer, $150. Ranges, $100. Washers, $80. Comfortable 4 rooms, upstairs, Camper for SWB, $100. 8 h.p.

ri-ding lawn mower, $150. 424-4673. I Great Buy on 1500 sq. ft. Brick Home.

3 BR, 2 BA, LR, DR, eat-In kit den wcarport covered brick patio on Vs acre fenced lot wstorage building. Walking distance to Northside. 668-8650 after 5 Pm AC. No children or pets. Water Service StationConvenience Store for Lease.

Exit 42 on 1-40 (StantonSomerville exit). Financial Investment required. Call Joe Casey, River Oil 427-5666, nights 423-2145 turn. $150 per month, rn xao. 90 Burial Lots, Monuments Store Manager.

Must be able to accept responsibility for Sales, Inventory, Office Report ft Sales Force. Salary Commission. Good fringe benefits. Permanent position westablished growth oriented Company. Send resume to Box J-303, co Jackson Sun, Jackson, TN.

38301 Concrete blocks, never used, 64 flat block, 16x8x4. 40c each. 148 L-shaped 8x8 form blocks, 60C Dryers, $90. All maior appir ances. Large selection.

All Appliances Guaranteed Service Calls $10 Same Day Service Barnett's Appliances ft Service 980-5528 Wvatt Monument Works 3970 Humboldt Hwy each. All for $100. 668-5513 51 Jackson, TN. 668-0382 Investments 3 MAIN PARTS! Wrap right into this easy chemise with a smart diagonal line that sweeps up to one-shoulder buttoning. Whip it up in a few hours of linen, knit, silk.

Enjoy wearing it all summer. Printed Pattern 4989: Misses Sizes6, 8. 10, 12, 14, 16. 18. 20.

See your pattern for yardages. $2.75 for each pattern. Add 56 for each pattern for postage and handling. Stud Ik Anne Adams Patterns 3UV Reader Mail The Jackson Sun 243 West 17 St, New York, NY 10011. Print NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP, SIZE, and STYlf NUMBER.

Easy chemises, dashing sports- 1 wear-see and sew all the newest fashions, send for NEW SPRING-SUMMER CATALOG. Over 100 styles plus Free Pattern Coupon. Send $2 for Catalog now. ALL CRAFT BOOKS $2.50 each 131-Add a Meek Quilts 126-Thriftj Craft Ftoweis 125-faM Quito 121-Pillo ShetMiffs Books and Catalog add 504 each for postage and handling. Cotton Hulls For Sale.

Days, 427-5915; Nights, 427-2979 HANDYMAN SPECIAL. By Owner. 2 Story House on Hwy 70, 150' road frontage, IVi acres. Materials Included for repair of house. Ideal for small grocery, restaurant, small business, etc.

Wll take mobile home, car or truck as part of payment. Owner will finance. $15,000. T-672-3823 Double Oven Keller Gas Range, 91 Office Equipment EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS $60.00 week up. Full size stove refrigerator, double bed, full size bath, utilities furnished.

$60.00 week 8, up. Located on Holiday Drive behind Golden Coach Inn. HOLIDAY APARTMENTS 668-7021 Crystal Rhinestone a. Beads for like new, $220. Call 422-6229 Sale.

I buy old jewelry of value. Call Susie Walker at 235-3611 WANTED Mature Christian Couple to assume responsiblles as house parents In Youth Home. Full time Live-in position Christian Man wife requrled. Salary opened. Send resume to: P.

O. Box 179 Dyersburg, Tn. 38025-0179 Frostfree Refrigerator Wash Mobile Home Park For Sale. 42 spaces In Lexington, Tn. Has city water, sewer, gas, garbage pick up cable TV.

Most spaces have meter services. Owner will finance with small down payment for qualifying buyers. Contact Larry or James Melton at 968-5324 or 968-7343. Used desks, tables, chairs, files, etc. 506 South Royal St, Call 422-4017.

er Dryer. Call 427-3244 Electric Hospital Bed Smith Davis. Call after 5, 422-2112. Mis-matched Ken more washer ft I i I if HILLWOOD. $49,500 assume toanl Low payment 1 3 BR, con venient to shopping.

Golden Key, Realtors 668-4848 dryer In working condition. $100. Call 423-3545. For Sale: 60 ft. 48" Concrete 92 Pets Animals Female Roommate Wanted.

Call 423-1745 Culverts, Vi price, $25 per foot. ROYAL FURNITURE CO. Call 668-3645 52 Business For Sale 342 N. Royal 423-0371 Home For Sale: 3 bedroom brick, 1 bath, HA, fully carpeted. Near Henderson.

Nice lot. Only 4 years old. Call 989-5993. Previous Rented ft Owned Appli 10 GALLON AQUARIUM Hood 8, Accessories, $39.95. For Sale: White sand.

$18.50 load delivered. All types of gravel. Immediate poss. Furn. Apt.

Prefer male. Near Fla. Steel 8, Porter Cable. Dep. lease.

668-0763. ances, TVs ft Furniture. Free Delivery. We Sell, Buy, Trade ft Call 668-3779 Aquatic Pets 664-1015 Oak Hill Shopping Canter Rent New used. For Sale: Logs, Pine, Oak a.

Poplar will cut logs a. group Wanted: Good old fashioned "Nanny" type lady to live in wwhlte family 4 take over household chores help mother care for mentally retarded young man. Must be a good cook good housekeeper know how to care for the mentally retarded. Room 8 board plus good salary. Ages 45 to 60.

but has to be strong In good health. References required. Send letter with name phone number to: Box J-302, co Jackson Sun, Jackson, TN. 38301. May also list salary expected.

BEAUTY SHOP Choice location, downtown, across from Jackson Utility BkJg. 3 stations, fully equipped, owner financing wlow down payment. 422-5151 or 422-1984 HUDSON DRIVE. Assume VA loan! low equity! $357 PITI. 3 BR, 2 BA, workshop.

Golden Key, Realtors 668-4848 Single Mother w2 children looking for another single mother to share expenses, country living. 427-9604 9 til 5 ask for Donna. together. 986-8430 2 FREE KITTENS Call 668-5260 White Philco refrigerator. 28x23x61 ins.

Clean condition. Freezes good. $100. 422-5214 For sale: 2 year old Canon AE-1 68 Apartments Unfurnished 2 male co*cker Spaniels. Call 668-8366 84 Building Materials 35 MM Camera with wide-angle and Zoom lens.

Also, Auto Winder, Strobe Flash, and Case. $400 Call (901) 587-6296 after 7pm Bells Dairy Cream. Pefect for couple. Good business with good earnings. 663-3105 after 41 Help Wanted Full Time 41 Help Wanted Full Time Reduced $7,000.

3 BR brick home on 1 acre, 6 miles West of Humboldt with double garage (30x24) carport. Assumable loan. Must sell for $41,500. 784-9309. Adult AKC Poodles: 2 females 1, 2, 3 BR apts.

duplexes. 3 BR house. $195 to $350. Mundt Rentals. 422-2297, 427-5273 For Sale: Sliver Dollars, wheat 2 males.

1 Is 5 lb. Black white. Toy 8. Tiny Toy. Call 989-2436.

The No. 1 Business Brokerage Firm In America can Assist you to Buy-Sell a Business. VR Business Brokers 668-7808 HAND TOOLS Mike Glynn Son, Inc. cents, $5.00 gold miscellaneous. Call 901-960-2026 or 968-8265.

KIRBY OPPORTUNITY (300 to (500 per week to start. Call 668-7462 Wanted someone to live In with elderly lady In another city, room, board salary. If interested Call 668-3427. AKC Alaskan Malamute, male, SKYVIEW ESTATES By Owner. Immaculate 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Formal Living Dining Rooms, eat-in kitchen, plant room, corner lot.

668-4563 407 Airways 422-6523 S50. call 423-8762 anytime. For Sale: 1 Share Of Old Hickory Academy Stock. $150. 423-2642 LEASE PURCHASE Southslde-JB Young.

$1,000 down, $550 per month. Ask for Barbara 668-3672, McClamroch Realty 668-1133. Swimming Pool Paint, $18.15 gal Licensed Agents. Established debit, good base pay. Beneifts include hospitalization profit sharing.

Call 424-3664. AKC Blonde co*cker Spaniel, 7month old male, has all shots, $75. 668-3635. CITY LUMBER CO. 114 Airways Jackson JN Wanted: Mechanic Welder for Caterpiiler loaders, graders other heavy construction equipment.

Experience necessary. For more info, call 901-424-4000, Contact: James Richards. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1972 Volkswagen. 1 Hobart gas welder on trailer. 1976 GMC Pickup.

Ditch Witch on trailer. Days 989-2424, Nights 989-3628 2 BR duplex, all carpeted, carport, appliances furnished, hospital area. Call 427-7606 THIS MONTH ONLY. Sell or Trade, 3500 sq. ft.

Rentable Mother-in-law suite brings In $325 per mo. Leaves you with 2200 sq. ft. 3 BRs, 2 BAs. North by Mall.

$75,000. Second mortgage possible. Call 668-2603. AKC co*cker Pups, 4 weeks old, Male Female. $60 ea.

665-7187 55 Tucks Paneling. 75 Patterns New shipments lust received. Local law frlm would like to train qualified person for paralegal work on a full or part time basis. Reply to; Box B-516, co The Jackson Sun, Jackson, Tn. 38302.

Homes AKC German Shepherd pupps, 6 Vinyl, $2.65 sq. yd. Vanities, all G.E. 15 cu. ft.

freezer for sale, good condition. Very reasonable. Call 427-9389 weeks, breed from sound breed. sizes. Int.

ft ext. pre-hung door ing program. Dyersburg 285-0773 2 BR completely remodeled, convenient to hospital ft, schools, 206 Summar. 668-3339 or 668-3525 units. 4x8 ext.

cedar lattice, We Pay Cash for Mortgage Notes. For Quotes call: 901-357-9688 RETAIL MANAGEMENT KAY-BEE TOY STORES Management opportunity with one of the nation's fastest growing retail chains. We operate over 480 stores and 48 states. KAY-BEE Provides on-the-lob-tralnlng which will prepare a qualified Individual for a store manager position. Supervisory skills a must.

Retail management background preferred. KAY-BEE Offers excellent wages and benefits, as well as exceptional advancement opportunities. Apply In person; KAY-BEE TOY STORES: Old Hickory Mall Jackson Tn. A Subsidiary of Melville $16.95. TB06 HOtiyWOd.

668-9437. Wanted: Semi Retired Person between 45 60 years old. In good health, for Sales Oriented Position who enjoys meeting people. Low pressure retail sales. Work schedule highly flexible.

Inquiries treated confidentially. Mail brief employment personal history to: P.O. Box 3427, Jackson, Tn. 38303. AKC Miniature Schanuzer Pup- 2 BR Townhouse, Vh baths, $360 mo.

Call 668-3774. Gold couch, good condition, $100. Hlde-a-bed, $100. Wood bedroom suite, new mattresses, $150. Table 8, 4 chairs, $30.

Half bed In good condition. $50. 427-3584. Pies, $100. 901-925-8726 after 3.

85 Local Motel Is staffing up for Summer Business and Is seeking compentent and talented people In all departments. Please send resume and salary requirements to: Box M-609, co Jackson Sun, Jackson, Tn 38302 Campers, Travel Trailers 4 BR, 2 bath brick on 2 acres. 2200 sq. Northside school zone. 422-3192 or 424-1311 56 Lots AKC registered Deer Chihuahua at Stud.

Black 8 Tan, weighs 4 lb. Also 4 month old female for 12x50' Mobile Home Kentucky Extra nice condition, 4 BR, 2 bath brick home. Workshop. Talbot Street. Call 427-9890.

1 Acre lot John Brown Road. $3,750. Call Mack Surratt, Four Seasons Real Estate, 668-3300. 2 BR's, LR, kitchen, bath. In duplex, $140 mo.

plus 1 year lease. 112 Barr Ave. 427-0135. LaKe. Reims Resort, furnished, excellent cond.

$6000. 764-3082 sale. 427-6299 Wanted: Retire couple to look after cattle In return for house garden. After 6pm, 668-3606. GRAVEL, TOP SOIL LIME Building sites established.

John Bond. 427-3091 after 6 PM. AKC Reg. German Shepherd 1970 Apache Popup Camper, sleeps 6, good condition, new 4 Room House, 110 Bates St. $5500.

Call 427-3601 before 5 PM. 3 acre lot on Cedar Hill Drive, lays good, trees on back, $10,000. 668-0418 Puppies, S125. 423-2063 Needed for private nursing. Full time relief avail We.

Good salary. Call Professional Home Health. 666-7077. fires. 784-6638 APARTMENTS Townhouse Duplexes For Rent.

Call Town Country Realtors 668-7078 Wanted Service Station Attendant. Apply: Poplar Corner Exxon, 1450 Hollywood Or. 1978 Allegro Motor Home, dual fuel conversion, runs on propane 5 acre residential lots off Seavers Rd. Beautiful land. $7800 per 5 acres.

Some financing available. 422-3106 GREAT SELECTION Like New Electrolux Vacuums Olvmpia, Silverado and Super With power nozzles. Also B-8 rug shampooers available. Phone 664-2113 or 668-3471 or come bv Bishop Associates at Hamilton Hills Shopping Center. Manager, part time, $225 week.

Work locally. Call 7U-53H790. or gas, 26' Class sleeps 8. loaded wall extras available, Want to sell that tent? S423-0300 THE MIGHTY $5.55 will run your 3 line ad 6 days The Jackson Sun 1 day The Jackson EXTRA Want to earn extra money in your spare time? Need good typist. Temporary.

Good for retiree or housewife, etc. Write to: Betty Hall, 111 Lynn, Jackson, TN. 38305 Dodse chassis, 21,000 excel Townhouse. 2 3 BR's. Appliances furnished.

Nova, North-side School district. 3 minutes to mall. $345 month plus $150 dep-soslt. Burlington Properties, 668-0090 or after 6 PM 422-6299. 1 month Free Rent with lyr lease.

NEW LISTING Walk to Lambuth College 815 N. Fairground Cute 3 BR, 2 ba, seperate den a dingln room -corner lot great location only $33,500 $0 to VA an $1,050 down FHA. Ask for Bonnie, 668-7000; nights 668-8480. Town Country Realtors. lent $14,800.

422-1050 79 Yellowstone 22' travel trail Master Bedroom is looking for a part time salesman to work nights Saturdays. Sales experience preferred. Applications accepted 10 till 1, Monday through Friday. er, self contained, bunk beds. EXECUTIVE BUILDING SITE -169 fronting on Whitfield Dr.

-Beautiful Lot with trees, underground utilities, 2500 sq. ft. minimum for 1 story Ask for Bonnie, 668-7000; nights 668-8480. Town 8, Country Realtors Heavy duty Commerlcal type Bumper Pool Table. $200.

422-4526 sleep 7, new AC, exc cond, $5800. 686-8107 aft 5:30 ft weekends Brittany Spaniels, male female, 3 yrs old, $75 each or $125 for both. Call 427-7381 Carpets, AC, kitchen appl. HA. Deposit lease required.

2BR, $225. By appt. 427-4264 We Need Data Entry Operator. Knowledge of Data-Point Computers "AndOr" Language very helpful. We operate nationwide.

Send resume and phone to; COMPUTER Box 248 Jackson, TN 38302 1983 Jayco tent camper. Steeps ASHPORT RD. Wooded lot, tennis court, 3 BR, 2 BA, NS schools, 1046 assumable loan Golden Key, Realtors 668-4848 Need babysitter in my home. Rotating days. Call 427-1276.

6, brand new. $2500. 668-5768. CatahoulaFlest Pups, superb hunting, watch dogs. S25-M, $20-F.

427-3313 after Large 1 BR apt. Exc. cond. Carpets, shades. Kitchen appl.

Lease. Appointment 422-2328. International 12B Cub Cadet with 42" mower deck, 10 HP, excellent condition. Priced to sell. $1100.

Call 424-2796. King size water bed with heater 2 sets of sheets, $350. Dark Pecan Bassett coffee end tables, $150. 424-6513. 36 ft.

Spartan Travel Trailer, new roof air, sleeps 6, Reiths Need dependable individual with transportation dependable mower to cut lawn In Southside area. 988-6797. FOR SALE Approx. 15 wooded acres on Lohrig Rd. Water cable available.

Call For Details. Margaret or Vaughn David, 668-0666. Town Country Inc. Realtors, 668-7000. Easter Bunnies.

$6 each. Call 424-3224 after6 Pm. Assume 8WX. FHA, Equity $18,000. 267 Wells Lasslter, 1500 sq.

ft. double carport, 3 BR, Vh ba brick. 423-4868 or 668-7025 Resort. KY Lake, $3500. 593-5389.

Lg. 1 BR on N. Highland, $175, appliances fum. 3 BR, S. Royal, $160.

Lease deposit. 660-7427 44 Positions Wanted 66 CMC 1 ton Pickup, V-6 std sh ft wIOVi' Cabover Camper. For Sale: 1 pair Blue Crown Convers, $80. Will trade for parakeets. 968-4867 after 5.

refrlg, range, AC, holding tank. BONNIE SAYS Wanted: Older mature lady to live In during week with elderly lady. Salary Room Board. References. 427-0664, 424-4216 Bodyman needs lob, 30 years experience, 10 years electrostatic spray painter.

423-2759. $1 BOO. 686-8232 Kirby Vacuum Cleaners, 3 years old with all attachments, used only 3 or 4 times. Like new. $300.

424-2796. Lg. 2 BR townhouse with 1W BA, refrlg, stove, dishwasher, WD conn. 64 Chester Levee Rd. Call 423-4713 after 5 Pm.

See my builder's models before you make that final decision to build. Give me a call, you'll like 74 Internatlnal Travel-All. 75 Holiday Rambler Free Spirit 24 For Sale By Owner: beautiful wooded tots on Browns Church Cobb Road. 1-4 acres, close to Lake Graham. Call 424-1971.

Full blooded Lab, female, $25. Call 427-0378. Experienced Bookkeeper needs Part Time Job in office or at home. Call 424-9259 or 784-1597 0RKIN rr. Travel iratir wirn full hookups.

Both for $4700. 427-0797. the way I treat you That's a Call Bonnie, 668-7000; EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS $5.10 Incentive Paid Holidays Paid Vacation Retirement Plan Blue Cross-Blue Shield Prescription Plan Life Insurance Christmas Bonus Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. APPLY: OAKLEY FASHIONS 240 NOVY STREET 424-2111 Nights 668-8480.

Town Coun Pit Bull Terriers, 4 males, 3 females, UKC Purple Ribbon, tried true. 742-3366, Idlewlld. Three BEDROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished $190.00 monthly, with $35 deposit Call Telephone 901 422-1185 any day before 3:30 p.m.... Factory Direct: 13 ft. ft 16 ft.

all 57 Mobile Homes Family Man wants lob of moving I hauling, 6V yard work. Lady will also baby sit. 424-5599 try, inc. Realtors. KEYS MADE Mike Glynn Son, Inc.

407 Airways 422-6623 fiberglass travel trailers. Light weight, self-contained, under BY OWNER Nice older home is ooo lbs. Call collect 214-396-7401 Registered Norwegian Elkhound Puppies. 6 weeks old. $100.

Call 934-4062 Stability In an unstable world. 60 years In business. Every year better man the one before. Can you help us continue this record? Car allowance. Company car can be earned.

Full range of company benefits. We are the 12x60 2 BR, 2 bath. Located at Parkway Village. Call 424-2537. 69 Homes For Rent settled neighborhood.

Interior completely redecorated, 3 BR, 2 baths, pay equity of $3500 and assume loan of $39,800. 265 Campbell. 424-5319 Motor home for sale 25', loaded, everything works, generator, TV antenna roof air, CB ft AM FM Mattress Box Springs, good condition, $40. Call after 5, 668-1166. Male, 49, strong mechanical background, some clerical, experienced auto service parts supervisor, small business versatile, seeks position In related field.

901-686-8689 Rottweiler, grown, Male Female, big boned, dark markings. 662-7697 2 BR house on Phillips, $100 Dep. $20 per mo. 427-7936 or 4234650 12x65 1977 Alamo Mobile Home, all electric, AC, stove, refrlg. washerdryer, blocks, underpinning concrete steps, $6200.

901-587-4547 Mi Leader In our Industry. We have cassette radio, Must sacrifice, $6,800 or any reasonable offer. Call 423-4481 or 424-9922. By Owner: well cared for older home, 2 BR, den or 3 BR. 225 McDonald Frace Prints For Sale Including McDonald Eagle Mockingbird.

668-8861 days or 668-4391 night weekends. 93 Sporting Goods, Boats Will care for sick In home, nursing home or hospital. Call 427-9462 or 427-9813 staved on top or me economy since 1901. Everyone needs our service. Our Super Stars have 2 consistent qualifies.

Stable Campbell. Owner financing. Call 427-9986. Skamper ft Palomino Folding Trailers. Piay-Mor, Hl-Lo, Eagle 2 or 3 BR Townhouse, Carpets At drapes, $350.

1 year lease. Mary Newman, 668-1776 or 668-0900. Century 21, American Realty. 1983 Mobile Home, 56x14, 2 BR. Fully furnished.

Call 427-6612. Be Trail-Manor Travel Trailers. Background. 4 a willingness to Play-Mor Fifth Wheels. Dolphin 12 Ft.

aluminum boat with 9V HP Evlnrude, needs tune-up. Must sell, bad health. S400. Call After 6 PM 794-3434. Model Hammond Organ, Immaculate condition.

Model 125 Leslie Speaker. Unlvox Electronic Drummer. After 4 Pm, 423-1655 Motor Homes, sales, service. 77 14x70 trailer, 2 BR. cent heat, 1 Ig bath, $2500 equity assume, pymts of $165.

Aft 5pm, 668-8329 work, it you nave mese qualifications we will be interviewing from 4 PM to 6 PM, April 11, 12, 13. 422- Rentals. Open Monday through Friday, 9 Am to 6 Pm. Sadler 3 BR, LR, kitchen, 1 bath, 1288 North Highland. $225 monthly plus deposit, 1 year lease.

427-0135 Make Offer! Moving) Must Selli Price reduced. 3 BR, 2 BA, en closed garage welec garage door opener, fenced yard, sun deck, cent HA, assumable 9 fixed rate loan. Notes $258. Trade for late model car, van, pickup or recreational vehicle. 610 Hill St.

989-5764 nights Mobile Homes, Hwy 70 East. 5424, 12 Ft. flat bottom boat, break down trailer, 4 HP Mercury motor. Real nice fishing rig. S793.

Call 424-4(22. 45 Farm Equipment 5 Ooublewlde 3 BR, 2 baths, with HA, all appliances. On 2 beautiful country acres near Chickasaw Park. $18,500. Call 988-5528 POP-UP VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER.

Sleeps 4, excellent condition, new tires. 668-2603. Moon Spun crystal by Lenox. 17 each of the following: waters, wines, champagne Ice tea. Retail price $1,140.

WMI sell for half price. 6 til 10 PM weekdays and anytime Sundays 668-4329. Executive home for rent: 5 BR, 3 baths, formal LR PR. Over 3600 sq. 2 fireplaces wet bar.

Located In Bellemeade. Call for details 668-4313. Barry E. Dotson, Inc. Realtors.

1100 Massey Ferguson Tractor, good condition, excellent rubber. Cell 847-2632 15 ft. Semi FD Alumnacraft, 35hp Johnson with trailer, fuilv rigged for the Base fisherman. Just like new. S299S.

658-5620 after weekdays. 86 Firewood New 807 Weed eater, still In box. Modern 4 BR brick on 3 acres. Over 3100 sq. ft.

under roof. Basem*nt, 2 car garage. HA. 12 miles North of 1-40 on 70 East. 95 loan available.

Owner will help pay closing. 987-2658. $40. New 2 ton come-along, $22.50. 1 ton, $17.50.

40 blade AW JD disk $375; cash only. 686-7120 173 135 Massey Ferguson Tractor, 3 pieces of equipment. 1450 hours. Excellent condition. Can be seen by appointment.

989-3614 For rent or lease puchase. 3 BR, l'i bath. $350 mo. $150 dep. 668- Expanded Mobile Home on Vh Acres, 6Vfe miles Southeast of Henderson Has 4 BR's, l'i baths, den, approx.

2000 sq. ft. living area. $29,500. Owner wants offer.

Old Country Store 668-1225 I A I A-1 Firewood, Oak, Cut to your Specifications and Delivered. Call 424-7398 4313 or 427-2171, ask for Frankle Nice Band Wagon Installed on Wicker. Barry Dotson Realtors. 15' Arroglass Boat, tilt trailer. 60 hp Johnson with ski equipment.

Good condition. Call: 422-4417 trailer, $400. 784-3226 CAIN'S Chimney Cleaning, Firewood and Landscape service. 424-6113 or 989-5965 1974 Ford 3000 with power steering live clutch, good condition would like to trade for lOOh.p. Ford or John Dere.

422-5282. Prom Dresses, sizes 6 to 8, $30 td NEED EXTRA INCOME? The Jackson Sun needs a carrier for a small motor route covering Bolivar A Whiteville area. Need to live in or close to Bolivar, be dependable A have small dependable transportation. Contact: BETTY RICKjVIAN orTlMSTRATTON Toll Free 1-800-372-3922 Equal Opportunity Employer 15' Crestllner w80 trailer, recently tuned. SlaoO.

668-8233 aft 4:30 pm anytime weekends $50. Call 668-0844 Of 668-9497 FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Delivered ft racked. Call anytime. James Blaylock, 422-1897.

NEW LISTING Moving to Vegas 29 Camellia Super 4 BR brick, 2 ba, den wFP Separate LR 12x16 deck partial basem*nt central gas heat double carport 2,000 sq. ft. heated erea Only $53,900 Ask for Bonnie. 668-7000; nights 668-8480. Town Country Inc.

Realtors. Quasar Color Video Camera. 1 row Holland Transplanter, good cond. Also, 6,000 lb. Stab-llzer type trailer hitch.

422-2953 16' Tidecraft, 33 h.p. Johnson, Film vour gotf swing. Great for depth finder, 28 lb foot control 87 home movies. $450. Call Henry Harrison, 424-8640.

Good Things To Eat fro ting motor, stick steer no. Mobile Homes For Sale. 1970 Frontier, 12x45, 2 BR, furnished, $2900. 1975 Madonna, 12x65, 3 BR, l'i bath, $4500. 1976 Titan, 12x64, 3 BR, 2 baths, $4900.

1973 Citation, 12x70, 3 BR, 2 baths. $5500. 1977 Frankland, 14x70, 3 BR, 2 baths. $7900. Others In stock from $2900.

Finanicne delivery available for qualified buyers. Larry Melton Mobile Homes, Hwy 104 North, Lexington, Tn. 901-968-5324. 2 grain beds, 3500 bushel capacity each with blowers. Cell 783-3593 drive on trailer, S2410.

664-0019 Realistic CB base station, excellent condition. $250. Call Henry Harrison 424-8640. Bob White Quail, dressed, $2.00 each. Baby quail eggs for sale.

Call 787-6676. 18 Ft. Winner, 150 HP Mercury, fully equipped, with Tennessee trailer. Both mint condition. Serious Inquiries only 901-847-7365.

Restaurant type freezer, $400. 3 Axle Flat steel bed trailer, good for hauling farm equipment or term use. 1 row Allls Chalmers tractor. Breeker 8, cultivator. Call 422-5335 Commercial icemaker, $350.

NEWS RELEASE Custom build a brick home with all whistles buttons for under $30 per square foot. Builder, Dennis Terry. Sales by Bonnie Collins, 668-7000; nights 668-8480. Town Country Realtors. White Buffalo Fish, $1.00 per lb.

Nona lass than 51b. delivered. 422-5752 LUXURY LEASES Large new 2BR Apt $335mo. 3 BR, 2 bath, fireplace, deck. 83 Kemmons $475mo.

New 3 BR, 2 ba, FP, deck, drapes, 9 Kemmons $500mo. 3 BR, 2 bath, bonus room, 2 car garage, FP, deck. 31 $625mo. 4 BR, 2 bath bonus room 2 car garage, FP, deck, wet bar, 143 Plantation $800mo. Sam Crone 668-5841 Julie Crone 668-8958 North: 3 BR, 2200 sq.

ft. Fenced, deck, etc. Short lease or lease purchase. Avail, now. 668-2603.

NS Schools. 3 BR, 2 BA, Vi acre lot, Greet Rm, DR, carport with storage, 4 yrs old. $450. 668-4848 3 BR, 2 bath, HA, carpets, flreplece, enclosed eerage. No lease required unless desired.

$450 mo. $300 dep. References required. 14 Emerson. 424-5291.

1975 1 6' Arrowglass, walk-thru I Call 662-7264 after 5 PM windshield, comp. reblt motor, Moody trailer. S3.000. 989-7566. Want to Buy: Used Mobile Homes.

For Instant Cash, call Savannah 901-925-2815 Home 3 point rotary cutter, 5 ft. wide, excellent condition. 852-4482 after 7. 88 1977 Monarch 14 ft. Flat bottom fishing boat, (200.

7B4-6638. ROOFING Metal roofing, heavy gauge -Cheap. Call: TUCKS PANELING 58 Out-of-Town Real Estate 4030 John Deere, 4 post canopy, quad transmission, front reer weights, excellent condition. 18500. 989-5318 Early American 7 drawer maple desk, large table lamp large wall picture.

All In real good condition. Call 427-1403. RAWBLEWOOD FOR SALE BY OWNER Spacious 4 BR, 3 BA home, LR, DR, den wFP, all extras, 173 Wllla Ridge Circle. Call 668-9591 for appointment. 1978 16 Ft.

Metalflake ski boat, 85 HP Evlnrude with tilt ft trim. 84,000 firm. Serious inquiries only call 742-1905. 1806 Hollywood 668-9437 3 BR house 7 Acres of Ground, furnished or unfurnished. Private boat dock, private drive, good garden, good orchard, located 12 miles South of, Decatur-ville on TN.

River. Price Re-ducedl Call 549-9775 nights. Rotten Cotton Hulls, Saw Dust, Black Dirt, Top Soli, Field Dirt, 2 Box Springs 2 Mattresses, 1 year old, twin bed or bunk bad frames. All $150. 989-3089 aft 25 HP Evlnrude electric start, new block, completely reworked this winter.

Must sell, bad Barnyard Fertilizer. 424-7521 6 ft. Tuf-lino ball bearing disk, $425. 12 ft. John Deere roller harrow, needs repair, (125.

2 wheel livestock trailer, J1S0. 16 ft. all steel double axle trailer, heavy duty frame, $1000. 52 In-ternetlonal, 1 ton, dual wheels, 4 speed, $500. 2 bred Yorkshire sows 3 shoats, $450.

422-5282. SALE ONE WEEK health, saoo. After 6 pm 7B4-3434. New 1 o. 60 eel air compres NEED EXTRA INCOME? If you are 12 years old or older and have a good bicycle or small motorcycle, this could be your chance.

The Jackson Sun needs paper boys or girls in the Northside area. Please Contact: SUE INMAN 423-1010 Equal Opportunity Employer MrVH 1 couches, 1 chair, air conditioner. 427-2178 after 5. I I if 59 Farms For Sale Aluminum Boat with 50 horsa Evlnrude motor. 1200 or best sors, $550.

1 horsa 11 gal tank air compressors, $175. Chicken. RAMBLEWOOD Bv owner: 4 years old, 3 BR, 2 large greatroom with cathedral celling, fireplace, oak cabinets, extra large 2 car garage. TVA approved Insulation. Deck.

PopeNS schools. By appointment only 668-7961. offer. Call 968-6775 WHY RENT 4 BR home completely remodeled Let a return of rents pay your down payment. You must have good credit Ask for Bon nle, 668-7000; nights 668-8480.

Town Country Rea I tors. Darn aoies, nvngfrmii in. Days 989-2424, Nights 989-3628 4 piece maple bedroom suit, very reasonably priced. 668-2618 6 pc. den set, good heavy wood Farm for Sale.

Ranch style home, barn, 75 acres. 6 years Old. $90,000. 989-4771 aft 3 Pm. Bass Master bass boat model B16 with trailer.

115 HP A2 repair, $400. NH baler, model 175, $1650. 1977 4 door LTD, $1 100. Call 424-1399. Evlnrude fh power frlm, ust Sears Roebuck video arcade with 8 tapes, 75.

Call 658-5072. big cushions, $275. call days 668-9312, after Pm 668-8535 70 Mobile Homes For Rent serviced. 2 live wells, Johnson trolling motor with foot conrol, full cover, mora Items. Must sell, bad health.

S2.550. For Sale: 1466 International Tractor w470 wine disc. 4 row cultivator, RG4. 2 row cultivator. 4 row JD planter, 4493.

Breaking plow. 424-1878 Green Herculon Early American Sofa 8, matching Rocking Chair, $225. Brown platform rocker, $50. All In good cond. 668-1426 Call After 6 PM 784-3434.

2 BR unfurnished mobile home for rent. Also mobile home tot for rent. Call after 5 PM 424-1974 Or 668-4926. Boat. Motor Trailer.

Alum. For Sale: Very nice J.D. 60, J.D. 12 ft. disk, MF 4x14" breaker.

427-5232 SHOWCASE FURNITURE CENTER Located on Hwy 45 Hwy It Next Door To Custom Vans- Fri. April UnUUtli-Truckload Bedding Sale boat, 12 ft. V-Bottom. 6 Horsa Johnson. 69 model.

$550, 422-5860 Household Furniture. Sony TV, 7' screen. Lowrey organ. Grandfather Clock. All excellent condition.

Call 423-2249 I Fully furnished 2 BR, Includes linens, dishes, pots, pans, etc. Parkway Villas loc. 422-5764 HE VEEG1 J-20 Ditch Witch Trencher, good condition. $1850. 668-6634 Want to sail that tent? Living Room Suite for sale.

In good, clean condition. 423-8799 Real nice unfur 2BR, 2ba mobile home, swimming pool, $80 wk or $270mo, $100 dep. 424-0922 John Deere 40. 3 P.H., 3 pieces of equipment. $950.

Call 687-3923, THE MIGHTY $5.55 will run vour 3 line ad days The Jackson Sun 1 day The Jackson EXTRA 72 Office Space For Rent Unbellveavle low prices on bed ding. Starting at $29.00 placet BR suites, dresser with mirror, chests, headboard: starting at $149.95. LR suites: starting at 1119.95. Dinette sets starting a $69.00. Reclinera 179.00.

Storg full of furniture. Wholesale prices. Call 427-2099. METAL CULVERTS 6" Through 144" Dlemeter. Free Delivery.

Call Day or Night, (901)687-3770. Claiborne Wells, Mllledgevllle, Tenn. For rent: offices, $125 8, up. Includes utll. 8.

ianltor. Off Car. Experienced Chrysler Line Tech Excellent benefits including hospitalization dental insurance, paid vacations. Automatic trans, experience required. Pay depends on experience.

Confaef. Greg Luke or O'Neal Kirby Tennessee Boat Trailer, $225. Call after SPm, 423-1754 nee House, can 668-8515. SHOWCASE FURNITURE CENTER Located on Hwy 45 i Hwy 18 Next Door To Custom Vans Fri. ft Sat.a April 14th 15th Truckload Bedding Sale Unbellveavle low prices on bad- OFFICE SPACE, utll.

Ian. Incl. $9S mo. 8, up. Carriage Tidecraft Bass Boat, 50 h.p.

Merc. Hummingbird d. S. motor guide trolling motor, live well. Moody trailer, very nice.

$2600. 664-2201 Side by side frost free refrlgeras tor, $150. Gat apartment size range, $75. Call 422-5158. Skyline Dr.

800-2400 sq. ft. Cold- In Person Only Used Farm Equipment: F-2 Gleaner combine, 1981 model. 11' chisel plows. Set of duel wheels for Int.

tractor. Hydraulic auger wegon. 1200 gel. water tenk wpump motor. Fifth wheel stock trailer, 5 ft, wide 14 ft.

long. Int. 5 prong tub-toller. ft. buihhog.

986-922. iv well Bankers Stoneheven Realtors. Sharon Matthews 668-3355 FOR SALE BY OWNER Rustic stone cypress on wooded lot. 4 large bedrooms, 1 with built-in bookcases cabi; nets, large den with Kodiak insert, Ig. closets, 3 full baths, huge rec.

room with built-in gun case, Ig. eat-in country kitchen, Ig. washroom, dining entrance has hardwood floors. 105 WATLINGTON 427-1273 or 424-2631 ding. Starting at $29.00 a place.

Snapper riding mower, 30" cur, electric start, U50. Call 743-1968. 94 BR suites, dresser with mirror, chests, headboard: starting at Firearms Small Office with utilities, 128 Devonshire, $150 to $300. 668-8861 days, 668-4391 night weekends Soft sculptured dolls (Cabbaoa Patch Look A Likes). 427-1579, S149.9S.

LR suites: starting at 423-1690 or 668-95)4. BLACK POWDER TtaM Tr (ALU rati $139.95. Dinette sets starting at $69.00. Rtcllnars $79.00. Store full of furniture.

Wholesale prices. Call 427-2099. 46 Farm Feeds, Seeds $165 $1B5. Dixie Flintlock .45 Tl Home Computer, hardware i sottwear. Call after 1 427-9481 THE MIGHTY $5.55 will run your 3 line ad 6 days The Jackson Sun 1 day The Jackson EXTRA Ruger Red Hawk, 44 magnum, For Sele: Kentucky 31 Fescue, good for yards.

50c per pound. Cell 422-561 Tiller, 4 h.p., $100. 5 h.p., $150. Drafting table machine, $350. stainless, Vh" barrel.

Ilka new. Used Couch, $25. 668-027) before 7am or after 10pm. My. iaii M-v!.

The Jackson Sun from Jackson, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.