Science says a once-a-week Pilates workout can improve a runner's time by 5,000 times - here's a beginner's session to get started - The Holistic Healing (2024)

Doing some form of strength training is one of the best ways for runners to improve their performance and recovery from injury, and Pilates is a great low-impact way to cross-train and support your running.

To learn more about the best ways to incorporate Pilates for runners into your training routine, we spoke to Liz Patient, certified Pilates instructor and founder of the Pilates for Runners app.

About our experts

About our experts

liz patient

Liz Patient is a Level 3 Certified Pilates Instructor and founder of Pilates for Runners, a service that provides Pilates workouts and training plans for runners. The patient is a trail running enthusiast who founded Pilates for Runners in 2020 after using Pilates to rehabilitate and prevent recurrence of his own running injuries. The patient completed his Level 3 Pilates instructor certification in 2017.

What are the benefits of Pilates for runners?

“Pilates is a powerful tool for runners looking to increase speed and strength, improve posture and form, and reduce injury risk,” says Patient. “Studies have shown that incorporating weekly Pilates into your training can improve not only your 5K time, but also your core strength and VO2 max (Finatto et al. 2018).

“Pilates focuses on building a strong core and core, including the hips, hips, and shoulders, and improving coordination, motor control, and proprioception. [body awareness] All enhance overall stability and balance. This allows runners to maintain optimal posture and form with each stride as their bodies absorb the high loads of contact with the ground.

“Studies also show that Pilates improves functional movement (Laws et al. 2017 and Lim et al. 2019). With a strengthened core, runners can reduce force to their bodies, especially their lower extremities. Increased transmission allows for more efficient and powerful strides.

“Incorporating Pilates into your schedule can reduce injuries and help you enjoy running even more. Pilates is a great balance to running, reducing mental and physical stress on your body. Focus on your breathing. This not only reduces stress and anxiety, but also lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, making your body less stressed. At the same time, focus on improving your overall movement through movement variety, strength, and mobility. All of this helps reduce the risk of muscle overuse due to the repetitive nature of running.”

What’s a good way for runners to start Pilates?

“Due to the low-impact nature of Pilates, you can do it at any time without affecting your running training,” says Patient. “You can start with short but regular and consistent sessions tagged with running or existing strength training. Start with just 10 minutes of training 3-4 times a week to see results and go from there. Adjust and adjust your sessions to suit your running.”

Beginner Pilates Workout for Runners

1 swimming

Science says a once-a-week Pilates workout can improve a runner's time by 5,000 times - here's a beginner's session to get started - The Holistic Healing (1)

set 1 manager 12-15 on each side

Get on all fours and extend your opposite arm and leg as far away from your body as possible. Pick them up, pause, and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side, alternating between each rep. Imagine balancing a tray full of drinks on your back. Therefore, when moving, try to keep your torso as still as possible and avoid letting your stomach drop when lifting your arms and legs.

progress: Once your arms and legs are straightened and lifted, move your arms and legs away from your body, keeping your torso as still as possible.

2 Around the world

Science says a once-a-week Pilates workout can improve a runner's time by 5,000 times - here's a beginner's session to get started - The Holistic Healing (2)

set 2-3 time 1-2 minutes per side

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To help with balance, stand and raise your arms to your sides at shoulder height. Raise one leg and bend the knee of your standing leg to get into a one-legged squat position, tapping the other leg as far in front of you as possible. Straighten your standing leg and repeat tapping your foot to the side. For the next squat, tap your feet back and finally move your feet to the back on the opposite side of your body. When performing this exercise, try to keep your torso as stable as possible on your standing leg.

Progress: Interlace your fingers in front of your chest so you don’t have to use your arms for balance.

3 pull your leg

Science says a once-a-week Pilates workout can improve a runner's time by 5,000 times - here's a beginner's session to get started - The Holistic Healing (3)

set 3 time 30-45 seconds

Get on all fours, tuck your toes, and raise your knees slightly off the floor, keeping them as low as possible. Lift one leg at a time from the floor, keeping your knees and torso as still as possible. Lower your leg to the floor and repeat on the other side. Imagine again a tray full of drinks balancing on your back.

Progress: As you raise your leg, raise your opposite hand and tap your opposite shoulder.

4 single leg hip hinge

Science says a once-a-week Pilates workout can improve a runner's time by 5,000 times - here's a beginner's session to get started - The Holistic Healing (4)

set 2-3 time 1-2 minutes on each leg

Stand up and raise your arms to your sides to shoulder height. Bend your hips forward, lean forward so your chest faces the floor, and lift one leg behind you as high as possible. Pause, then return to the beginning. Try to move as smoothly as possible.

Progress: For an added challenge to keeping your balance, start by placing your arms above your head.

5 Sidekick

Science says a once-a-week Pilates workout can improve a runner's time by 5,000 times - here's a beginner's session to get started - The Holistic Healing (5)

set 1 time 1-2 minutes per side

Lie on your side with your knees bent and your body resting on your forearms. Lift your hips and extend your top leg so that your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. First, lift your top leg to waist height. Lift as high as possible while maintaining the position of your hips, then lower with control. The knee and foot of the moving leg should be facing forward or slightly downward, rather than pointing toward the ceiling. This is because it targets the muscles on the outside of your hip joint.

Progress: Try this same leg movement from a kneeling position, with your arms straight instead of bent.

Science says a once-a-week Pilates workout can improve a runner's time by 5,000 times - here's a beginner's session to get started - The Holistic Healing (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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