Chainsaw Crafted From A Crossbow - Chapter 1 - AstralAscension (2024)

Chapter Text

Yokohama, Japan 1986

Yokohama may not have been as illustrious as Tokyo, but it was still a highly regarded area of Japan. It had around 210,000 people as of right now, but it was ever growing.

The National Devil Extermination Public Safety Commission's First Division was no exception, it had some of the finest Devil Hunter's in all of Japan, arguably some of the best in the world...although in order to achieve this, they made their workers and trainee's undergo a rather brutal and vigorous training regimen in order to be able to go face-to-face with the beings that they were called hunters of, the same beings that embodied specific fears that all of humanity had at some point at least.

Speaking of these hunters...


A young woman with cream-colored hair, styled in a ponytail fashion was thrown onto a matt by her mentor. "S-Sensei! Cut it out!" Quanxi cried.

A tall, grizzled man who had a stitched scar running across his left cheek from his mouth and merely glared at her. "Cut it out? Why would I cut it out? You do remember what your training is supposed to be, right, Quanxi?"

Quanxi huffed. "I know, I'm just feeling a little off today is all."

"Off? Has the brat been acting up?"

"Denji is not a brat!" Quanxi growled at the older man.

Kishibe rolled his eyes. "No need to get so furious about it, Quanxi."

"No need? He's my baby! You don't get to talk about him like-"

"You do know we're still in the middle of training, right, Quanxi?" Kishibe cut her off, reminding her of what she was doing at the time.

"We're done for today, look!" Quanxi pointed at the clock above them on the left side of the gym.

Kishibe's eyes narrowed. "You're right about that...alrighty then." he let out a sigh as he stood up, stretching his shoulders. “See ya in three days, Quanxi. Make sure you remember every lesson I just taught you.”

Quanxi rolled her eyes. “I sure will, sensei.” her tone holding a hint of sarcasm within it.

"Wait, one more thing." Kishibe's voice stopped her as she was right in front of the door.


"Tell the kid I say "hi" okay, Quanxi?"

The woman smirked. "I knew you care about him, you really are a tsundere aren't you, sensei?"

"Just go." Kishibe growled at her.

"Okay~" Quanxi sang mockingly as she went out the door.

"Talk about one long, boring day.." the eyepatch wearing woman had said to herself.

"Kishibe’s training was about as hellish as usual..” Quanxi sighed, referring to her mentor’s typical teaching routine.

‘It never ever changes....Still I know he cares about me at least...' Quanxi smiled fondly. Although he could be harsh and strict, deep down, Quanxi knew that Kishibe cared for her in some way. Like that time she needed to go home and make sure her child wasn't in any danger, or the time she needed to pay her rent at a specific date.

When she first joined Public Safety at the age of 18, Quanxi wasn't too sure of what to think about the geezer...She eventually learned, after 3 missions, that he wasn't so bad after all, disproving the many claims of his many detractors.

However she had more important priorities to think about at this time. "Hmmm, I wonder what I should make for me and Denji," She said to herself, pondering on what food to make for her and her child.

Although Quanxi was technically Chinese, she worked as a devil hunter working for the Yokohama division of 'Japan's Public Safety, Devil Hunting Commission' As a matter of fact, she just so happened to work for the very first division, 'Public Safety Devil Hunting Commission, Special Division 1' to be more specific.

Hmm, how about hot-pot? Quanxi wondered to herself, as much as she wanted mapo tofu, it would take quite a long time to make it, and both she and quite possibly Denji were starving. Additionally, she was forced to feed some dumpling's to both herself and Denji for breakfast rather than a hearty Omurice, or even some Miso, so she knew they were both hungry as heck. And Quanxi could not stand to see her little boy go hungry, all children deserve to eat food, good food at that, in decent portions.

"Maybe, it does sound like a good idea though.." Quanxi concluded.

Quanxi's profession though well paying was quite tiring and long, it was even worse considering Quanxi was a mother who loved her precious child dearly with all her heart, and then some.

Her son's name was Denji, made by combining the words "Tenshi'' meaning angel and "Denchi" meaning battery, given his kind heart and energetic nature that she adored with all her being. She had chosen his name when she was looking through both a dictionary she possessed as well as a list of Japanese names for boys, a colleague from her previous job had provided her.

Her son was the most important person in her life, although she never once regretted having him, she does regret that his father had to be a piece of sh*t who made her discovery of her liking women more way too quick and disgusting…Denji was the only good thing to have come out of that.

Quanxi was a single mom at the age of 26, and in addition to that she was also a lesbian, despite Denji being her biological son, and as much as she did not like men. Denji was still the most important person in Quanxi's life. Maybe even more so than herself, now that she thought about it, actually.

And while it obviously wasn't an easy job being a mom in her mid-20's to an energetic toddler, she didn't care how hard it was given how she had one of the best kid's in the world as her little boy.

To be honest Denji was far from a curse, in fact he was nothing short of a blessing in her life, and the one blessing in particular that she was most grateful for. As soon as she first saw his adorable, pudgy little face...somewhat covered with her womb's blood, she instantly adored him. She thought of what to give him when she was able to take him home with her, what clothes to put him in when he got older, what hobby to show him first, all sorts of things if she was to be completely honest.

‘Heh, now that was a great time, during an even greater day…’ Quanxi grinned, full of pride.

Could you really blame her though? She had one of the most amazing kids in all of the planet as her son and last remaining family member, after her parents passed away and her aunt…Quanxi didn't want to say how it happened, but it was terrible to say the very least.

But now wasn't the time to think about bad thing's. She had one objective as of now.

Go home, play with her son, and make them dinner.

"Finally!" Quanxi laughed, happy to return to her apartment after her gratuitous day slaying devils and doing paperwork, where her child was waiting for her.

She went into her right pocket and took out a pair of keys, before inserting them into her door's keyhole, successfully opening the black lock.

”I’m home, my little angel!~” The woman sang loudly with a tiny smirk, as she got there.

Quanxi looked around for a bit, with a light puzzled expression as she closed the door behind her. Denji usually waited right by the door for her, whenever she came home for the evening.

"Denji?" Quanxi called.

Now she was getting worried- usually whenever she came home and did this routine, Denji would come running out of the living room and go to receive a hug from her, but for some reason he didn't come yet.

She frowned. "Den-Den? Honey? I'm ho-" she was cut off by two small arms wrapping around her waist. When she looked down to see who had given her the hug, she was greeted by a small six year old boy, who had an orange long-sleeve on, with black shorts. The short boy had yellow-hair and orange eyes, just like her...well minus his teeth, which looked razor sharp, and they were, Quanxi would be an idiot not to remember the time Denji accidentally bit her when he was three during a dinner session.

But aside from that, Quanxi couldn't be happier.

"Māmā! Yer home!" Denji yelled with a huge smile on his face, complimented by his chubby cheeks.

"Heh, well I guess I am." Quanxi smiled back at him, then scooped up Denji into an air hug as he laughed.

"I missed you, Māmā." he said, happy that his mother was home.

"I missed you too, fēngmì." she said, happy to see that her baby was okay.

Quanxi smiled and put her hands on his shoulders. "How was your day, Den-Den?" she asked, only to witness as all of Denji's happy energy had vanished, instantly.

"Oh...that?" Denji said it with his head down, looking more dejected than he normally looked which made Quanxi cry a little inside.

"I felt kind of sad and lonely when you left, Māmā..." Quanxi was saddened by what Denji had just informed her of.

One of the few things that could truly hurt Quanxi was to see her son like this, and it killed her on the inside to see him cry and sob, especially in pain of any sort, it hurt worse than any blade or Devil smacking her with their limb.

Quanxi shuddered at the powers that specific types of Devil's possessed and what they could and did do with them.

Just then the woman noticed a hand tugging her pants. “Māmā.” Quanxi looked down at her son to see what he wanted. “When are we gonna eat? I haven’t eaten since we had breakfast.”

Quanxi’s eyes widened as she realized that she didn’t

It was about 17:30, which meant they would need both lunch and dinner, which Quanxi thought was rather odd in her head.

Looking up at the white popcorn ceiling that was surrounded by the coffee colored walls in her home, above her, Quanxi got to thinking on how to cheer Denji up.

She didn’t have enough soy milk, nor enough time to prepare tofu for mapo tofu, as well as being short on Thai bird chili peppers, which so ruled that out as an option, quickly, Quanxi also believed that Denji needed more time to get used to the spices in it.

Baozi would take too long as well, it would take about 30 minutes to prepare the pork and get the other filling’s ready and even more for the dough to be made, pressed, and steamed, which made Baozi impossible to make in time, just like mapo tofu.

Quanxi groaned at this realization.

'C'mon, Quanxi, think! It's about time for dinner, what can you make?' she pushed herself, mentally.

"Māmā, I saw this cool show on the T.V where a man dressed as a mushroom and had his friend dress up as a pepper, and they battled this pig with a beetle horn on it named Kabuta, I laughed a lot watching it, could we watch it after we eat dinner, cause they said they'd rerun it or something."

Quanxi's eyes went wide as Denji brought up certain things. When he mentioned the mushroom man, his peppery friend and the pig-beetle thing she had recalled the fact that she had all the pepper's, mushroom's, and pork(thankfully without any hints of beetle in it) cut for the pot, stored in their container's in her fridge, exactly the right ingredients for...shiitake nabe(Chinese-style of course...even if shiitake meant Japanese-style) hot-pot!

A smirk began to birth itself on Quanxi's lips as she now knew what to make for the two of them.

Quanxi leaned back down to talk properly to her son. "Denji, when's the last time we ate some shiitake?"

"Um, about...I forget-" Denji's eyes widened as he made the realization- his sadness instantly vanishing in the process. "Māmā, are you gonna-"

"Yup, how does shiitake nabe sound to you, little man?" Quanxi had a warm grin on her face.

"Jīngrén de!" Denji clapped his hands and chirped, widening Quanxi's smile within less then a second.

”Okay, honey, let's sit you down at the table and I can prepare to make us some shiitake.”

Denji nodded his head and walked to the table. Quanxi picked him up and sat him down. "Yer the best, Māmā!" he smiled warmly.

Quanxi smiled back at him and laughed a little bit, as she gently patted her son on the head. “You too, Den-Den..."

She proceeded to put her apple green apron and went to the pan to begin creating the meal.

Guangzhou, China 1997

“......Denji…” All of a sudden, Quanxi had woken up from that good memory with tears falling out of her eyes, feeling very sad, remembering the sweet memories of her and her boy before she left…She had too…god knows she did…But still…

Quanxi gasped for air, as she suddenly woke up, which woke all of her women up in the process.

"Agh.." Long grunted.

"Halloween?" Cosmo groaned.

Tsugihagi sat still, her eyes stayed open for a few seconds before closing again.

"Lady Quanxi!" Pingtsi yelled at her in concern, stirred awake by her girlfriend's sudden movements.

Quanxi took a moment or two to breathe in and out. Tears still streamed out of her eyes thanks to that good...yet bittersweet memory.

"Lady Quanxi!!!" Pingtsi's cries of concern took her out of the breakdown...somewhat.

"What is it, Pingtsi?" Quanxi asked, wanting to know what she needed.

"Why were you crying while we were sleeping?" She asked.

"Pingtsi's right, why were you crying so badly, Quanxi?" Long's voice was gentle as she asked, however.

Quanxi rarely if ever cried, she mainly brooded or simply didn't express too much negative emotion's besides boredom and frustration, so to see her cry and not just cry, but to have it so bad that she needed to wake up and breathe in and out for a bit, was concerning to say the least.

As both of her girls had begun to question her, the white-haired woman simply let out a sigh.

Damn it, looks like they saw…she just can’t get into right now, no one but her mentor or that bitch knew of her son and she preferred to keep it that way. For his safety, she wouldn’t even tell her girls.

"Look, Pingtsi, Long, let's just say thinking about Japan...has made me feel very sad...I’m sorry girls, but I can’t really say anything more than that, okay?" she said, hoping to get Pingtsi off her back.

"S-sure, Lady Quanxi!" Pingtsi stammered.

"Understood!" Long nervously nodded, freaked out by the sudden vagueness

With that Pingtsi and Long had both gone back to bed on both of her sides, leaving Quanxi there alone to deal with herself and also her feelings.

"Why did I have to remember that time? And during this time?" Quanxi muttered to herself, still sad. No one could really blame her though seeing as what had ended up happening with her and her baby.

To be honest, the worst mistake that Quanxi made in her life(and that's out of her very long list of mistakes), was leaving her son behind in Japan with.......his piece of sh*t father.

While Quanxi now had her beloved harem of Fiends, along with high quality living conditions and a large sum of money in her bank account...they were nowhere near enough to truly fill the hole in her heart, left by her abandonment of Denji.

Now that he was on her mind, she wondered if he was okay, she had hoped that maybe his father died, possibly by a devil or by someone he upset, and Denji had the chance to go to an orphanage and be adopted by a good parent or good parents.

Anything was better than that bigoted limp-dicked bastard she forced herself to date.

And speaking of Denji, she had honestly wished him the best life he could possibly live.

Quanxi had to leave him, or else Denji was going to be hurt by HER of all people.

Honestly Quanxi hated thinking about that filthy little, crimson haired, yellow ring eyed, bitch.

But sadly, there was nothing she could do about least....not yet.


Quanxi was shocked out of her thoughts by the sound of her alarm clock, blaring.


She hit the snooze button with her fist, nearly breaking the alarm in the process as Quanxi glared at the inanimate object. "Damn thing, right when I'm-wait..."

The glare that was present on her face, had disappeared as soon as she realized what it meant and what day it was.

'sh*t!' Quanxi thought.

It was the same day, she was to leave China to go to Japan to fulfill her current objective: Capture or kill (Most likely kill) the Chainsaw Hybrid in Japan, for her girlfriend's right's and educational future.

As such, she now had to wake up and get for the job so she could provide for herself and her Fiend's, she would have to cheer up in order to perform properly, or the government would be mad at her and may even hurt her girls.

'Better get ready, maybe some sightseeing in Tokyo will make things better.' she thought. 'Yeah it should work.' she had reasoned, though she still couldn't shake off the sadness that she had inside.

She nudged Long and Pingtsi to wake up. "Girls, I know you just went back to sleep, but would you please start waking up now?" Quanxi called for her girlfriend's/assistant's to being waking up to help her out with this mission.

And with that Quanxi gathered her fiend's and told them to wake up, eat breakfast, and wash up to get ready for the flight to Tokyo.

But as she was getting ready for the day...she still remembered the most precious person in the world to her.

" hope I see you again." she sobbed to herself, wistfully.

And with that, a new chapter in her life began.

Chainsaw Crafted From A Crossbow - Chapter 1 - AstralAscension (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.